
At Wushan Fortress, Luo Ning introduced the weapons and equipment made of black ironwood in detail.

The styles of shields and spears are very common, but the materials for making them are all replaced by black ironwood. Luo Ning does not need too much introduction.

His focus was on Ironwood Breastplate and Ironwood Armor.

"The ironwood chest protector is made of repaired black ironwood wrapped in multiple layers of compacted linen. It is light in weight and easy to wear. Under the double protection of the black ironwood and multiple layers of linen, it can defend against enemies. The sword struck at the chest and the arrow shot.”

"Telmuzha armor is made of black iron trees processed into rectangular armor pieces, and then the armor pieces are interwoven with fine leather strips to form a tight structure."

Luo Ning said, taking the Temuza armor from McCann's hand and shaking it, the armor pieces collided with each other and made a crisp sound.

"This kind of armor pieces are superimposed horizontally and vertically, making it difficult for the enemy's weapons to penetrate. It can not only protect against slashes, but also the piercing of arrows and spears. Moreover, even if a few of the assembled ropes are cut, they will not be damaged at all. It will affect the structure of Zajia.”

He handed the Temuza Armor back to McCann and said to everyone: "Everyone can come and see the effect. I believe that if these can be equipped, the combat effectiveness of the Knights will be greatly improved."

After his introduction, everyone present not only became interested in these equipments, but also got to know the baron of Shanlin Town again.

Especially Lu Lansi, who was sitting in a high position, discovered that Luo Ning, apart from the bad impression in his mind, also had bright spots, at least he had a certain understanding of weapons and equipment.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, why didn't this child show any of his talents at first?

"Let me try the effect of this shield."

Galil, the captain of the knight team, came out, "Baron Ronin, I wonder who will come with me to test the effect?"

"Your Excellency has extraordinary strength, please let my guard officer McCann come and test it with you."

Luo Ning looked at McCann and reminded: "Galil has bronze level strength, be careful."

"Don't worry, sir."

McCann held the shield in his left hand and stood ready, "Come on, Galil!"

Galil performed a knight's salute, then drew his sword and attacked.

Because it was a test of the quality of the shield, the two did not show any physical skills, just pure slashing and confrontation.

Of course, Galil did not use his full strength. A bronze-level full-force blow would be difficult for an iron shield to withstand, let alone an iron-wood shield.

With a bang, the long sword struck the shield, leaving clear slash marks, but due to the control of the power, the scar was not deep.

"It's possible to defend against the junior knight's slashes."

Galil took a step back and struck a second time, this time the power increased to the level of an intermediate knight.

McCann responded calmly and received the second blow accurately.

This time, a deep gap was left on the shield, but because the shield had a certain curvature, it was still not cut open and could continue to be used.

When everyone thought that Galil had stopped attacking, the corner of his mouth slightly curled up, he strode forward vigorously, and actually launched an attack on McCann.

Everyone was stunned, and Luo Ning also frowned. He subconsciously prepared to shout stop, but found that Lulans didn't show any strange expression. Was he testing McCann's strength?

Luo Ning frowned, and in his thoughts, the two of them had already exchanged hands.

McCann noticed the abnormality when the opponent attacked. When Galil's long sword stabbed him, he had successfully avoided it and at the same time, he pulled out the long sword on his back with his backhand.

In an instant, the two people who were testing the shield were fighting together.

At first, the two did not use fighting spirit, but purely competed in physical skills and strength, but they found that they were evenly matched.

Then, the fighting spirit broke out.

The fierce fighting and collision set off fluctuating air currents in the Wushan Fortress. Even though the fighting spirit burst out and greatly increased the explosive power, Galil only had a slight upper hand.

Galil's fighting spirit was circulating and he was ready to use fighting skills.

But at this moment, Lulans, who was sitting above, spoke: "Okay."

Captain Tolu also followed: "Galil, I asked you to test the shield, what are you doing?"

Galil retreated with one blow and said with a smile: "I heard that the conquest of the savage tribe was largely due to the brave fighting of Knight McCann. I couldn't help but want to give it a try."

