Chapter 100 101. Busy Days

The banquets at Shanlin Castle are very simple. They are nothing more than eating and drinking. Unlike some nobles who have music and dancing, here there are only old men who cannot dance, so they can only focus on eating, drinking and bragging. new igh.π‘π‘œπ‘š

For this reason, Luo Ning paid for a pig, six sheep, a dozen chickens and ducks, and an unknown number of fish.

Fortunately, the militiamen only took some food and went back to their homes. If they had participated, Luoning would have been destitute.

Oh, by the way, Chahar has complained about the drinking problem in the castle more than once. Several barrels of sour beer have been consumed, and there are only less than a hundred bottles of medium beer left.

There is an urgent need for a winemaker in the territory. Otherwise, if there are a few more guests or a few banquets, the castle will have to spend money outside to buy wine.

Faced with Chahar's complaint, Luo Ning could only agree. It was a pity that he was not very interested in wine, otherwise he would have remembered this incident last time he went to Muma City.

After the banquet, Luo Ning took several buckets of baths comfortably. He had not taken a serious bath in the past ten days since leaving Shanlin Town, not to mention how comfortable he was.

Luo Ning, who had changed into loose clothes, returned to the study and saw Irene sitting on a chair nearby, holding a book in her hand and reading engrossedly.

Luo Ning glanced at the name of the book, walked over quickly, and closed the book. This startled Irene, who was concentrating on reading.

But after seeing the person coming, Irene laughed in surprise, "Brother Luo Ning, it's over~"

"Well, it's over."

Luo Ning responded with a smile, and at the same time calmly took the book back into his hand and put it on the bookshelf again, "This book is not suitable for you. I will choose a book suitable for you."

Although the plot of this novel called "Princess Fina's Secret Garden" is acceptable, the male and female protagonists nibble together from time to time, and the description is quite in-depth, making it not suitable for little girls.

Luo Ning picked a history book from the bookshelf and handed it to Irene, "Read this "A Brief History of the Empire" more and gain insights."

"A Brief History of the Empire" records the affairs of the Orlant Empire, but unlike history books in the traditional sense, most of the records in it are miscellaneous things about the royal family and nobles, and even quarrels between two big nobles. All are recorded.

Although there is not much valuable information, at least it is more suitable for girls to read than the knight novel just now.

Eileen took the book doubtfully, her mind still stuck on the previous book.

She asked in confusion: "Why is that book not suitable for me to read? Knight Ivan is dueling for Princess Fina. Will he win?"

"Of course he will win, and in the end he will live with the princess forever."

Ronin smiled and revealed the story, "Okay Erin, Bella has prepared a room for you. She is waiting for you outside. Don't keep her waiting too long."

Erin's attention was brought back from the book, "Okay, good night, brother."

After saying that, he quickly left the study.

Luo Ning shook his head helplessly, and then began to review the documents handed over by Chahar and Wilson on the table.

This includes the production status of each team, the autumn harvest results of each village, and the food statistics of Shanlin Town, etc.

He looked at the latter two emphatically.

The total amount of barley harvested this time is about 830,000 jins, which is similar to previous years.

Excluding the seeds reserved for next year, if calculated based on the daily intake of one kilogram of staple food per person, it can support the people of Shanlin Town for nearly ten and a half months.

However, in fact, the staple food consumed by the serfs was less than one kilogram, which was often mixed with other "black technologies", such as wild vegetables and the like.

In other words, this much barley can fully support the people of Shanlin Town until the wheat and barley harvest next year, so there is no problem in getting through the year.

When fertilizer is available next year, planting techniques are promoted, and a lot of new fields are opened, there will be no problem with food.

After breakfast the next morning, Luo Ning began his inspection on his Cloud-Taking Horse.

With his achievements and the consumption of attribute points accumulated by signing in in recent days, he has now entered the stage of a third-level transcendent.

[Level]: 3-Senior Knight (30/300); 3-Senior Magician (0/400)

Looking at the entire Shanlin Town, Luo Ning's strength has already ranked among the top three. Now he no longer needs anyone to escort him when traveling. At most, he can bring Chahar, who is in charge of the feces collection team, and Gallon, who is running errands, as well as those who want to follow. Visit Erin in Hillwood.

The first stop for Luoning's inspection this time was the fertilizer base.

