Chapter 110 111. Happy cooperation

More than an hour later, Luo Ning and others returned to Wushan Fortress.

Lulans and others, who didn't know what they were discussing, all looked at the unpacked curved shaft plow that had been brought back. The shape of this plow was completely different from the plows used in various manors. At first glance, it seemed to be... Lighter and more flexible.

At this time, the plow was still stained with soil, so it had obviously been used recently.

Rulans looked at Albert, who seemed to have something to say from the moment he entered the fortress.

"Say it, Administrative Officer."

Albert was a little excited, "Your Majesty the Marquis, the Baron who invented the curved shaft plow is really a genius. I never thought that a plow could bring such a big change to farmers' farming!"

The PC excitedly held up three fingers.

"First of all, it is light and flexible, and only requires one person and one cow to operate it perfectly!"

"Secondly, it can also adjust the depth of plowing to adapt to various terrains. Oh my God, this ability amazes me!"

Albert had an exaggerated expression on his face, "The most important thing is that it can plow deeply and completely dig out the soil, which is very helpful for increasing food production!"

"My Lord Marquis, Sir Tolu, our territory and estate need such a plow!"

"With it, the difficulty of cultivating our fields will be reduced, and the yield of food will be increased, which will bring great value!"

Everyone looked at each other, wondering if the political officer had gone too far. Although this matter was led by the Marquis, it doesn't need to be so exaggerated, right?

"Is it really that powerful?"

"It's so powerful!"

Finance Officer Kuli echoed that if the sale and purchase had not involved finance, he would have followed, otherwise he would have missed the scene demonstrating the use of the Quyuan Plow.

"Albert found people who are good at plowing the land. After they became familiar with the use of the curved shaft plow, they all came to these conclusions."

Everyone looked at Luo Ning in surprise, only to see the latter spreading his hands, as if to say, this is the fact.

Tolu squatted next to Quyuan Li and looked at it. Although he was not a baron yet, he had several large manors outside, and reclamation was indeed a problem.

"Baron, how do you plan to sell this thing? I'll order a hundred tickets first!"

Political Officer Albert suggested to Rulans: "Sir, if necessary, we can order a thousand tickets in advance!"

Rulans nodded.

In fact, he was not very interested in these things, but he also knew the importance of cultivated land and food to a lord.

The administrative officer and the financial officer were both old men for many years. Since both of them said it was useful, it shouldn't be bad, so he would buy a batch.

When Albert saw Rulans agreeing, he immediately said to Luo Ning: "Baron, then we need a thousand sheets. It's best to transport them before spring plowing!"

Luo Ning couldn't help but smile helplessly.

"Everyone, you seem to have forgotten that I am just a small lord in a remote area. I don't have so many manpower and iron ore to make so many curved shaft plows. What's more, the ones I make are not enough for Shanlin Town. Where can I get them? Are the extra plows being sold?”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they remembered the situation in Luo Ning's territory.

Albert asked: "Are you ready?"

"I can sell you the blueprints for making the Quyuan Plow, and at the same time provide you with technical support."

Luo Ning explained the plan he had prepared, "You can send carpenters and blacksmiths to my territory to visit and learn, and I will let my craftsmen guide and teach them how to make it."

"Of course, if your craftsmen are smart enough, they can make it completely according to the drawings."

The Quyuan plow is more advanced, but it does not have too high technical barriers.

Luo Ning only needs to sell one, and I believe there will be imitations soon. When the time comes, he can at most make a little profit on the cost price.

And what he said is true, Shanlin Town cannot produce so much.

Finance Officer Curry smelled money, "You mean to sell this invention to Wushanbao?"

"Yes, Wushanbao will pay for it in one go."

Luo Ning smiled and said, "As for how Mr. Curry is going to operate, that is your business and has nothing to do with me."

Curry's eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "Then I wonder what price you are going to sell this Quyuan Plow at?"

Luo Ning held out three fingers: "Three thousand gold coins!"


When they heard the price, everyone looked at it with suspicion.

This is not thirty gold coins, nor three hundred gold coins, but three thousand gold coins!

"This... this is too expensive!"

Galil said in shock, he was the one with the least money among the group of people (except Ronin and his men).

Even Rulans couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This much money was enough for him to buy ten high-quality war horses.

Luo Ning smiled and said, "I believe that with the ability of Wushanbao's financial officer, it shouldn't be difficult to earn back these three thousand gold coins."

New ℴ𝓂

Making money in a steady stream is too troublesome for Luo Ning.

