
Outside Ziguo Village, Horn and Jenny were riding on horses, looking at the direction in which the team was leaving. ̷x̷.̷c̷o̷m̷

Although they stayed in Ziguo Village, their daughter Irene followed the team to Shanlin Town.

Although the distance between the two places is not far, and they can visit from time to time, this is the first time that Irene travels alone away from her parents.

No matter which world they are in, parents have the same feelings for their children, and these two are no exception.

Jenny quietly wiped the corners of her eyes and wiped away the tears she shed when parting, "I don't know if it is a good thing to let Irene follow the Baron."

Horn sighed and helped his wife wipe the tears from her face, "But we have no other choice, right?"

Even though they were treated with courtesy by Luo Ning, unlike Wharton, Dandy and others in Qingzhu Village who started from the "probation period", even though Jenny offered suggestions and advice to successfully conquer the Gray Earth Tribe, in the end they were still reduced generals.

In addition, their previous identities were remnants and savages, so it was impossible for them to gain 100% trust from the lord in such a short period of time.

So when they faced Ronin's request to take away Irene, they had no reason to refuse.

Horn said with relief: "Although the Baron has performed very well, he is only a seventeen-year-old boy. It can be seen that he loves Eileen very much. When I get along with him these days, he is always very kind and friendly. Kindness, I think he will be kind to Eileen.”

Jenny shook her head, "Even if they sleep together, there will be a foundation of affection. But Luoning is always a scion of the Wushan family, and his marriage partner is either the daughter of a big noble, or the daughter of a wealthy conglomerate. , without exception, are people who can consolidate his position, but what do we have?"

She sighed, "We are just ordinary second-level extraordinary beings."

In her opinion, his daughter would definitely be abandoned from beginning to end, and in the end she might become Luo Ning's lover and raise several illegitimate children.

After all, many nobles are like this.

"But our daughter is a thirteen-year-old magician. As long as she doesn't give up her practice, she will become a magician sooner or later!"

Horn's words were very confident, "No one can despise a magician. What's more, we still have the opportunity to become high-level, or even go further. Don't be so pessimistic, Jenny!"

"The Baron also attaches great importance to sericulture. As long as we do what he told us well, the future will be better."

Jenny hesitated, but nodded slowly.

Horn is right when he says that instead of being depressed and pessimistic, it is better to do what needs to be done.

In fact, they really wronged Luo Ning.

He took away Irene, on the one hand, it was indeed to make Jenny and Horn stop thinking and running around and do their jobs well;

On the other hand, given that Irene has such a good magical talent, he really wants to take her out to see her, broaden her horizons, and cultivate her.

Things like sleeping in the same bed, falling out and abandoning each other, and even lovers and illegitimate children were all things that Jenny and Horn had made up in their minds because they regarded Ronin as an ordinary noble.

Is Luo Ning an ordinary noble?

No, he is not, he is a very principled nobleman!

On the way back, Irene held Luoning's hand tightly, because among this group of strangers, the one beside her was the one she was most familiar with.

She looked pitifully with her reddish eyes, "Brother Luo Ning, you won't bully me, right?"

"Of course not!" He said righteously.

"Then you won't sell me to others, will you? Father said that young female magicians are very popular with slave owners."

Luo Ning rolled his eyes. Why would Horn say such a thing? Did he regard him as a human trafficker?

"Don't worry, I won't."

"Then will you sleep with me?" Erin asked.

What he said immediately attracted the attention of the guards, guards and others nearby, but they only glanced at it, then looked at him, pretending they heard nothing.

Luo Ning felt a little embarrassed and pretended to cough, "No, I'm not interested in little girls. I'll sleep alone after arriving in Shanlin Town."

Erin's eyes flashed, and she secretly thought that her mother was scaring her. In the past, when she wanted to be obedient, study hard and practice well, she would always scare her with the monsters on the mountain.

New ℴ𝓂

But when she thought about sleeping alone, she hesitated: "But I'm a little scared of sleeping alone. What should I do?"

"I'll let Bella stay with you."

"Who is Bella? Your wife?"

"No, Bella is my maid."

Luo Ning understood very well how a little girl would feel when she left her parents for the first time, so he answered Irene's questions as he could, just to kill the boring time.

The road back to Shanlin Town was not fast, and because we did not start early, it was not until about three o'clock in the afternoon that everyone emerged from the woods and arrived at the northern boundary of the town.

"This is Shanlin Town. Look, over there are orchards and vegetable fields, and over there are pastures for grazing."

Luo Ning pointed to several areas ahead and introduced them to the girl in his arms, but received no response.

He couldn't help but look down, but found that Irene had fallen asleep with her head tilted to one side.

The road back to Shanlin Town from Ziguo Village is not short, and in many places it is difficult to ride a horse, so you can only walk.

Going all the way like this is indeed very unfriendly to Irene, a weak magician, and it is natural for her to be tired.

He looked back at the team and saw that not everyone who went there came back this time.

Except for the extraordinary ones, only seven of the twenty-seven guards came back, and the rest were left to Ruidal to help the other party train the recruits recruited in the three villages.

All eighty militiamen from Shanlin Town were brought back. After all, they still had families and land here, so it was not appropriate to stay there.

After returning this time, Ronin had already ordered McCann and David to select thirty good performers from these militiamen and train them as new guards.

At the same time, during slack periods, militiamen should be organized regularly for training to strengthen their coordination and combat capabilities and prepare for future expansion.

"Let's go, everyone, if we don't hurry up, we won't have time left for Chahar to prepare a dinner for everyone."

The team marched towards Shanlin Fort in a mighty manner, naturally attracting the attention of many working people along the way.

Wilson revealed intentionally or unintentionally that the people in the territory knew that the lord had launched the clearing operation against the savage tribe for their safety, which made Luo Ning's image even taller.

In addition, Wilson, who returned to Hillwood Town two days ago, boasted, and the people knew that the lord had defeated three savage tribes in a row and achieved an unprecedented victory, and they respected the lord even more.

Seeing the victorious Luo Ning, all the people cheered loudly and rushed to tell each other.

When Ronin returned to the castle, housekeeper Chahar led all the servants to stand outside the castle gate.

"Master, your loyal servants, congratulations on your triumph!"

Led by Chahar, Gallen and Bella all bowed deeply to Luoning.

Erin, who had woken up early, was stunned by such a scene. She felt that Brother Luo Ning looked so impressive.

"Hahaha, I haven't seen Chahar for a while. How is the situation in the castle?"

Luo Ning walked into the castle with a smile, and the people behind him followed him through the drawbridge and gate one by one.

"Master, don't worry, everything is normal in the territory. The barley harvested this time has been almost dried, and most of it has been put into the warehouse for storage."

"very good!"

Luo Ning smiled and said: "To celebrate our return from victory, I will hold a dinner in the castle tonight. You go and notify Mrs. Bandele and ask her to get people ready."

"Okay sir!"

Chahar followed step by step, "But there are a few people who have been coming to Shanlin Town for two days. They said they want to see you. I wonder when you are going to meet them?"


Luo Ning stopped and asked, "Who is coming?"

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