Chapter 112 113. Gifts

Ronin walked into Lulans' bedroom.

As the weather gets cooler, Rulans' physical condition gets worse and worse. It's not that his condition is getting worse, in fact he feels very uncomfortable every winter.

The fireplace had raised the temperature in the room to very warm, but Lulans was still covered with a thick woolen quilt, which made him feel hot.

"Grandpa, how do you feel?"

Luo Ning was very puzzled. What kind of disease could cause a meteor-star knight who had tempered his flesh, viscera and bones and broken the chakra to suffer for so many years?

"Same as usual, as long as you don't use your fighting spirit."

Lulans sat up and leaned against the bed, "I heard that you are leaving tomorrow?"

Ronin nodded.

Today is already the 17th, two days have passed since Curry handed him three thousand gold coins, and it has been five days since he returned to Wushanpu.

"I guided the carpenters and blacksmiths in the city the day before yesterday, and now they can make a curved shaft plow. My men have also recruited a group of craftsmen and apprentices, and it's time for me to set off back."

Luo Ning smiled and said: "There are still many things waiting for me to do in Shanlin Town."

"Haha, you are a good lord who cares about his territory."

Lulans tilted his head and looked at his grandson sitting diagonally across the bed, his eyes sparkling, "I have also been observing you in the past few days. Ever since I experienced Selena's incident and arranged for you to go to Shanlin Town to do sex, You have changed a lot since becoming a baron."

He shook his head, "No, it's like a different person."

Luo Ning's heart skipped a beat, and she praised him for being so accurate in seeing people. He was indeed a different person.

Fortunately, although there are extraordinary people, no one has the ability to directly see through the change of a person's soul.

"I read a passage in a novel that said that after people experience drastic changes, they may change their original habits and styles. Diligent people will suddenly become lazy, and motivated people will suddenly become tired and irritable. People who suddenly become quiet and so on, maybe I am one of them."

"Haha, I think your change is very good!"

Rulans said happily: "My child, do you know that if you had behaved like you are now, I would not deprive you of your inheritance rights so easily."

The heir to the title must either have sufficient strength or sufficient ability. Both of these are things that can be recognized by the vassals below. Unfortunately, the previous Luo Ning did not have the same thing, and neither did Wiggins.

Lu Lansi said this suddenly and without any foreshadowing, but Luo Ning would not find it unreasonable.

Because since he returned to Wushanpu this time, he felt that Rulans's attitude towards him had changed a lot.

Take the business discussion at Wushan Fortress that day as an example. It was clearly like an introduction meeting led by Rulans.

And in the end, the other party also told Luo Ning that if he had anything to do, he could go to Muma City to find Viscount Marvin.

"Actually, it's good to be a forest baron. I have enough time and space to do what I want to do."

Luo Ning smiled and said, "As for the succession of the Marquis, there is still my father. Even if he gets old, Brayton is still good. With his qualifications, I am afraid that by that day he will have caught up with you."

“Brayton’s qualifications are indeed good.”

Rulans did not deny this, "If he didn't have such a complicated relationship behind him, he would indeed be the most suitable heir. But the child grew up with her mother, and he listened to his mother's words very much. And Diane... "

He was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about something, then shook his head, and the topic returned to Luo Ning, "How about it, are you still interested in being the heir now?"


Luo Ning didn't expect this old man to speak so directly. It had only been a few months since he was deprived of his inheritance rights, and he was going to reinstate it again?

Why does it feel like a bit of a joke?

"Maybe the king has just approved your document for changing the heir, and now you are changing it, so you can only..."

Rulans waved his hand, "The king has no time to care about these things, he is busy."

Could it be that Rulans is as willful as Wiggins, who thinks of everything he wants?

Luo Ning's words were interrupted and he couldn't help but be speechless. Could it be that Lulans also had a willful side?

He shook his head, "I am not interested in inheritance right now, and if you really want to change it, Wushan Castle will have no prestige in the eyes of other nobles."

Luo Ning's previous reputation was very poor and he didn't have many supporters. Even so, there are many reasons for wanting to abolish him.

But now that the inheritance rights fall on Brayton, if you want to change it, it will not be a matter of a word. There is an extremely powerful grandfather behind him, and he may start a war if things go wrong.

And at that time, Luo Ning will be pushed to the front.

So what does Luo Ning want from an inheritance that has no real power?

Lulans looked at Luo Ning deeply and nodded slowly after a while.

"It seems that you have really matured, kid! If you had just agreed without thinking about it, I would have thought that your stability was limited to trivial matters."

Sure enough, Rulans is not as willful as Wiggins.

