Chapter 108 109. Display

Luo Ning is now a senior knight and a senior magician, and can learn new fighting skills and magic. ♙♦

Among the books Rulans gave him, there was exactly what he needed.

The wind-attributed third-level fighting skill "Fire Wind Palm" is a fighting skill with both attack and defense.

Although it is not as lethal as the Wind Blade, it can easily knock people away. At the same time, when faced with large-scale attacks, such as arrows, the Split Wind Palm can be used to defend well.

Luo Ning can now learn the fire-attribute fighting skill "Fire Cloud" that Ruidal knows.

In terms of magic, Luo Ning can learn Pyroblast and Exploration Wind.

Compared with Fireball, Pyroblast has a larger range, stronger impact, and greater ability to cause damage.

If a pyroblast hits an unsuspecting high-level knight, it will be fatal.

However, this magic is very difficult to learn and consumes a lot of magic power. It is really difficult for most magicians to master it.

The Wind of Detection is a auxiliary magic, used to sense the surrounding environment, and is relatively easy to learn.

After using this spell, the caster can listen to the information fed back by the wind element within a radius of 300 meters, including magic power fluctuations, fighting spirit fluctuations, as well as the heartbeats and breathing sounds of animals, etc.

Due to space restrictions, Luo Ning did not learn the Pyroblast Technique, so he could only practice with the Detecting Wind first.

The pattern of the spell pattern of the third-level magic is very simple, but compared to the first two levels of spells, it has many more spell nodes.

For example, Pyroblast has twenty spell nodes. If a magician wants to use mental power and mana to portray them in one go, he needs to have extremely strong control.

Wind of Detection is much simpler, with only twelve spell nodes in total.

After trying more than a dozen times, Luo Ning finally successfully outlined its spell patterns in front of him.

In an instant, Luo Ning fell into a strange visual state.

He closed his eyes and entered the hazy cyan world, which was a special sensory world formed by the wind element.

Here, he could not only hear his own heartbeat, but also the heartbeats of the three McCanns downstairs, and he could also identify their locations.

Luo Ning "looked" farther away, and he discovered the guards patrolling the castle and the guards standing guard.

However, the closer you get to the three hundred meter limit in the magic book instructions, the less accurate this perception becomes.

"Level 3 spells still consume a lot of magic power and mental energy."

Luo Ning felt the magic power in his body. After so many attempts and one official release, the remaining magic power could probably support him to use the fireball technique three or four times.

Being able to have so much magic power is mainly due to the blessing of attribute points.

After Luo Ning was promoted to a senior level, he still chose to add points to the magician level first.

After consuming a total of 28 attribute points accumulated from returning to Hillwood Castle to today, his magician level progress has reached one-eighth.

[Level]: 3-Senior Knight (0/300); 3-Senior Magician (58/400)

Explosive growth is hard to come by, so Luo Ning can only rely on monthly signings to slowly accumulate. Although it seems a bit slow, it is definitely faster than Brayton's training speed.

That's why the relatively peaceful environment is still very beneficial to him.

After mastering the spell of Detection Wind, Luo Ning meditated for a while to refine his magic power, replenishing the consumption of mana space, and then fell asleep peacefully.

It's now mid-October, and the temperature in Wushan Ling is almost close to 10 degrees, and the nights are still relatively cold.

However, Wushanbao naturally won't let people freeze. The sheets and quilts on Luo Ning's bed are made of high-grade wool, which not only keeps people warm, but also makes Luo Ning feel a little hot.

After becoming a senior knight, Luo Ning found that his resistance to cold, heat, fatigue, and physical fitness had greatly improved.

He can be said to be a completely different person now compared to when he first traveled through time.

The night passed quietly and soon the next day came.

After breakfast, Most came to Luo Ning's residence and told him that he could take the things mentioned yesterday to Wushan Fortress.

Luo Ning was prepared. He took these things out of the space ring and placed them in the living room of the small building.

They are three sets of ironwood shields, ironwood spears, ironwood chest protectors, a set of ironwood armor and a curved shaft plow.

