Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 126 126 Quick Sword (please subscribe for more updates)

Chapter 127 127. Quick Sword (please subscribe for more updates)

Seeing that Leisen agreed, Luo Ning reached out and took out the parchment and quill from his arms, wrote two simple agreements on horseback, and signed his name.

"Although I believe in Mr. Leisen's credibility, the process still needs to be followed."

He threw both pieces of parchment and the quill to Rayson, who quickly scanned the contents.

"That's good. Don't cry to me when you lose and say that I bullied the small."

Leisen signed his name without hesitation, and then threw back one of the parchments and the quill.

"let's start!"

He couldn't wait to vent.

Luo Ning put away his things, turned his horse and returned to the team, "Ruidal, if you can't defeat us, surrender voluntarily. Even if we lose this battle today, it doesn't matter."

Compared to a small battle, Luo Ning naturally cared more about the subordinate he summoned.

"It is my honor to fight for your lord!"

Redal held the reins and the horse took two steps forward. For him, this cross-level battle must be a beautiful one.

"Come knight!"

Leisen on the opposite side has already started shouting, "Attack me with all your strength, otherwise you may not have a chance to swing the second sword!"

Redal drew his sword.


The flaming fighting spirit flowed over the sword blade like running water, wrapped around his body, and then merged with the seated war horse.

Luo Ning behind him couldn't help but admired when he felt this power.

This was the first time he had seen Ruidal use his full strength, and his momentum was more than a level higher than when he was competing with him.

The war horse neighed and turned into a phantom of flames flying across the sky.

"Haha, come on!"

Leisen roared, and the same red fighting spirit appeared all over his body. It turned out that both of them were knights with fire attributes.

The distance between the two sides was already very close, and their mounts were both of good quality, and they met on the way almost within a breath.


Redal swept his sword across, and the surging fighting spirit turned into hot flames and slashed at the opponent.

Baron Leisen had a cruel smile on his lips, and he seemed to see the scene where the other party's body was about to be separated by his sword.


The two flames collided and burst out with a violent roar.

A strong storm centered on the two people and violently expanded toward the periphery. Everyone was affected by this scorching heat wave and couldn't help but squint their eyes to see who was winning and who was losing between the two people in the center of the battlefield.

The red fighting spirit that filled the space gradually dissipated, revealing the two people in the center. Their long swords clashed together and began to wrestle.

Sitting down, the horse withstood the impact of the blow, leaving deep footprints under its hooves.


Leisen stared at the scene in front of him with his eyes widened in surprise.

A high-level knight could actually compete with him head-on?

"Baron Leisen, you are fighting against the commander of Hillwood Town, Rydal Mine!"

Redal lost his breath and leaned forward. The huge force acted on the long sword through his strong arms, pressing towards the opponent.

"I remember your name, knight. This will be the most proud battle in your life!"

Leisen shouted violently, and the power hidden in his body completely exploded, pouring out like a flood from a floodgate, directly pushing back the long sword that was approaching him.

In terms of strength, he is stronger than Ruidal when he explodes with all his strength.

Ruidal realized this and immediately pulled the reins to control the horse to move away, preparing to withdraw.

But there was no way Leisen would let such an opportunity pass and he chased after him. The crowd surrounding the middle of the road was so startled that they hurriedly moved to both sides.

"You can't escape the knight!"

Leisen punched out, and the red fist light flashed out.

Redal's combat intuition was very high, and he used fire fist bombing reflexively.

The fists collided, causing another violent shock wave.

Ruidal narrowed his eyes. He was already very sure that there was no gap between them in terms of fighting skills.

No, it should be said that his skills are stronger.

The difference between him and Leisen is only in strength and defense.

"bring it on!"

He suddenly jumped up from the horseback and slashed down from the air with a sword. The flame slash swallowed the several-meter-long flame snake, carrying the impact of the fall, and landed on Leisen's head.

"Childish trick!"

Lei Sen did not dodge, and swept with his sword. Huo Yun rushed forward, but was split into two by the flame slash.

There was a loud noise, and the two swords collided again. This time, due to the impact of the fall, Redal's strength was not inferior to Leisen's.

But this was not Ruidal's purpose. At the moment of the stalemate, he twisted his body and kicked the opponent's chest with a sweeping kick.

Leisen obviously did not expect this move from his opponent. He had no time to dodge and was kicked off his horse.

However, he was wearing armor and had a fighting spirit armor to protect his body. This attack just seemed like he was at a disadvantage and he did not suffer any damage at all.

