Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 95 96 Population Breakthrough


After the intense offensive rhythm ended, Luo Ning's pace of life slowed down again. เต 

Although life in Ziguo Village was not as comfortable as in Shanlin Town, in order to teach Horn the two planting methods of mulberry cutting and layering, Luo Ning needed to spend a lot of time and patience to demonstrate, especially later. A method he had only seen others use, but had never tried himself.

During the past two days, Luo Ning also inspected the reclaimed fields in Ziguo Village, and at the same time selected ten acres of land and planned them as a mulberry planting base.

Mulberry cultivation also requires the use of ridge farming, and compared to wheat cultivation, the ridges of mulberry trees need to be higher. Luo Ning taught this method to Horn in advance and told him that when planting, keep about eight or nine inches between two plants. Ten centimeters spacing.

After all, oral teaching only serves as a guide. The specific extent to which the expansion of mulberry trees can be implemented depends on Horn's operational ability.

Seeing that the other party was very serious and took detailed notes, I should still have some expectations.

Luo Ning does not expect this matter to be completed within a year, which is not practical.

He is only seventeen years old, and time is on his side. He has a long time to improve conditions and finally bring silk out of this mountain forest.

Three days later in the afternoon, Luo Ning, accompanied by Horn, came to the northernmost part of the Ziguo tribe.

Wubei Woodland is not small, and there is a large area further north, but there are no humans living there, let alone savage tribes.

"In other words, there were some fleeing nobles who took their people to the north and took root there to form tribes like yours. But later on, these tribes disappeared?"

Luo Ning stood on a high slope and looked to the north. He seemed to be able to see the sea surging with waves on the horizon.

It is said that the northern part of Wushan Territory is surrounded by the ocean, but it has always been in an undeveloped state, which is unusual.

Logically speaking, shouldnโ€™t the seaside be more prosperous?

For example, the Jianjiao City in the Oshan Territory is the seaport city of the Oshan Territory. Port Dennis connects the Oshan Territory and the Kingdom of Alduin. Trade is extremely frequent, and an unknown number of gold coins are paid to Oshan Fort every year.

Surrounded by the sea in the north, it is somewhat surprising that there is no development.

He spread out the map and took a look. It was possible that the protruding area in the north was too "isolated overseas" and the trade routes with other places were very long. In addition, no very profitable developments were found, causing the north to There are no human footprints.

"Yes sir!"

Horn said: "I went to the north to explore, and there were indeed traces of human activity there. I saw wooden houses, stone houses, and a lot of bones on the ground, but I didn't find any more people."

He recalled, with a hint of panic on his face, "I felt that it was unusual for people to disappear there, so I didn't dare to go deeper."

Is that so?

Luo Ning frowned and looked at the guard officer McCann who was guarding him.

The latter understood, "Don't worry, sir. When I have time, I will lead people to explore all the land in the north and mark out the dangerous area in advance."

Luo Ning nodded, "Purple Fruit Village has existed safely for these years, and even if there are any dangerous areas, it will not have much impact. Please consider the investigation after you are promoted to the Bronze Knight."

"Okay sir."

Horn stood aside and listened to the conversation between the two masters and servants, feeling strange in his heart.

It is not easy to advance to the bronze level. Some people will be stuck at the advanced knight stage for a lifetime.

But listening to these two people talking, it seemed like it was a sure thing, and it was even a very easy thing.

Could it be that this McCann is on the verge of a breakthrough?

Horn thought of the scene where McCann tortured Slain a few days ago, and nodded secretly, it was really possible.

"Da da da~"

The sound of horse hooves sounded, and several people couldn't help but look up, only to see Irene and Jenny riding over on horseback.

Ronin left three of Slaine's horses with Jenny's family. They have been learning riding skills in the past two days, and now they seem to have mastered them well.

Not long after, two horses came to the crowd.

Erin easily turned over and dismounted, and said with a smile: "Brother Luo Ning, your political officer Wilson has returned from the Gray Earth Tribe."

After a few days of getting along, the little guy Irene still didn't resist the temptation to call her brother, and finally did so.


Luo Ning smiled and said, "It seems that Wilson has already registered the people of the Gray Earth Tribe."

"Yes sir."

Jenny stood up and dismounted, "Wilson said he wanted to report the work situation to you. In addition, Jewett has also followed your instructions and brought back a large bag of the Gray Earth Tribe's specialty product, 'Gray Earth'."

The specialty of Qingzhu Village is bamboo, and the specialty of Ziguo Village is sericulture. Luo Ning wants to know what the "grey soil" that Bablin and the others call the specialty of the Gray Earth Tribe is.

"Then let's go back."

Luo Ning couldn't wait. He took Irene's horse and turned over to ride on it. "Little Irene, do you want to come up?"

Irene blushed, hesitated for a moment, and then said weakly: "I, I just ride my mother's horse."


Luo Ning laughed. He could still bring himself some fun by teasing the children, but it was a pity that the little girl was too young.

"McCann, please come back with Irene and the others."

He turned the horse's head and galloped towards the village.

Not long after, he came to the living room, where Wilson and Jewitt were waiting for him.

As soon as Luo Ning came in, the two people quickly stood up to greet him.

Zhuweite said: "Sir, Redal asked me to tell you that the situation in Huitu Village is going well. All the residents already know that you are their master, and you can go and inspect at any time."

"I know, you guys have done a great job in being able to stabilize yourself in such a short period of time!"

Wilson handed over the compiled booklet, "Sir, this is the census result of the Gray Earth Tribe. Compared to Qingzhu Village and Ziguo Village, the Gray Earth Tribe has more craftsmen."

He introduced: "I asked, and there are three carpenters alone, one of whom should be about the same level as William. In addition, there are two masons, and there are many strong men."

Luo Ning laughed. The Gray Earth Tribe indeed sucked the blood of its allies and was indeed much stronger.

"Wilson, your abilities are getting stronger and stronger."

He complimented and took the booklet.

As soon as I got the parchment, the system text appeared in front of my eyesโ€”โ€”

[The achievement of "Prosperous Population" is achieved, attribute points +50, energy essence +100]

The total population of Huitu Village is 455. Adding the populations of Shanlin Town, Qingzhu Village and Ziguo Village, Luo Ning now has 3,180 subjects, exceeding the 3,000 mark required for achievement.

Luo Ning opened the achievement interface smoothly, and the above information was updated:

[Prosperous Population]: The registered population of the territory reaches 5,000. Rewards: Attribute points +100, Energy Essence +200

The quantity requirement did not increase much at once, it was only two thousand, which didn't seem difficult.

Luo Ning conquered the black-collar tribe, and if he bought some slaves, he might be able to complete this achievement.

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