This base was planned when Luo Ning established the manure collection team. The location was chosen in the northwest woodland near the pasture, which is far away from the living areas of the residents and also avoids water sources.

New 𝗰𝗼𝗺

Over the past few days, the construction team has set up a simple shed here. Although it looks rough, it can shield the rainwater and will not hinder the organic fertilizer in the mature stage below.

When the lord came to inspect the fertilizer base in person, the ten slaves who were digging through the piles stood aside in fear. Apart from greeting the lord at first, they didn't know what to say.

However, the valet Galen kept urging Luo Ning to leave this place quickly. After all, as a noble nobleman, it was really beneath his status to come to this place to cheer him up.

Irene had already pinched her nose. If she hadn't seen Brother Luo Ning not leaving, she would have turned around and ran away.

The excrement collection team had picked up excrement for so many days and transported it all to this place. The smell was naturally very unpleasant. If possible, Luo Ning wouldn't want to come over.

But composting technology is still in its infancy and requires his personal guidance.

"Sir, according to your instructions, we have piled useless hay, leaves, wheat straw and other things mixed with dung, and now these dung piles will be turned every three days."

Chahar reported respectfully that he didn't like doing this job either, but he still completed Luo Ning's instructions meticulously.

Luo Ning looked at the dozens of composting organic fertilizer piles in the fertilizer base and nodded slightly, "When composting, remember to spread hay on top to keep it moist."

Generally speaking, they need to prepare straw mats or cloth, but these two things are too wasteful to use here. It is okay to use hay temporarily.

He walked to a compost pile and moved a little closer with his hand. The temperature was still quite high, indicating that it was still in the fermentation stage.

Without a catalyst, this natural fermentation process will last a little longer, probably about 1 to 3 months.

After the temperature of the compost pile has stabilized and the odor has dissipated, the fertilizer can be used.

Luo Ning talked with Chahar and the members of the feces collection team about some problems encountered at work. Except for Chahar, most of the slaves did not dare to express it. Only a female slave named Maxin mentioned it. Some Problems.

I learned from Chahar that this woman is serious about her work, pays attention to details, and is not inferior to the man in strength.

So Luo Ning assigned the other party to be the second person in charge of the fertilizer base and report to Chahar, which relieved the housekeeper's burden.

After all, just the food storage in the castle requires a lot of energy to deal with, and later it also needs to coordinate the food distribution with the three villages outside.

People like Chahar who have good literacy and numeracy skills will naturally play a greater role.

After inspecting the fertilizer base, Luo Ning went to William's ironwood workshop and Kallus's blacksmith shop to check the production of ironwood equipment and the construction of the curved shaft plow respectively.

This time when Luo Ning returned from Huitu Village, he brought back two carpenter slaves. Mutar, who was skilled in skills, was assigned to the ironwood workshop, mainly responsible for the production of ironwood armor;

The less skilled ones were asked to help Kallus and his son make the plow body of the curved shaft plow, and strive to build more curved shaft plows for each village before spring plowing.

In the next few days, Luo Ning inspected the situation of each production team, and at the same time asked the political officer Wilson to organize the people in the spare time to cut down trees in the north and open up a road to Qingzhu Village as soon as possible.

Luoning does not need to pay these people to participate in the work, but unlike in the past, in order to stimulate their enthusiasm, Luoning allows half of the wood mined by the people to take home to repair their houses, or store dry firewood in preparation for the winter. He didn't want any of his people to freeze to death in winter.

In addition, Luo Ning also made a special trip to Tom's mother Leah's tailor shop, observed her spinning wheel and loom, and made a modification design drawing based on it, and asked Pierre to make a model according to the pattern. A small spinning wheel.

As for looms, most of them here use waist looms.

Luo Ning wanted to build a foot-operated loom, which required more detailed design and experiments. He just told William, Peel and his slave Multa about the principles and simple structural diagrams, and asked the latter to first Try it yourself.

There are many trivial matters in the territory. For example, some conflicts among the territory's residents require him to arrange for mediation or trial. Some men and women of the right age who want to get married need Luo Ning's approval, and at the same time, they also need to collect wedding taxes...

Luo Ning directly waived the wedding tax, which was not conducive to population growth, and replaced it with a day's work for free.

After working for several days, he finally made all the arrangements.

On October 8th, Luo Ning took a few guards with him, traveled lightly, and embarked on the journey back to Wushan Fort under the early morning sunshine.

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