
Luo Ning had visited the Silva Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce during his last purchase in Muma City. At that time, he made an appointment with Hook, the other party's salesperson, to come to Shanlin Town to pick up and deliver the goods in early October. ͓̽u͓̽x͓̽.͓̽c͓̽o͓̽m͓̽

Luo Ning didn't expect Hook to be so punctual. He actually arrived in Shanlin Town on the first day of October when he said he was in early October.

However, because Luo Ning led the expedition, outsiders were not allowed to enter Shanlin Castle without the permission of the lord, so Hook and his companions lived in a temporary house arranged by Chahar for the past two days.

"Hahaha, dear Baron Ronin, long time no see!"

Hook, who was brought into the castle by Chahar, walked up enthusiastically and opened his arms to give him a hug. He had been traveling recently and couldn't sleep well, which really made him too tired. Fortunately, today the customer finally He was very happy to go home.

Luo Ning gave the other party a brief hug and said, "I'm very sorry, Hook. There is still a lot of unfinished construction in Shanlin Town. You and your companions have worked hard these past two days."

When he spoke, he glanced at the two knights behind Hook. If his guess was correct, they should be professional knights affiliated with the Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce, and their strength should not be weak.

"To be honest, Earl Wiggins is a little confused for you to live in such a dilapidated town."

Hook didn't say any kind words, and the environment he lived in these two days was really not flattering.

"I heard that you defeated three savage tribes in this expedition. With your strength, you should have a better town, or even a big city, instead of condescending to this place."

Luo Ning smiled slightly, "Shanlin Town is a good place. Although it is a little dilapidated now, it still belongs to the Wushan family's territory. This is also what I should make up for the mistakes I made before."

"I admire your mind!"

Hook bowed and returned to the topic.

"Sir, according to your agreement with me last time, I brought enough magic ink and magic beast leather. I wonder how much you need this time?"

Ronin only bought a month's worth of materials last time. Now he and Elrond have used up all those materials. If they want to make a spell scroll, they can only buy it again.

"Let's not talk about this matter for now."

Ronin glanced at Elrond, who understood and quickly took out the spell scroll and placed it on the long table next to Hook.

"This is the spell scroll we made this month. There are 18 healing spells and 4 wind blade spells. Please count them."

In so many productions, Elrond failed a total of 7 times. Although Luo Ning only failed once, he only made 5 pictures in total. If he made more, there would definitely be failures. when.

Hook walked over in surprise, and checked it with his people. He showed a satisfied smile after finding that it was correct.

"Mr. Elrond's abilities are amazing!"

Hook praised: "You can make 22 spell scrolls in one month, your success rate is astonishingly high!"

He didn't know that the wind blade spell scroll was written by Ronin, and thought that Elrond was a dual-system magician.

Facing such praise, Elron felt a little guilty.

He made a total of 25 times and failed 7 times, with a failure rate of 28%, which is quite high.

However, he has now been promoted to a senior magician. If he makes a healing spell scroll, the failure rate should be reduced a lot.

"Sir, we have already counted the spell scrolls. According to the previously agreed price, we will pay you a one-time payment of 3

This 3, but even after removing the cost of 270 gold coins, Luo Ning still made a net profit of 97 gold coins.


This amount of money sounds small, but it is enough to pay Luo Ning's salary for nearly three months.

"Now we can discuss what to buy from you."

Although he really wanted to pocket all the more than three hundred gold coins, he still needed to purchase them from Hook if he wanted to continue making spell scrolls.

The other party came to Shanlin Town in person, probably to sell more things.

Hook smiled and said, "When I come here this time, I brought you hundreds of bottles of second-level magic ink and dozens of pieces of the second-level Warcraft leather you bought last time. If you don't think it's enough, I can trouble you Knight Colter returns to Wrangler City to pick up the goods for you.”

Ronin looked at the knight he was referring to, and Colter gave a knightly salute to Ronin, "I'm always ready to serve you!"

It can be seen that Hook is very well prepared this time, but Luo Ning cannot eat so much.

Not to mention anything else, just one hundred bottles of level two magic beasts would cost plus the 3 gold coins just sold.

"The supply you brought this time is very sufficient, far exceeding my needs."

Luo Ning did some calculations before reporting his needs this time.

"You can leave 55 bottles of second-level spell ink and 11 pieces of second-level magic beast leather. Excluding the spell scrolls I sold today, I still need to pay you 127 gold and 8 silver."

This is the amount he has prepared for the next three months.

He spread his hands and couldn't help but smile: "Look, not only did I not make any money this time, I also took out hundreds of gold coins. Hook, the money-making ability of your Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce is really enviable."

"Hahaha, Lord Baron, this is to pursue greater profits, and the rewards you will receive in the future will be far more than this!"

Hook looked helpless and hard-working, "We at the Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce are just running errands for you and people like Elrond Magician to earn some hard-earned money. Sir, please don't joke around."

After some discussion, Luo Ning only had 35 gold left in his pocket. After this month's salary was immediately paid, he had less than 20 gold left.

There is not enough money.

Luo Ning felt a touch of sadness in his heart. Unless he sold the newly made spell scrolls next month, he would not be able to pay next month's salary.

After all, after conquering three tribes this time, he has nine more extraordinary people under his command, and there is also an intermediate magician with a very high monthly salary.

After discussing the business, the atmosphere in the living room became more harmonious.

Hook began to brag about Luo Ning's achievements in conquering the savage tribe, while Luo Ning humbly asked him what he thought of Hillwood Town in the past two days.

Through the conversation, the three main feelings of the other three people were nothing more than two points - the mountain road was difficult to walk, and Shanlin Town did not provide decent accommodation conditions for the caravan.

Especially the latter, when they go to other towns, they have hotels. Regardless of the environment, they are at least more comfortable than the low, damp wooden houses in Mountain Forest Town.

This also gave Luo Ning some inspiration. He still needs to start a face-saving project, at least to give the caravan a passable accommodation in Shanlin Town. Maybe he needs to build a hotel for visiting guests.

As night fell, the castle in Shanlin Town resounded with the long-lost bustle.

Today's dinner is to celebrate the victory of this expedition, and by the way, it is also a welcome to the three Hookers. This is a good start.

However, precisely because of the visit of outsiders, the news of Luo Ning's capture of the savage tribe is likely to spread.

He must make plans in advance and put the trip to Wushanpu on the schedule as soon as possible.

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