
The next morning, Luo Ning took McCann, and under the leadership of Zhuweite, arrived at the Huitu Tribe, which was the renamed Huitu Village.

This place is worthy of being the strongest party in the tripartite alliance. As the forefront of facing the enemy, the larger number of people in Huitu Village is just an appearance.

The light labor force here accounts for a large proportion, and the elderly population over fifty years old accounts for a very small proportion. I don’t know if they all died or were transferred to Qingzhu Village and Ziguo Village.

For Luo Ning, the more young adults here, the better. They can run Huitu Village well without him having to transfer people to Shanlin Town.

In addition to the population, Huitu Village has also built more fortifications.

Especially the place where Slaine lives is really similar to a noble's castle. Although the area is a bit small, it has fence exterior walls made of wood, as well as solid towers and fortresses made of earth and stone.

Without the intelligence and strategies provided by Jenny, it would indeed take some effort to lure Slain and others out to fight and capture this place.

After arriving at Gray Earth Village, under the arrangement of Redal, Luo Ning had lunch with everyone.

When things here are over, he will return to Shanlin Town, and all the houses in Huitu Village will be handed over to Redal to manage.

In fact, not only defense, but anything here can be left to him.

In Luo Ning's heart, people with Sun-level qualifications who are unlikely to betray him are worth cultivating.

Let Ruidal learn some experience in Huitu Village now. When the territory expands in the future, he can be appointed as the "Frontier Official".

In fact, not only Rydal, but also Elrond and McCann can play this role.

By appointing these three people, Luo Ning doesn't have to worry about them becoming bigger and stronger and starting to distance themselves from Wushan Castle like Orson did.

Of course, Luo Ning only handed over the management of Gray Earth Village to Ruidal, not enfeoffment.

When he becomes a viscount or earl in the future, whether he will need to grant fiefs and titles to his followers is still a question worth thinking about.

To be honest, he prefers centralization of power over enfeoffment.

In the afternoon, under Redal's advance arrangements, Luo Ning met with all the residents of Gray Earth Village as a noble and master, letting these people know who they needed to be loyal to.

At the same time, Luo Ning has gained experience in Shanlin Town, Qingzhu Village and Ziguo Village. Now facing these new residents, he can naturally say a series of inflammatory words, which can not only calm the hearts of these people. The anxiety and uneasiness can also inspire some people's expectations and yearning for the future.

In fact, the ideas of this group of people are not complicated. If the owner changes, as long as they are not sold, killed, and have food, everything else will be easy.

As for whether he will work actively or be lazy and fish in the future, that is a matter for another day.

"Sir, this is where the ashes come out."

After Luo Ning met with the residents, he went to the northeast of the village under the leadership of Redal.

"I did a brief survey and found that it extends from the top of this mountain to the north for several miles. If you dig a little four or five meters into the ground, you can see such clods of soil, which is what you call kaolin."

During his free time in Huitu Village these two days, Redal did a simple survey considering that Luo Ning was interested in Huitu.

Although digging four to five meters deep is a bit difficult for ordinary people, he can still do it using his fighting spirit and long sword.

"In other words, this earth mine extends for at least several miles."

Luo Ning looked at the top of the mountain. Although it didn't sound big, it had not been completely surveyed and there were still many uncertain factors.

But in any case, the current level of kaolin is enough for Luoning's initial development.

"We will conduct a survey later when we have time to see what the length, width and height of this earth mine are." He ordered.

"Okay sir."

Redal learned from Jewett how much the lord valued kaolin, but they didn't know the specific uses of this soil, and they were all curious.

"Sir, how are you going to use this soil? Are you going to make pottery?"

Luo Ning smiled mysteriously, "If it is only used to make pottery, it would be a waste. Just wait and see, Commander, you can't imagine its value."

Redal only felt that the young lord in front of him had endless knowledge hidden in his mind. I am afraid that the role of kaolin clay is another area that he does not know.

"Since this kind of soil is very important, we should protect it, so should we stop cultivating the wheat fields next to it?"

Luo Ning thought for a moment and said, "Let's stop this one mile from here. If there is no soil ore involved, use the cultivated land if it can still be used."

"In addition, you arrange for a few people to pack a few more bags of kaolin, and I will take them back to Shanlin Town for research."

Luo Ning knew the general method of making porcelain, but there were still many problems that he needed to try to solve between "knowing" and making it.

Once he has a clear path, he will establish a porcelain manufacturing base here and create a Jingdezhen in another world.

"After I go back, I'll leave the affairs here to you."

Luo Ning asked: "I will arrange for people to come over to implement new farming techniques in a while, and you will cooperate with me. In addition, you can learn from the construction team, logging team, and dung collection team here."

He said, pointing here, "We can first build a batch of better quality houses near the kaolin veins. We will need them later."

Luo Ning informed Ruidal of the next things to be done in Huitu Village, and asked him to arrange people to follow the path of Shanlin Town. The efficiency may be lower, but the basics must be there.

In addition, there were three carpenters and two masons in Huitu Village. Luo Ning left one of them behind and brought the rest back to Shanlin Town.

The carpenters were put into ironwood workshops and making plow shafts for the curved shaft plows, while the masons were brought back to Shanlin Town to build houses. In any case, Shanlin Town is geographically connected to the outside world, so there is no doubt that priority should be given to developing here.

It's a pity that his territory has a population of 3,000, and the number of craftsmen is still very small. He can only ask these existing craftsmen to bring more new people.

Luo Ning stayed in Huitu Village for the next three days. On the one hand, he inspected the environment around the tribe, and on the other hand, he walked around more to stabilize people's hearts.

In addition, he also spent a day traveling to the southeast of the village to spy on the black-collar tribe from a distance.

As a place controlled by the Baron of Thain Territory, the Black Collar Tribe was much more rigorous than the Three-Party Alliance. Before Luo Ning could reach the opponent's range, he discovered that there were several guard towers at a distance along the way, which should be to guard against sneak attacks by the Three-Party Alliance. .

With such a defense, and the fact that there must be stronger fortifications than those in Huitu Village, it was very wise for Luo Ning to temporarily suspend the attack without the support of enough intelligence.

He has now accumulated more than 200 points of energy essence. When he becomes a fourth-level transcendent, he can add more points to Rydal and McCann, so that their strength will be improved to a certain extent after they advance to the bronze level.

At that time, when we attack the black-collar tribe, the difficulty will be much lower and the losses will be reduced.

On October 2nd, Luo Ning started his return trip after completing his inspection of Huitu Village.

After returning to Shanlin Town this time, in addition to recuperating and digesting the results of the battle, Luo Ning also needed to go to Wushan Fort.

It has been a month since his father, Earl Wiggins, was injured, so things should have been relatively peaceful in Wushanbao.

No matter what, Luo Ning is always Wiggins's son in the eyes of outsiders. He can make up some excuses for going back to visit a month later, but delaying it any longer would be too much.

Luo Ning had no intention of breaking off the relationship with the other party.

Although the Wushanbao Building is about to collapse, it has not yet collapsed. There are still many benefits to relying on the building.

Moreover, Luo Ning has the blood of the Wushan family flowing in his body. No matter what he does, he cannot draw a clear line with Wushanbao. Wushan Fort is really going to fall, and I'm afraid it won't be good for him.

So after returning to settle down a little this time, Luo Ning was ready to set off for Wushan Fort.

Of course, visiting Wiggins is only one of the purposes. He can take this opportunity to see if he can get more resources for Hillwood Town.

Money, craftsmen, labor, etc., he needs them all.

Thanks to Qinghe Sanren for the reward, thank you sir~

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