He nodded towards McCann, "When I saw him today, he is indeed very strong!"

McCann returned the greeting, then stood next to Ronin with a shield.

Luo Ning chuckled, "Now that you've tested it, Galil, what do you think of this shield?"



Galil nodded solemnly, "It may not be able to defend against many attacks from intermediate knights, but it is completely sufficient for the confrontation between ordinary soldiers and even the confrontation between ordinary junior knights."

Tolu nodded, "That can be equipped with some."

He said, pointing to the Temuza armor that Luo Ning had just introduced, "Compared to the shield, I value this armor more."

Tolu stepped forward and took the Temuza armor, pinched one of the armor pieces with his hands, tested its hardness, then repeatedly checked the production process and weighed its weight.

"Dawson, come and see how this armor looks like."

The quartermaster came forward. After greeting Luo Ning, he took the Temuza Armor and started experimenting with it, including stabbing and slashing with the dagger he carried.

Luo Ning also asked Wharton and George to cooperate in chopping.

"My lords, Temuza Armor's defense is sufficient."

Quartermaster Dawson gave his opinion, "The Knights are currently equipped with plate armor, chain armor and cloth armor. Although I have seen armor made of this craft, I have no equipment."

"Chain armor and plate armor have strong protective power, but they are too heavy and expensive to make. We do not prepare this kind of armor for all soldiers."

"Ordinary soldiers are generally equipped with cloth-faced armor, but its defense is weak. There is no way to compare it with the Ironmuzha armor provided by Baron Luo Ning."

Listening to the quartermaster's introduction, Luo Ning nodded secretly.

Chain armor, plate armor, and cloth armor are common armors. On Earth, cloth-faced armor eventually developed into composite armor, and its defensive power was not inferior to that of zha armor.

But in this world, cloth armor is really just made of multiple layers of linen pressed together, and its defensive power is not strong.

"So what is your suggestion?" Tolu, the leader of the Knights, asked.

Dawson did not hesitate and replied: "You can equip a small team of knights first. If the effect is good, then promote it to the entire knights and even other knights."

Tolu nodded, "Galil, then let your knight team do the experiment. You and Galil will discuss it later to see how much of each item is appropriate."

"Oh, by the way, please ask Finance Officer Curry and Baron Ronin to discuss the price."

In fact, the discussion on product prices should be done before confirming the order. This order can only show that no matter the quality and price of the products Luo Ning gives, we will buy some today.

Luo Ning said with a smile: "Ironwood shields cost 1 silver coin each, chest protectors cost 1 gold coin each, and ironwood armor requires time because of the material and craftsmanship. I priced it at 3 gold coins each."

Curry's eyes lit up, "The price is very reasonable!"

It's not that he said this out of respect for Rulans or Luo Ning, but Curry thinks the price is indeed very reasonable.

On the market, an ordinary chainmail armor costs 10 gold coins. The overall defensive effect of Temuzha armor is much weaker than that of chainmail armor, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Although it is made of special wood, it has a certain value, and the price of 3 gold coins is quite reasonable.

Curry had subconsciously thought that Luo Ning would ask for more.

The price is acceptable.

"In that case, let's do what you just said Toru."

Lulans said: "Luo Ning, don't you still have a curved shaft plow for plowing? I called the political officer Albert over, and now he will take you to the fields of a manor to test it. "


Luo Ning looked at the last person in the fortress, who was the political officer Albert, "Excuse me, sir."

"It is an honor to serve you, Baron!"

Albert bowed slightly, then made a gesture of invitation, and took Luo Ning out of Wushan Fortress.

After everyone exited the Wushan Fortress, Rulans looked at Galil, "How is that McCann's strength?"

Galil bowed and replied: "His fighting skills and movement skills are not inferior to mine. Without using fighting skills, it is unlikely that I can defeat him in a short time."

Rulans couldn't help but chuckled, "This guy actually told me that McCann just broke through from a mid-level knight to a high-level knight not long ago."

Galil shook his head when he heard this, "McCann's strength cannot be said to have reached the bronze level, but it has definitely reached the peak of the advanced level."

Toru asked: "Sir, what do you mean?"

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