"Go and get the box on the desk."


New 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar→𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖

Luo Ning looked over in surprise. There was indeed a long black wooden box on the desk not far away. It seemed that Lulans had prepared it a long time ago.

What is it?

He took the long box over with curiosity.

"This is a gift for you when we say goodbye. Open it." Rulans said with a smile.

"This is such a surprise!"

Regarding gifts, Luo Ning always accepts all comers. On the one hand, he lacks resources, and on the other hand, what should he do if he refuses other people's kindness and makes the gift giver unhappy?

Luo Ning opened the long box with anticipation and saw six scrolls lying quietly inside.

"This is?"

He took out the top scroll with doubts and opened it. It was engraved with dense, mysterious and obscure magic patterns. It would feel difficult to look at it carefully.

Luo Ning was familiar with this feeling. It was the same feeling when he carefully stared at the magic circle that summoned McCann and others, but it was even stronger at that time.

There is no doubt that this is a spell scroll.

He saw the text description in the lower right corner: Level 6 Magic Fire Dragon Swallows the Sky.

This is not a simple spell scroll, but a sixth-level magic!

Lu Lansi's voice sounded at the right time: "There are five spell scrolls in this, including one spell scroll for the sixth-level fire attribute magic 'Fire Dragon Devouring the Sky', and three spell scrolls for the fifth-level earth attribute magic 'Guardian Armor'. And a spell scroll of the sixth-level light attribute magic 'Powerful Healing'."


Luo Ning took a breath, "This, this is too expensive!"

Luo Ning actually didn't feel much about the gifts Lulans had given him before. After all, a few hundred gold coins was nothing to the Marquis.

Even if he facilitated Qu Yuuli's deal, he still had his share of the credit. After all, if it weren't for Quyuan Lidong, he wouldn't be able to earn these 3,000 gold coins.

But now, the value of these scrolls presented by Lulans was so high that no matter how shameless Luo Ning was, he couldn't afford it.

If nothing else, just say that the price of this powerful healing spell scroll reaches 6,000 gold coins. Wiggins relied on this to save his life.

The combined value of these five spell scrolls is probably tens of thousands of gold coins.

Even if Lulans was rich, he would not give away so many precious spell scrolls to others at once.

"These things are of little value to me, a dying old man, and I live in Wushanbao all year round and have no chance to use them. Rather than letting them go to waste, I might as well give them to you, and maybe they can be of some use."

Lulans said seriously: "I am very optimistic about your son. Even if you cannot inherit the position of Marquis of Wushan Territory in the future, I believe that with your wisdom and ability, you can still become an excellent lord!"

Such an evaluation is quite high.

Luo Ning's hand tightened as he held the scroll. He didn't expect that he would be moved at some point.

At this moment, he felt how difficult it was for the old man in front of him.

A meteor star strong man has no strength but cannot even use his fighting spirit;

A marquis family cannot select a qualified heir in all aspects. This is a painful but helpless matter for Rulans.

This family, this castle, and this territory are probably supported by Rulans. Once he dies, the current situation is likely to fall apart.

Kingdoms and nobles never lack for disputes and wars.

"Thank you grandpa!"

Luo Ning said sincerely: "I will make good use of it and will not let down your gift!"

"Haha, don't use it."

Lulans smiled and shook his head: "The spell scroll cannot be used by just anyone. Triggering it requires extraordinary power and a certain amount of mental power."

"You can't do it, you're too weak! You don't have fighting spirit or magic power. You can barely use two or three level spell scrolls. If you use these forcibly, it will only drain your life."

He pointed out: "Let your knight McCann use it. Senior knights can barely use a spell scroll of level 5 or 6, but it consumes a lot of money. Don't touch it unless absolutely necessary."

"Especially that powerful healing scroll. It's the only one in Wushan Castle. Use it where you think it's most valuable."

Luo Ning couldn't help but look at the scroll in the box. Unexpectedly, the only powerful healing spell was given to him. How much does Lulans value him?

What Lulans didn't know was that Luo Ning was already a dual-professional advanced transcendent, and he could use these scrolls himself.

Luo Ning listened very carefully to such instructions, and felt a heavy feeling in his heart.

Sometimes you are not afraid of others treating you badly, but you are afraid of others treating you too well.

"Okay, I've said all that needs to be said, go ahead."

Lulans waved his hand and lay down again, "I want to rest too."

Luo Ning took a deep breath, put away the long box and bowed deeply, "Please take care of yourself, I will come to visit you again at the end of December!"

There are things happening in the afternoon and evening, so the update in the evening may be a little later.

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