Chapter 96 Dust

In the living room of the wooden house, Jewett opened the linen bag placed aside, revealing the soil inside.

"Sir, this is the dust you asked us to bring back."

Luo Ning squatted down and opened the mouth of the sack, carefully observing the dust inside.

He discovered that the soil was not really gray, but off-white, and it existed in the form of small clods.

Luo Ning stretched out his thumb and index finger and pinched a small piece of soil. The piece of soil broke into pieces with a little force. After twisting it carefully, I found that the dust was in the form of a fine powder with very small particle size.

Luo Ning is not a geologist, nor has he learned any relevant knowledge, but he can still tell that this soil is very unique.

"How much soil is there in Gray Earth Village?"

Jewett replied: "Sir, I've been pretending a lot, and I feel like half the mountain is covered in this kind of soil. According to the people over there, some people ate this kind of soil to satisfy their hunger when they were hungry. But later I found out that After its stomach is so full that the baby can’t pull it out and is suffocated to death, no one will eat it anymore.”

Guanyin soil?

Luo Ning naturally thought of this word.

But soon, it was replaced by another word, and his eyes suddenly lit up, "Is this...kaolin clay?"

"Wilson, go get me a bowl of water." Luo Ning quickly ordered.

Wilson heard the urgency in this sentence and quickly ran into the kitchen and brought a bowl of water.

Luo Ning took out a handful of soil from the sack and placed it on the ground, then poured a little water on it and mixed it for a while.

He soon discovered that the dust that had not touched his hands at all became sticky, and at the same time, the delicate feel of the soil became more and more obvious at this moment.

"I'm afraid this is really kaolin!"

Luo Ning was surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Kaolin is a non-metallic mineral. The higher the purity, the whiter and more delicate the kaolin. It has good plasticity and fire resistance.

In Chinese history, it was precisely because of the discovery and good utilization of kaolin that porcelain became available in the civilized world.

If only porcelain could be made...

Luo Ning's mind became active.

Most of the aristocratic tableware and utensils in this world are made of silver, such as silver wine glasses, silver tableware, etc. Some nobles also use glass products or crystal products, but the latter two have not been promoted on a large scale.

As for porcelain, let alone mention it. In all likelihood, it has never appeared.

Among other things, it is difficult for anyone to master the high temperature of 1200°C required for firing ceramics, otherwise there would be no pig iron.

The bellows he built in Shanlin Town a while ago now seems to be used not only for smelting metals, but also for firing ceramics.

Of course, the bellows is only an auxiliary, and firing porcelain requires several other key steps.

For example, how to process kaolin clay to make mud, how to draw, carve, glaze and fire, etc. are all difficult problems that need to be explored and solved.

Once these problems are solved, Shanlin Town will be able to produce porcelain.

Luo Ning felt a little sad when he thought about it. He didn't expect that he could collect pig iron, silk, and porcelain on this piece of land in the northern part of Wushan Territory.

This land really gave him enough surprises.

"Leaving aside the difficulty of implementation, as long as you firmly grasp these three things, especially porcelain, future development will not be a problem!"

With these material foundations, combined with the knowledge in Luo Ning's mind, he already had a preliminary idea on how to develop in the future.

"Juvit, we will leave for Huitu Village early tomorrow morning."

This time, Luo Ning's purpose was no longer simply to meet his subjects, but more to observe the scale of the limestone veins.

"As for you, Wilson, the matter here has come to an end for the time being. Let the two guards take you back to Shanlin Town to supervise the village chiefs and team leaders in mastering new farming techniques."

Luo Ning added: "In addition, let serfs and tenant farmers observe and learn as soon as possible. If everyone has mastered these farming skills, we can also let some people go to these three new villages to teach the skills."

Let some people master it first, and then let these people lead more people who have not mastered it to master this technology. This is the promotion method advocated by Luo Ning.

"I understand, sir!"

Wilson kept the lord's orders in mind, and he felt that his burden was getting heavier and heavier, but correspondingly, his status became higher and higher.

At least there will be more and more village chiefs and team leaders under him.

"Sir, Commander Redal has one more thing for me to give to you."

Jewett said, picking up the second sack from the chair next to him, and there was a jingle inside.

"After we arrived at Gray Earth Village, we took control of Srein and Mam's women. The commander arranged for them to continue working for you in Gray Earth Village like everyone else. In addition, what's inside is Srein's and Mam's women. Wealth, he asked me to pass it on to you.”


Luo Ning took it with a smile and asked curiously: "How many are there?"

Wilson smiled and replied: "Sir, Redal gave me a count. Mam doesn't have much money, only Dansrein has a lot of property, three!"

"In addition, there are five knight swords, a shield and a set of chain mail stored in Slaine's warehouse."

"In addition, it is said that more than 2,300 acres of fields have been cultivated in Huitu Village, and there is wheat harvested in the autumn in the warehouse. The specific amount has not yet been determined."

Luo Ning was a little surprised, "Slayin, the leader, is really generous."

As the leader of the savage tribe, the savings of the killed Knight Willy was only equivalent to 8 gold coins, but the property of leader Slayin was equivalent to more than 40 gold coins.

Moreover, the amount of cultivated fields in Huitu Village far exceeds that of Qingzhu and Ziguo, making it worthy of being the strongest in the tripartite alliance.

I wonder how much savings Horn and Jenny have?

It's a pity that the two of them surrendered without any resistance, and Luo Ning couldn't take advantage of their private property as his own.

But the Ziguo tribe is the weakest. I guess they don't have much savings.

Luo Ning quickly pulled his thoughts back. It was not the behavior of a good leader to always worry about the little property of his subordinates.

"Jewett, ask Redal to inform the others that in view of the perfect victory of this expedition, all the militiamen coming out of Shanlin Town will be rewarded with 3 copper coins each, and the guards will be rewarded with 5 copper coins each. Other professionals include you, Wilson, in addition. The reward is one week’s salary, which will be paid together with the next month’s monthly salary.”

As for the money, he took the bulk of it, and he always scored a little bit to make his subordinates happy, not to mention winning the battle.

The guards and militiamen seemed to have little effect, but they still played a significant role in arresting, controlling, and patrolling the residents.

Luo Ning's reward for the three armies was barely calculated, and it was only about five or six gold coins. He just divided the money he got from Knight Willy.

Wilson and Jewett looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

"My lord, you are truly a lord who knows how to reward and punish!"

"Thank you, sir, for the gift!"


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