
In the wilderness outside Huitu Village, two groups of people were facing each other. ☞

Baron Leisen was self-possessed and courageous, so he rode forward alone, "Luo Ning, if you have the courage, come forward and talk to me alone."

"Sir, you..."

McCann, Redal and others looked worried, worried that the lord would be deceitful when he came forward.

"It doesn't matter."

Luo Ning is now a high-level peak magician and a high-level mid-level knight. Although the bronze level is very powerful, the opponent is not strong enough to take down Luo Ning instantly.

However, just in case, Ronin whispered: "Elrond, be prepared."

"I understand!" Elrond said solemnly.

Luo Ning picked up the reins and walked forward with steady steps on the cloud riding horse, "Baron Leisen, you brought the knight team led by Thane here today. Do you want to start a war with me?"

Leisen narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't expect that Luo Ning actually dared to come forward alone. This was completely different from the good-for-nothing heir in his impression. Could it be that he had really changed his gender as Lady Diane said?

But this only surprised him and did not change his disdain——

A lord who doesn't know how much he weighs and rushes forward rashly is a sign of stupidity.

For a moment, Leisen wanted to fly out and break Ronin's neck, but in the end he held back.

hold on.

"Baron Luo Ning is joking. Although you and I are equal and I don't need to be loyal to you, you are the son of the earl after all. I will not be stupid enough to go to war with you directly because of a small dispute."

"But you captured my men for no reason, you must give me an explanation for this matter!"

The cloud riding horse stopped, and the heads of the two horses were less than two meters apart.

Luo Ning took a look at the opponent's war horse. Even if it didn't have Warcraft blood, it should be a war horse of excellent quality.

Since the other party is not taking action, he is here to threaten and warn.

As long as he doesn't take action, Luo Ning will be fine.

"Leisen, what you said is wrong."

Luo Ningpi said with a smile: "You have already built a sentry tower in my home, and you still say that I captured your men for no reason?"

"I won't talk nonsense to you. I will take out a hundred gold coins and return them to you, including the Fenris Knights."

"I bother!"

Leisen has never been a good-tempered person. When he heard this, he immediately became angry, and the fighting spirit in his body burst out, setting off a gust of wind, bringing with it a murderous atmosphere.

"Luo Ning, do you really think that I don't dare to do something to you?"

He threatened: "With your skills, to tell you the truth, I can kill you with just one breath! Although it is not convenient for me to kill you, I can take you to Wushan Castle and hand you over to the Marquis and the nobles. Judgment, let’s see who is right about you deliberately taking away my people!”

"Now I give you a choice. Release my people immediately and promise that your people will not cross this corner from today on. I will pretend that your offense never happened!"

Luo Ning sneered in his heart.

If he was still a junior knight, he might be nervous and timid when faced with such an imposing manner, but to be honest now, he just regarded it as a warm breeze.

He looked back at Rydal and McCann, indicating that they didn't need to be nervous.

Then he turned back and looked directly into Leisen's eyes, "Leisen, I know your purpose, it is just to compress my space. But the land in the north is very large and can accommodate the two of us to operate normally."

"But if you really think I'm easy to bully, then the worst I can do is report this matter to Wushanbao and ask my grandfather to arrange for someone to draw a boundary for the villages that these savage tribes have turned into."

His tone turned a little playful, "Don't say you are going to my direction. Even if you go east or south, as long as you cross the line, I will report it to Wushanbao and make you face a fine or even confiscate you." The management rights of the black-collar tribe!”

Leisen's face darkened. Regardless of whether he admitted it or not, Luo Ning's statement was correct, and this approach was indeed disgusting.

He was thinking at this time, how great it would be if he was the only noble in the north, and he could do whatever he wanted.

This also deepened his hatred for Luo Ning.

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"Luo Ning, don't forget, you can't expand even if you do this!"

Luo Ning spread his hands and said, "I don't care. One mountain town is enough for my development, not to mention the three villages of Qingzhu, Ziguo and Huitu. I am very content."


Leisen gritted his teeth and sneered, "I didn't realize that the former heir of Wushan Castle who was despised by outsiders after not seeing each other for only a few months has undergone such a big change!"

He asked in a low voice, "There are only two to three thousand people in Shanlin Town, but your appetite, Luoning, is so big. Aren't you afraid of dying of it?"

"This is none of your business."

Luo Ning directly stated his plan, "So I propose that you and I use the middle line between the Gray Earth Village and the Black Collar Tribe as the boundary and agree not to invade each other. How about that?"

Rayson didn't answer immediately.

The conversation just now and Luo Ning's attitude made him unhappy. He needed to vent and show his strength to scare this junior and make him calm down.

"Territorial disputes can never be settled with words."

Leisen put his hand on the long sword at his waist, "The ownership of territory always comes from strength."

"Come on, duel!"

He pulled out his long sword and pointed it at Luo Ning, his murderous intent deepening the coldness of winter. "You and I each send three people. If you win more games, then I will pay you a hundred gold and retreat fifteen miles away. If I If you win a lot of games, then you can let it go unconditionally, and from today on, you and your people are not allowed to cross this line!"

Simply put, best of three, the loser agrees to the winner's proposal.

"Then I'm curious, as a Bronze Knight, will you end up personally?" Luo Ning asked.


Leisen never wanted to stand by and watch. On the contrary, he wanted to vent his anger on Ronin.

The tip of his sword shifted and pointed at Redal in the team, "He is my opponent. Anyone who offends the Thane leader must pay the price!"

Ruidal heard the other party's words clearly and couldn't help but put his hand on the hilt of the sword. He was already ready to fight.

Luo Ning's thoughts changed rapidly.

He didn't know where Redal's limit was, but since McCann could compete with the bronze-level Galil, Redal should be a little stronger.

After all, he is a knight with blazing sun qualifications, so it is entirely possible to challenge him beyond the next level.

It's just that he doesn't know Leisen's strength level even more. Once Redal loses, he must ensure victory in the next two games.

McCann played in the second game. Whether it was against Feliton or the leader of the Black Collar Tribe, Joffrey, Ronin had confidence in McCann.

The key is the third game. Who should play in the third game?

Looking at the entire team, the remaining senior professionals are Ronin and Elrond.

Elrond's damage ability, even if he learned the "punishment technique" brought from Wushan Castle, the damage would be very limited.

Obviously, Luo Ning is more suitable.

But once Luo Ning takes action, it means exposing his strength.

He doesn't want to reveal his strength yet.

"Why, Baron Ronin, are you afraid?"

Seeing Luo Ning's hesitation, Lei Sen thought that the boy in front of him was already timid, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"It's not easy to recruit a high-level knight. If you are afraid that he will be injured or even killed by me, you just need to let him go and abide by the agreement."


Luo Ning narrowed his eyes. He had never bet like this before in time, so he would bet today that Redal would win.

"But I would like to add one more thing. If you lose to my senior knight Ruidal at the bronze level, then there will be no need for the subsequent battle. The Thain leader will just admit defeat."

"Haha, hahaha!"

Leisen seemed to have heard a joke, "What are you talking about, kid? Do you think a high-level knight can beat me?"

Luo Ning didn't smile at all and asked seriously: "What if?"

Such an expression made Leisen stop smiling and turned gloomy. This was clearly a sign that the other party looked down on him and was also a subtle insult to him.

"Okay, I agree!"

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