Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 115 116 Warcraft Cub (please order for the first time!)

Chapter 115 11 first orders! )

In the afternoon of the next day, Luo Ning finally arrived at Shanlin Town with his team after a long journey.

Beside the stone road sign, the craftsmen let out a tired cheer, and they finally arrived here alive.

Along the way, many people had regrets in their hearts. If they had known that Shanlin Town was so far away and so difficult to walk, they probably would not have left their hometown.

But when I arrived safely, all the miscellaneous thoughts I had on the road were forgotten.

Next, they will live peacefully here, serve the lord well, strive to create a business here, and take over their families in Wushan City as soon as possible.

"finally reached!"

Luo Ning stretched out on the horse, "Wharton, George, if you take the craftsmen into the town, I won't accompany you."

He slapped the Cloud-Taking Horse under him hard, and the "BMW" that was already familiar with its owner neighed, spread its legs and galloped away along the mountain road.

At this moment, the Cloud-Taking Horse finally showed off its ability to possess the bloodline of a third-level monster, and arrived more than ten meters away in almost the blink of an eye.

Not only is it fast, it's also very stable.

Speeding along, enjoying the cheers of the people he met along the way, Luo Ning soon arrived at the castle.

It's just that compared to when I usually go home, it's a lot quieter this time.

"Brother Luo Ning, you are finally back!"

A dexterous figure flew out of the inner castle and jumped directly into Luo Ning's arms. Luo Ning subconsciously hugged the person who came over.

Luo Ning smelled the faint body fragrance on the tip of his nose and couldn't help joking: "It's Eileen, long time no see. Compared with last time, you seem to be a lot heavier?"

"Ah, have I gained weight?"

Irene quickly left Luo Ning's arms and couldn't help looking down at herself. She felt that she had not gained weight.

After not seeing each other for nearly a month, Eileen naturally did not gain weight. On the contrary, perhaps because she left her parents and there was no familiar person like Luo Ning around, she also lost a little weight.

"You have grown taller, how can you become fat?"

Ronin looked at Galen and Bella who were running out behind him, but he didn't see the shadow of Chahar, nor did he see Elrond.

"Why are you the only ones in the castle?"

Luo Ninghu asked: "Where are Elrond and Chahar?"

Speaking of these two people, Erin looked a little scared. She said nervously: "Brother, a monster has appeared in our town. David was seriously injured by it and fell into a coma. He hasn't woken up yet!"


Luo Ning's expression changed greatly, "David was injured by a monster? What's going on?"

"It's the pasture in the northwest. Two sheep were lost every day in the past few days. The teacher asked David and the others to lead the guards to see if they could find the guy who stole the sheep. It turned out that it was a monster!"

Ronin heard the general story from Irene.

This monster can beat David to the point of being seriously injured and unconscious, so it is definitely not weak. And it still stayed in Shanlin Town and didn't seem to be very afraid of humans.

It was necessary for Elrond to get rid of or drive it away, but the strength of the monster was still unclear, and he might suffer a loss.

In order to prevent anyone in the territory from being injured, Luo Ning, who had just dismounted, turned back on the horse and wanted to take a look over there.

"Brother Luo Ning, can I follow you and take a look?"

Seeing that Luo Ning was about to leave again, Aileen asked in a low voice: "I can use the water gathering technique smoothly now!"

Water Gathering Technique...

Luo Ning wanted to refuse, but seeing her obedient and expectant look, he still extended his hand, "Let's go, it's good to see the world, you will also be the one to fight World of Warcraft in the future."

"Okay, when I become like my mother, I will help you fight monsters with water archery!"

Erin reached out her hand excitedly and was pulled onto the horse's back, falling into Ronin's arms.

As soon as the two people left the castle, they saw McCann riding over on horseback. The speed of the riding cloud horse was evident.

"Sir, what are you doing?" McCann asked in surprise.

"Come on, guard officer, there's trouble in our territory."

At this time, Elrond and others had just experienced a thrilling scene in the bushes north of Wushan Lake.

They drove the sheep through the forest for a long time, and finally found the monster. The other party may have seen the crowd, but it just came out and roared threats at everyone, without attacking.

Everyone finally took this opportunity to see clearly what the monster looked like.

It is a canine monster that looks like a wolf, but its size is larger than that of an average wolf.

This monster is three meters long and more than one and a half meters tall at the shoulders. The muscles all over its body are clearly visible, and every muscle is full of power!

Its tail is long and fluffy, like a sharp curved blade sweeping through the air.

