Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 114 115 The monsters that invaded Shanlin Town (please order for the first time)

Chapter 114 115. The monsters that invaded Shanlin Town (please order for the first time!)

After Ronin left, the government affairs of Hillwood Town were handed over to Wilson, the affairs in the castle were handed over to Chahar, the training of new guards was handed over to David, and the management of the overall extraordinary people was handed over to Elrond .

So Elrond has been busy lately.

There are a large number of spell scrolls waiting for him to make, and they will be delivered when he goes to Muma City in December;

On the other hand, he also wants to give Irene a magic lesson in advance, so that the little girl can be more exposed to the principles and requirements of making spell scrolls;

At the same time, he occasionally checked the working status of the new surrenderers who joined Shanlin Town in preparation for subsequent assessments.

Recently, there was something that made him even more annoyed - a magical beast might have appeared in the direction of the pasture northwest of the town.

"Are you sure there's another missing sheep?"

In the evening, Elrond stood outside the sheepfold behind the castle, looking at the three trembling shepherds standing in front of him.

They were all recruited by Luo Ning when he first came to Shanlin Town. They have worked for Shanlin Fort for so long, they are still trustworthy, and there is no reason for them to report themselves after stealing sheep.

"Didn't I ask you to change the area for grazing? Why are you still losing it?"

Elrond rubbed his temples fiercely. For three consecutive days, he lost one or two almost every day!

He had asked David to lead people to search in the mountains over there, but other than finding a pool of suspicious blood, he did not find any valuable clues.

Could it be that this monster ate the sheep and even left no bones?

"Dear Master Magician, we have moved to a small hill to graze according to your instructions, and the three of us have stepped up patrols in the past two days, but we still don't know why the sheep are missing!"

The three shepherds were in a panic at this time.

Although the magician in front of them is very kind, whether it is a paralyzed patient or an injured farmer, he will lend a helping hand and use sacred light to ease their pain, but they have lost many sheep, even if they don't Lose your life, but the fine should be inevitable, right?

I don’t know what kind of punishment the Lord will punish them when he comes back.

"Mr. Elrond, what should we do now?"

Chahar was a little anxious. There were only more than a hundred sheep in the castle. A lot of them were consumed during several banquets, and there were less than a hundred left. If they continued to be thrown away like this, they would really be gone.

Elron said thoughtfully: "If it is really the work of a monster, it must be a guy who knows how to hide!"

When it comes to World of Warcraft, everyone is more afraid.

It's not winter yet, so why are there monsters coming down the mountain?

"Fortunately, it only dared to attack sheep and not people."

Elrond was a little lucky.

He knew that the lord valued his subjects, and even losing a few sheep was better than losing a strong labor force.

But as soon as he said this, chaotic shouts came from outside.

"Lord Elrond, hurry, save David!"

Elrond was shocked, and he heard it. It was the voice of Tomash, the strong man among the three knights of the earth.

He turned around and looked over, only to see a group of guards running over carrying David.

"what happened?"

Elrond's expression changed and he immediately stepped forward. His heartbeat slowed down by half a beat at this sight.

David's face was pale at this time, and the clothes on his chest were all soaked with blood. The horrific injuries scared Chahar to the point of turning pale.

David was one of the first people to follow Luo Ning, and he stood out from the Wushan Fort guards and became a professional knight, and was trusted by Luo Ning.

If David dies, Elrond really doesn't know how to explain to the lord.

"what happened?"

Elrond asked, casting a healing spell.

As a few rays of milky white light fell on the wound, the wound slowly stopped bleeding.

"Sir, we found the sheep-eating beast!"

Dandy looked horrified, "David and I searched all the way to the west. Not long ago, we arrived at the woodland on the north side of Wushan Lake. When we were searching the bushes there, we didn't expect that guy was hiding in it. David couldn't make it in time. In response, he swiped his paw!"