There is no caravan in Shanlin Town, and it is impossible for him to go to various noble territories to sell and promote like a businessman.

So he chose the buyout method.

Wushanbao is different from him. There are financial officers, caravans, and salesmen here, and they can sell it to various lords before Quyuanli has spread.

Even if each lord sells for 300 gold, as long as ten lords are willing to buy it, they can make money back.

Of course, not all lords are willing to spend this money, and not all lords have iron mines and blacksmiths and want to build it themselves.

Then these people can also buy the finished Quyuan plow from outside. As for how to price it at that time, that is not Luo Ning's concern.

However, Luo Ning is not worried that there will be no market when he wants to sell his plows one day.

He is confident that through enough experiments and attempts, he can replicate the blast furnace iron-making technology. By then using pig iron to cast agricultural tools, coupled with softening technology, he can quickly produce plows, greatly saving the cost of manufacturing curved shaft plows.

At that time, the Quyuan plow launched by Luoning could definitely open up the market at a lower price.

Finance Officer Curry glanced at Lu Lans and found that the latter had no objection. He smiled, bowed slightly to Luo Ning, and said humbly:

"Thank you for your compliment. We can accept the price you proposed."

Toru patted the dirt that had just been pulled from the plow in his hand, and stared at the financial officer with a wary expression, "What should I do? Curry, you won't sell me this technology for three thousand gold coins, will you?" ?”

"Hahaha, of course it won't..."

Curry smiled and said: "Sir Tolu can buy the finished product from Wushanbao if needed, and we will sell it to you at a preferential price. But before I sell the Quyuan plow to other nobles, please help me with this." The matter is kept confidential.”

He looked at Luo Ning. He knew mostly negative information about the baron and was worried that he would sell it again.

"This is natural, please believe in my credibility!"

At this time, Galil stepped forward and said, "I just discussed with the Marquis and my father. We need 120 ironwood shields, 200 ironwood spears, 50 ironwood chest protectors and 30 ironwood pieces." Zhajia, after we go back today, Quartermaster Dawson will officially submit our order."

Luo Ning knew from the data that this was prepared for a standard knight team. The quantity seemed to be quite a lot, but after careful calculation, it was not guaranteed to have one person.

Thinking about it, Galil prepared these things more for the knights and infantrymen to use. Regular knights can only use ironmuzha armor, and the demand for other things is low.

“Happy to work with!”

Luo Ning couldn't help but smile and stepped forward to hold the other person's hand, "I believe this batch of goods will not disappoint you."

This trip to Wushanpu can be said to be a fruitful experience.

For Luo Ning, now that the order is there, he now has to worry about how to complete the order.

At present, there are only two carpenters, William and Multa, in the ironwood workshop, and they have not yet hired a few apprentices. It cannot be said that it is difficult to complete this order in a short time, but it is quite difficult.

Lu Lansi's voice interrupted Luo Ning's melancholy, and he reminded: "Luo Ning, Wushan Castle is still a bit far from Shanlin Town after all. If you still have any goods to sell, you can go to Muma City to find Viscount Marvin. .”

"The Iron Hoof family's caravans are spread all over Wushan Territory and even most cities in the kingdom. As long as your price is reasonable, I think Marvin will be interested."

"I see!"

Luo Ning pondered and nodded slowly.

"grown ups!"

Finance Officer Curry said: "Although Shanlin Town is far away, it is only a day's journey at the speed of a messenger bird. If the Baron still has such business, he can use a messenger bird to send messages. I am willing to take my troops to Shanlin Town to discuss it in person. "


Lulans laughed, "You old guy is still the same as before. If you smell the smell of money, you will get there."

Curry chuckled, why can't he earn the money that Wuma City can earn?

Moreover, was the old Marquis reminding Luo Ning to discuss cooperation with Viscount Marvin? That was clearly not the case.

So what Curry just said has two meanings.

"But you did remind me when it came to the letter birds."

Lulans turned to Luo Ning again and said with a smile: "After returning this time, let the bird trainer from Wushanbao go to Shanlin Town to build bird paths in the two places. Otherwise, I want to ask Luo Ning When writing a letter, you have to ask Muma City to deliver it."

Luo Ning's eyes lit up, this is great.

After he killed Prince, he was particularly worried that Thain would launch a surprise attack. At that time, he thought that it would be great if there was a messenger bird, and the timely news could be a deterrent to Baron Leisen.

"So, thank you grandpa!"

Thank you Mr. Xiaoxiaocao for the reward~Thank you all for your votes~~~

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