During the confrontation, Elrond successfully used the light binding technique. Four tentacles of light bound the limbs of the giant beast, trapping it in place.

But just when everyone was about to work together to kill this big guy, they didn't expect that the other party roared, and the burst of power actually tore Elrond's magic into pieces, and then he ducked into the forest and escaped.

"My heartbeat was so frightened that it stopped just now!"


Dandy felt like he was surviving a disaster. God knows how he was lucky enough to survive yesterday.

If such a behemoth were to kill him, he and David would probably have no bones left.

Others were also sweating and panicking.

Elrond was also frightened, and he was also very worried.

This monster was discovered yesterday, and it didn't leave today. It obviously didn't want to leave.

If it doesn't leave, it will affect the safety of the residents of Shanlin Town.

Today he can still let a few sheep to fill its belly. If one day he stops letting sheep, this guy will definitely eat people.

On the other side of Wushan Lake is the ironwood workshop. There are still twenty slaves cutting down trees in the black iron forest. Having such a monster here not only threatens the safety of personnel, but also seriously affects the progress of the ironwood workshop. .

"The lord must have been delayed by something and hasn't come back yet. If we want to deal with this guy, we must go to Huitu Village to invite the commander back."

That monster can shatter the light binding spell in a breath. It is so powerful that Elrond has no other way to deal with it.

Redal is currently the most powerful transcendent in the territory. Only by finding him can we have a chance to deal with this monster.

"Gisili and I are relatively familiar with Wubei Woodland, so just let me or Gisli inform the commander."

Tomash from Gray Earth Village volunteered.

The tall and thin knight next to him, Jisili, also nodded, "It's best to bring two more people. I'm afraid if I meet this guy on the way, it will be the end!"

At this moment, Elrond's ears moved, "What's the sound?"

Everyone was stunned, immediately stopped talking, and listened carefully.

Soon, they heard a squeaking sound coming from the grass not far away, like a newborn puppy.

"Warcraft cub?"

Elrond instantly thought of this possibility, and immediately led the people over there.

They used their spears to carefully push aside the grass, and saw a little beast covered in black fur lying there, howling.

This little monster seemed to have just been born, and it didn't even open its eyes.

"It's really a monster cub!"

Everyone was shocked by this scene. No wonder the monster refused to leave Shanlin Town. It turned out that a monster cub was born here.

"What should I do? Should I kill it?" someone asked.

Elrond didn't know how to choose.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves came closer and closer, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but turn around.

"Is it Erin?"

Elrond's eyes were sharp and he said excitedly: "No, it's the lord who's back!"

Luo Ning took Eileen to the forest and felt relieved when he saw that everyone was safe.

"Sir, you are finally back!"

Elrond walked up excitedly, "If you don't come back, I will go to Ashland Village to find Redal and return to Mountain Forest Town for help."

Luo Ning's heart moved, "Did you find that monster?"

"Yes, my lord!"

Elrond described the appearance of the monster. Ronin searched for the category of this guy in his mind, but could not find the answer for a while.

His predecessor had relatively little knowledge of Warcraft, and he didn't have time to make up for it.

"Sir, although the monster escaped, it left a cub here."

Luo Ning was stunned for a moment, thinking he heard wrongly. But soon, the chirping sound that reached his ears told him that what Elrond said was true.

He immediately got off his horse and walked towards the place where the sound came from.

"It's really a cub of a monster!"

A surprised smile appeared on Luo Ning's face.

Warcraft cub, this is a rare thing.

As we all know, World of Warcraft is difficult to tame, but Warcraft cubs are different. Their minds are immature, and their wild nature will gradually hide as they get along with people.

Many families have the experience of domesticating Warcraft cubs.

For example, the Alduin royal family is said to have a team of griffins that can take people to fly in the sky.

If Luo Ning can successfully tame this cub, its strength will definitely be no worse than its mother's in the future.

If you use it as a mount, it will be much more popular than riding on the cloud horse.

"so cute!"

Erin's big eyes were sparkling. If the other person was not a monster but a dog cub, she would definitely not be able to bear to pick it up.

Elrond asked, "My lord, what will you do with it?"

"Of course I'll take it home and raise it myself."

Luo Ning smiled and said, "Look, it hasn't even opened its eyes yet. It's probably less than ten days old."

As he spoke, he wanted to bend down and pick up the squeaking little guy, but at this moment, a strong sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart.

Sorry, I stayed in the hospital for most of the day today and came back very late.

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