For the sake of confidentiality, Quyuanli was wrapped in a large circle of linen.

"McKen, the three of you and the servants take these things with you and let's go."

Wushan Fortress.


The last time Ronin came here, he was escorted to face the accusations of Negan the Golden Lion, the representative of the Hyde family.

That day, due to the fault of their predecessors and Wiggins' command, the Osan family gave up the five baronies that they had taken back from the Black Gold Brotherhood to the other party.

At that time, Luo Ning was still a little good-for-nothing who was just waiting for mercy. Three months later, he came here again, but it was for business.

At this time, besides Lulans, there were five people in Wushan Fortress.

On the way here, Most introduced to Luoning that these people are:

Sir Tolu Vinal, the leader of the First Knights of Ushanbao;

First team captain Galil Vinal;

Dawson, quartermaster of the 1st Knights;

Albert, the administrative officer of Wushan City;

Kuli, the financial officer of Wushan City.

Among these people, Luo Ning has heard of the names of the first two, among which the name of Tolu Vinal has been discussed the most in Wushan Territory recently.

On the one hand, the strength of the leader of the Knights has broken through to the gold level;

On the other hand, it was Tolu who escorted Wiggins to Black Python City this time. It was precisely because of his protection that Wiggins had a chance to survive.

Toru was also injured in that battle, and Ronin couldn't see the scar on his body, but the scar on the opponent's left face was really more ferocious.

The Vinard family was not a noble, but only knighted.

However, the Viner family has a good foundation and a promising future. Because Tolu's son Galil entered the bronze level at the age of thirty.

In the future, if you gain enough military exploits, there will be no problem in entering the true aristocratic class.

The remaining three people were not very familiar to Luo Ning.

But there is no doubt that the five people who came today should be regarded as respectable characters in Wushan City and even in Wushan Territory.

He originally thought it was just a simple meeting today, but he didn't expect Lulans to find these people all at once.

When Luo Ning walked into Wushan Fortress, everyone inside gave him strange looks.

Some people were a little confused, some frowned in thought, and some nodded and said hello to Luo Ning.

After Luo Ning nodded in greeting, he led McCann and others to stand opposite the group of people.

Lulans above glanced at Luo Ning and his group, and then said calmly: "Now that everyone is here, Luo Ning, start showing what you brought."

"Okay, Lord Marquis!"

Luo Ning smiled slightly at the people in front of him, "I'm very grateful that you can take time out of your busy schedule to listen to me introduce these specialties brought from Shanlin Town."

Since he was here to discuss business, his posture was relatively low and his words were very polite.

When the group of people on the opposite side heard this opening statement, they had smiling expressions on their faces, and they were also muttering in their hearts——

Could it be that the Luo Ning in front of me has really changed his gender? This was not the way I spoke and acted in the past.

They couldn't help but glance at Rulans, who was sitting above with no expression. What did the Marquis mean by calling them here today?

In fact, they were wondering when they received the notice last night. Although Most's people told them that they were here to discuss business with Luo Ning today, was it really as simple as just discussing business?

They still don't know the answer, but that doesn't stop them from treating Luo Ning with a smile.

"There is a special forest in Shanlin Town. There is a tree that I named the 'Black Iron Tree' growing in it. It is very hard. Even an intermediate peak knight using fighting spirit would find it difficult to cut it off with a single sword."

"I liked its hardness, so I built an ironwood workshop to make this tree into armor and weapons."

Luo Ning said, raising his hand to signal the other party to look at the guy in the hands of McCann and others.

"These are made of black iron trees. I invite you here today because I want to bring them to the Knights to strengthen the Knights' combat effectiveness."

"Baron Luo Ning, do you think that black iron tree can't even cut through an intermediate knight with a sword?"

The person who spoke was Tolu's son Galil, "I have never seen such a hard tree. I wonder if I can try it with your shield later?"


Luo Ning smiled and said: "These things today are for display. If you are satisfied and willing to purchase, I will transport the rest from Shanlin Town."

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