Chapter 111 112.Double Happiness

Luo Ning successfully sold the Quyuan Plow and successfully promoted the products of the Ironwood Workshop this time. On the one hand, he benefited from Lulans's leadership, and on the other hand, he benefited from the fact that these things of his are indeed valuable and are not in the market. Sell ​​out of thin air.

After these two things were done, his trip to Wushanbao was basically completed.

Once the treasurer has three thousand gold coins in his treasury and the quartermaster provides a formal order list, Luo Ning can plan his return journey with these two things.

Ronin spent the next two days resting in the castle, learning the newly acquired magic, and competing with McCann to improve his combat skills.

All along, whether it is McCann or Rydal, Luoning has been suppressed by the strength of these two subordinates. Even if they are competing, the opponent will restrain some strength and killing moves, which makes it difficult for him to experience tit-for-tat. of excitement.

He can only wait until he is promoted to a high-level peak knight to have a few fierce battles with McCann.

"Sir, Mr. Kuli, the treasurer, is here." The Wushanbao guards waiting outside the courtyard came in to report.

Wharton and George had already been arranged by him to go to Wushan City to recruit craftsmen.

Whether they are formal craftsmen or apprentice craftsmen, whether they are carpenters, masons, blacksmiths or potters, as long as they are willing to move to Shanlin Town, or even move their whole family, Luo Ning is willing to pay the corresponding remuneration and help them go through the procedures with Wushanbao.

Although he only has 35 gold coins on him at the moment, no, he will soon have money.

"Tell him to wait for me in the living room."

Luo Ning put away her sword and asked the servants waiting outside the courtyard to bring hot water and towels to wipe her face, and then changed her clothes before going to the living room.

"Good afternoon, Baron."

When Curry saw Luo Ning coming out, he immediately stood up and saluted with a very respectful attitude.

Luo Ning motioned for Curry to sit down: "Your Excellency, come here today. Have you settled the matter?"

"The caravan has already set off to various territories to sell Quyuan plows. It should be fruitful."

Curry said, waving to the two subordinates behind him.

The two men immediately came forward and placed all six bags they carried on the table. A crisp sound came from inside, telling everyone that it was filled with gold coins.

"Sir, this is the three thousand gold coins paid to you. Count them."

Luo Ning was in shock at this time, not because of the other party's words, but because two lines of text appeared in his field of vision:

["Prosperous Wealth" achievement achieved, attribute points +50, energy essence +100]

["Prosperous Wealth" achievement achieved, attribute points +100, energy essence +200]

After a moment of astonishment, Luo Ning reacted.

There is only one possibility for this situation to happen——

That is, these three thousand gold coins have not only completed the current achievement of financial prosperity, but also completed the advanced version of the achievement of financial prosperity.

Luo Ning remembered that the current achievement requirement is to obtain 1,000 gold coins at one time, so the next level is likely to be 2,000 gold coins or 3,000 gold coins.

He took advantage of the situation and opened the interface to check it out. The new wealth success achievement was:

[Prosperous Wealth]: Get 5,000 gold coins at one time, reward: attribute points +250, energy essence +500

Judging from the reward value, the requirement for the previous level should be 2,000 gold coins.

The two achievements combined require a total of 3,000 gold coins, which is consistent with the current situation.

“I didn’t expect to be able to complete it continuously.”

Ronin smiled.

He casually picked up a money bag, weighed it in his hands, and said with a smile: "I can trust Mr. Curry's credibility, so there is no need to count these gold coins."

"I am honored by your trust!"

Curry said euphemistically: "In the past two days, I have asked the craftsmen in Wushanbao to start making curved shaft plows, but after completing one piece, it is still somewhat different from the plow you brought. I wonder if I can trouble you to go there. Can you give me some advice?"


Luo Ning said matter-of-factly: "Providing technical support is part of this deal. Although the craftsmen from Shanlin Town are not here, I can still provide guidance."

"You arrange the time, preferably tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If it's later, you may need those craftsmen to go to Shanlin Town to find me in person."

Curry said quickly: "Then tomorrow morning, what do you think?"

"Okay, I have time."

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Curry left.

Luo Ning opened the attribute panel. After signing in on the 14th and 15th, Luo Ning received the second heart-warming gift package in October. In addition to the two achievement tasks he had just completed, his current attribute points and energy essence I have accumulated a lot of soul:

[Level]: 3-Senior Knight (0/300); 3-Senior Magician (58/400)

[Attribute points]: 177

[Energy Essence]: 557

By the time this month is over, the number of energy essences will exceed 600 points.

