Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 7 7 extra points breakthrough

Chapter 7 Extra points for breakthrough

Luo Ning was lying on the bed at the moment, recalling the time he spent playing games on Earth. ♡

He remembered that when playing a card game, he would often log in at 12 o'clock every night in order to receive refreshed monthly cards, daily benefits, etc.

He didn't expect that in a different world, he would be holding up his fighting eyelids again, waiting for the arrival of 12 o'clock in the morning.

The room was silent, the flickering light of white candles illuminating the dark environment.

"It's 12 o'clock!"

Luo Ning looked at the changes on the sign-in panel and showed joy.

[Attribute point +1]

Once the time is up, he will sign in automatically, and Luo Ning's attribute points will increase by 1 point.

At the same time, the rewards on the second day of seven-day login have also become available for claim.

The name of this reward was "Classic Gift Pack", not that kind of character card, so Luo Ning chose to receive it without hesitation.

Suddenly, a red gold-rimmed package appeared in Luo Ning's sight, and then opened, bursting out with a burst of intense light.

[Attribute points +30]

[Energy Essence +60]

Luo Ning looked at his attribute panel:

[Level]: Mortal (1/10)+;

[Attribute points]: 31

[Energy Essence]: 60

"Can it be upgraded?"

Luo Ning looked at the level column, feeling a little excited and anxious. What would happen?

"add a bit!"

With a thought in mind, I entered.

In an instant, Luo Ning felt that his body and spirit had been greatly improved.

Even though it was twelve o'clock in the evening, he was still so alive that he couldn't sleep.

Bang bang, bang bang...

He could clearly hear the beating of his heart, it was so healthy and powerful!

Now, he has completely gotten rid of his previous weak constitution and ushered in a new life.

At the same time, the properties panel has also changed:

[Level]: 1-Junior Knight (0/100)+; 1-Junior Magician (0/150)+

[Attribute points]: 22

"I actually became a double extraordinary professional at the same time!"

For humans, there are two kinds of extraordinary power, one is fighting spirit and the other is magic power, corresponding to knights and magicians.

After Luo Ning made some breakthroughs, he mastered these two extraordinary powers at the same time.

He closed his eyes and carefully felt the position of his heart. He could vaguely feel a seed beating and germinating.

"This is the legendary fighting spirit seed."

As the knight's physical fitness increases, the fighting spirit seeds will become stronger and stronger, and eventually the fighting spirit inside will burst out. This is the sign of becoming an intermediate knight.

As for the magician, it's much simpler.

Luo Ning could feel that there was a wonderful space in his brain. Magicians could absorb external elements through meditation and enter this space to refine them into mana.

The speed of refining depends on the magician's affinity for each type of element.

Luo Ning has super affinity with both wind and fire elements, so his refining speed is naturally very fast.

"Wow, wow!"

When he first arrived in another world, Luo Ning mastered the magical power and was extremely excited.

"The rewards for logging in these seven days are not bad either."

He chuckled, completely forgetting how he felt when he scolded the dog for planning.

He looked at the remaining 22 attribute points and started thinking.

At this stage, physical fitness is very important to him, so it would be better to add some knights first.

So, he added all the remaining attribute points to the knight level.

As his body strengthened again, Luo Ning felt that his strength was stronger than ever before. He could throw a punch casually, which probably took more than twenty years of effort.

He could also feel that the grudge seed in his heart had grown a bit stronger.

"Okay, good!"

Now he also understands the five interfaces of his golden finger: monthly sign-in, seven-day login, first deposit bonus, achievement tasks, and attribute panel.

The monthly check-ins and achievement tasks are endless;

The seven-day login and first deposit bonus are the same as the idea when designing the system, stimulating players in a short period of time and bringing about retention and payment;

The property panel is the consumption port and the functional part.

"The rewards for monthly sign-in can be increased by increasing the title level, so becoming a viscount will be my goal in the next stage. Moreover, becoming a viscount can also complete achievements and obtain attribute point rewards."

Having mastered extraordinary power, Luo Ning naturally wanted to reach a higher level.

It is said that he is so powerful that he can even live up to 200 years old. Luo Ning naturally yearns for such a powerful match.

Thinking of this, he began to regret it again.

"If I had known that the sign-in reward is linked to the title level, I should have prayed to grandpa to give me a viscount when I was in Wushan Fortress."

This is actually just talk.

Generally speaking, only heirs who reach adulthood are knighted.

Take Breton, who received the right of inheritance, for example. After he came of age and before Wiggins died, he could only receive the title of viscount from his father.

It was impossible for Luo Ning, who had lost his inheritance rights, to get a viscount from Wiggins. Being a baron was already a top priority.

"In this era, titles are based on military merit."

It can be said that those who are powerful may not necessarily have a title, but those who have a title must be powerful (except those who inherit the title from the previous generation).

What is missing in the middle is military exploits.

Follow the great nobles to fight in all directions and make great contributions. When the merits are accumulated and recognized by the great nobles, you may obtain a title.

If you want to achieve military success, personal strength is the key, but the strength of the team is also indispensable.

Luo Ning thought to himself, it seemed that he had to manage the territory well and cultivate a force of his own.

As long as there is an army that is good at fighting, success in battle will be just around the corner.

"Everything, let's wait until I arrive in Shanlin Town before making detailed plans."

With excitement and plans for the future, Luo Ning gradually fell into sleep.

In his dream, he saw himself riding on a war horse, waving his flaming sword gently, and his thousands of troops charging to kill with a roar. The scene was so spectacular!

But he never expected that the nine guards assigned to him by Wiggins would already be interested in him.

The night passed quietly.

When Luo Ning woke up, it was already slightly dark. He pushed the door open, and the sound made Chahar, who was sitting on the stool outside the door, jumped up and stood up instantly.

"Good morning, sir, I'll help you wash up."

Chahar enthusiastically prepared toiletries for Luo Ning.

"Why are you here? Didn't I ask Hallwater to arrange a place for you?"

Chahar bent slightly and replied respectfully: "Sir, you have too few servants around you. I was afraid that you might not be able to find anyone if you had something to do at night, so I stayed here to wait."

Luo Ning was a little impressed. He was really a dedicated and good employee~

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"This is my duty, sir!" Chahar responded respectfully.

While washing and having breakfast, Luo Ning also got to know Chahar to a certain extent.

The father of this valet was a professional knight. Although he died in battle many years ago, his status as a professional knight gave Chahar the opportunity to study at the Extraordinary Academy.

After his father's death, Chahar, who had lost his support, relied on his knowledge of some words and his skills in aristocratic etiquette to successfully enter the castle and become a servant of Wushan Castle.

Luo Ning is quite satisfied with this manservant. When he arrives in Shanlin Town, Chahar may become his good assistant.

"I recognize your ability!"

Luo Ning ate a piece of bread with milk.

The fresh milk tasted just fine, but he wasn't used to eating bread. He rarely ate bread when he was on Earth.

"From now on, just follow me and work hard. When Shanlin Town develops in the future, I can guarantee that you will never be worse than Hallwater!"

He stood up, patted Chahar on the shoulder, and made a cake for him.

Chahar's eyes were bright with encouragement and recognition. He suddenly felt that Baron Luo Ning was not as useless as the outside world said. Maybe it would be a good choice for him to take the initiative to apply to Shanlin Town this time.

"It is my honor to serve you, Lord Baron!"


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