Everyone's mood sank. Although there were still four professional knights in the territory, they were all junior knights;


Although there are two magicians, the junior magician Irene only masters the water gathering technique. It is okay to bathe the monsters, but it is absolutely impossible to cause harm.

Elrond does have advanced strength, but unfortunately he can only assist with magic. If the level of this monster is relatively high, it will be difficult.

After several treatments, the bleeding from David's wound completely stopped and scabs formed, but he had not yet woken up due to excessive blood loss.

Elrond checked and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, the monster did not attack only once, and it did not seem to use all its strength. Otherwise, David would not have broken two ribs and left a few scars. Thank you. Marsh, you send him back to rest.”

He looked at Dandy, "Dandy, have you seen clearly what kind of monster that is?"

"I just feel that it should be quite big and have gray-black hair." Dandy tried to recall and shook his head, "It was so fast that when I turned around to see it, only its back was left."

With his large size and fast speed, combined with the claw marks on David's chest, he should look a bit like a tiger or leopard.

Generally this kind of monster is difficult to deal with.

"Ask the citizens not to approach that area. Tomorrow we will drive a few sheep over to have a look."

Elrond thought for a while and said: "If my light binding technique can trap it, then we will kill it! If not, then we will retreat directly and go to Gray Earth Village to find Commander Redal or wait for the lord Come back, sir."

Elrond frowned slightly. It was already November 3rd. According to Ronin's previous plan, he should have returned for a day or two. Is there something that delayed him?

At this time, Luo Ning had already set up camp in the mountain forest more than ten miles away from Shanlin Town.

Large and small tents were set up in the forest, with bonfires burning inside and outside to keep the temperature inside from being so low.

It's not like summer now, the temperature has dropped a lot, especially after arriving in the mountains. If you don't arrange a bonfire and tent at night and let them cuddle up with each other for the night, you may freeze to death.

Fortunately, this painful journey is almost over.

"Baron, after I send you to Hillwood Town tomorrow, I will return with the Cavaliers."

Beside the bonfire, Knight Galil said: "The weather will be even colder in the next few days. If we are unlucky, there will be another rain or snow, and it will be even more difficult for us to go back."

Luo Ning nodded, "I originally wanted to invite you to stay in Shanlin Town for a few more days, but since you insist, I won't say more."

With Galil's team of knights escorting him, Ronin had no troubles along the way, and even the beasts in the wilderness didn't bother him.

Luo Ning and everyone drank a few mouthfuls of meat and drank a few mouthfuls of wine to feel warm before entering the tent.

This return trip started on October 18th, and today is already the third day. He has accumulated 180 attribute points. After all consumption, his magician level has reached (318/400).

In a short time, he will be able to raise the magician's strength to the advanced peak.

If he completes a few more achievements and gets enough attribute points, he will most likely have the status of a Bronze Knight when he returns to Wushanbao in December.

The bronze-level combat effectiveness of dual-professionals should not be underestimated. At that time, Luo Ning would not have to worry too much if he showed a little bit of his strength.

What's more, at that time, Luo Ning probably accumulated nearly 800 points of energy essence, which was enough to create a silver-level knight at one time, right?

At that time, the top strength of Shanlin Town was sufficient, and they only needed to create a team of knights to prevent enemies outside from easily provoking them.

As for the Thane Territory...

Knight Feliton, who might have killed Ronin with the slightest move of his sword, is now ranked third or fourth even if he joins Hillwood Town.

Even Ronin, Baron Lesen, who is said to have been promoted to the Bronze Knight, is true.

Along the way, when Galil was bored, he would spar with McCann. Even if the former was a bronze knight, McCann would not be defeated immediately and could still last for three to five rounds.

If McCann is like this, Redal will be able to hold on even more.

To be honest, in Luo Ning's eyes now, the threat from Thane Territory is no longer great.

If the other party rashly attacks him again, it will give him a reasonable excuse to attack him.

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