Luo Ning even doubted that when he breaks through to the advanced level, if all these energy essences are invested in Rydal or McCann, will the other party be directly promoted from the Bronze Knight to the Silver Knight?


At that time, he will also face a problem, whether to improve Redal's strength first or McCann's strength first?

In the former, he is preparing to be sent to the front line. The stronger he is, the better he can control the situation;

He plans to keep the latter as a guard. The higher the strength, the better he can deal with certain emergencies.

He briefly analyzed it and found that the possibility of the enemy sending a silver-level killer as soon as they came up should be very low, right?

After all, to the outside world, he was just a novice who had just awakened the seeds of fighting spirit, and McCann beside him was just a high-level knight. Arranging for a bronze knight to come over was already a great honor.

Night begins to fall.

The servants of Wushan Castle were preparing dinner for the several masters who lived scattered around. Wharton and George, who had gone to Wushan City to recruit generals, returned to the courtyard.

"Sir, George and I have achieved certain results in recruiting craftsmen today."

Wharton said, submitting a list, "This is what the accompanying clerk helped record."

While taking the list, Luo Ning said: "I have quite a few professional knights under my command now, but not many of them can write."

Among the savage tribesmen who surrendered, in fact, only Jenny's family was literate, and the others were not literate.

Even Tom, who claimed that his father was a knight, could only write the names of two or three people, and was almost illiterate.

"It's terrible to be uneducated! After returning to Hillwood Town this time, you two, David, Dandy, Tomash, and Kesili will all have to learn from me, at least to master basic reading and writing."

Luo Ning thought for a moment, "Let Eileen teach the students listening, speaking, reading and writing. It just so happens that Eileen won't be so bored."

Wharton and George suddenly felt a little awkward when they thought of calling the thirteen-year-old child teacher.

But they had to admit that compared to Irene, they were just rough people who couldn't write.

It is actually a bit difficult to force these people to study.

But among the short ones, who is taller may have a talent for learning and will be able to use it easily in the future. He cannot go anywhere without a servant accompanying him.

Luo Ning spread out the parchment, read the statistics on it, and frowned slightly: "How come these craftsmen are all apprentices?"

Wharton scratched his head, feeling helpless.

"Those famous craftsmen are either accustomed to living in Wushan City because they have many families, or they have stable customer relationships. Even if you offer a high daily salary, they are not willing to leave easily."

George added: "These apprentices only agreed to move to Hillwood Town after hearing about your identity and deeds."

Luo Ning frowned. It was normal for this situation to occur. After all, he could have enough food and clothing in his hometown. Who would be willing to risk his life and leave his hometown to venture into the unknown?

These craftsmen are not slaves. They are free citizens of Oshan Territory and Alduin Kingdom. They have the right to choose their own lives.

Of course, Luo Ning could lead someone to pull them away with the threat of force, but this would not only be bad for his reputation, but would also open up opportunities for criticism.

Nobles who violate the laws of the kingdom can sometimes be ignored completely, but if someone is serious and wants to pursue them, it will be a very troublesome matter.

"Four carpenter apprentices, seven mason apprentices, three blacksmith apprentices, two potter apprentices..."

Luo Ning shook his head: "Too little, not enough, we have to continue recruiting tomorrow!"

He knew very well that the daily salary of a few extra copper coins every day was not very attractive. If he wanted to get those skilled craftsmen to come to his territory to work for him, he would need to pay more money.

"Tell them that for all apprentices going to Shanlin Town, I am willing to pay 1 gold coin for the relocation fee, and for ordinary formal craftsmen, I will pay 5 gold coins. This money will be paid when they complete the registration and leave Wushan City. In addition, on the way, I will be responsible for eating and drinking.”

The annual salary of apprentices and formal craftsmen is about this price. The conditions Luo Ning is now offering are equivalent to them doing nothing. As long as they are willing to go to Shanlin Town, they can get a year's salary.

Luo Ning thought for a while and then added: "If there is a master craftsman or a master craftsman, I will pay a higher price!"

Master craftsmen and master craftsmen are craftsmen with high skills. They are proficient in basic skills and can also make connections by analogy.

In particular, master craftsmen can use magical materials to create special products.

For example, use the scales of Warcraft to make special armors and weapons, build special fortifications like Wushan Fort, and so on.

However, Luo Ning felt that such a person would not be willing to go to a small place like Shanlin Town.

"As you wish, my lord!"

Wharton and George immediately responded.

They believe that with the newly opened conditions, more people will be tempted.

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