"Damn it!"

It was humiliating for Rayson to be kicked off his horse.


The moment he landed, his feet slammed onto the ground, the soil exploded, and his whole body rushed out like a beast.

This time Rydal did not evade, he chose to confront him head-on.

Although weaker in strength, he showed more superb swordsmanship skills.

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, clearly capturing the opponent's sword path;

His long sword is as agile as a snake, and he uses skill to deflect his opponent's attacks while quickly counterattacking.

Luo Ning had experienced Redal's fast sword.

It was so fast that it was hard for him to parry. Even if the opponent controlled the speed, he could still only sustain two or three moves at most during the sparring session.

But now, Redal forced Leisen off his horse in order to gain the upper hand by combining his body skills with his fast sword.

The long swords clashed, sparks flew, and the surrounding air seemed to be ignited by the fighting spirit of the two.

In close combat, every move is very ruthless. If you don't handle it well, you will be defeated instantly, or even lose your life.

At first, Leisen felt that he had the upper hand, but as the battle progressed, he gradually felt that the situation of the battle was changing, his breathing began to become rapid, and his heart became a little confused.

Faster, faster.

Redal's long sword became faster and faster, and in conjunction with his footwork, Leisen's attacks failed more and more obviously.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't touch the opponent in close combat, it's like punching cotton.

But Ruidal was different. His fight had been successful. His long sword had cut through the opponent's fighting spirit armor several times and knocked on the opponent's armor.

"Get out of my way!"

Leisen finally didn't want to endure this situation anymore. He roared in a deep voice, and his fighting spirit was released as if it was free of money. A whirlwind of flames was formed with him as the center, and the strong impact bombarded Ruidal's body. Knock him away directly.

Luo Ning narrowed his eyes slightly, this should be the fourth level fighting skill Flame Tornado.

"Eron, if the situation goes wrong, take action immediately. I don't want Redal's life to be threatened."

"I understand, sir!"

Elrond was also very nervous. Maintaining the spell pattern of the light binding technique was very draining of magic power and mental energy.

But only in this way can he finish carving out the spell lines as soon as something goes wrong, and restrain Leisen's figure as quickly as possible. Even if it can only be restrained for a moment, he can still gain space for Redal.

Ruidal, who was knocked away, adjusted his body in the air and landed steadily.

"Fighting is glory!"

"Medal is forged in blood!"

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and without stopping, rushed forward again and started a new round of fierce attacks.

Leisen was impatient by such a struggle, but he wanted to pull away and distance himself, but was pressed tightly by Redal.

In desperation, he had no choice but to repeat his old trick and use the flame whirlwind to bounce Ruidal away again, but this time the opponent came back faster.

This battle seemed to arouse Redal's dormant fighting spirit.

His movements became smoother and smoother, and his will to fight became higher and higher. In the end, even in a head-on fight, he began to be on par with his opponents.

Looking back at Leisen, the situation is getting worse.

"Sir... I'm afraid I'm going to lose."

Joffrey, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but frown. He had not expected such a battle situation. Leisen should not be so weak.


Ferriton immediately objected, not believing that this would be the result.


Redal used his sword to deflect Leisen's long sword and stabbed the opponent directly in the forehead. If it weren't for the helmet, this sword might have killed the opponent directly.

"You're going to lose!"

With the touching words, Leisen immediately panicked.

To be precise, the sword stabbing his forehead just now had completely disrupted his position, and the impact made his eyes flash with stars.

Redal dodged and came behind the opponent, stabbing the gap in the opponent's shoulder guard with his long sword filled with fighting spirit.

The sharp sword light pierced the opponent's fighting spirit armor, and then sank into the gap.


Rayson let out a cry of pain.

But it wasn't over yet. Redal pulled out his long sword and struck the opponent's chest with a straight punch, sending him flying more than ten meters and slamming into a tree in the forest nearby.

Blood wet his shoulders, and Leisen felt that his right hand had no strength and could not hold the sword.

He wanted to stand up, but encountered the same situation as Fenris——

The cold blade was on his neck.

"you lose."

Redal's cold voice sounded, announcing the end of the duel.

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Baron Leisen roared angrily, but the pain gradually coming from the wound began to invade his nerves, telling him that this was the truth.

Feliton rushed forward with his squad of knights and cavalry.

"Let the baron go!"

Redal squinted his eyes and looked at the charging enemy. He was unmoved. Instead, the sword blade pressed closer to him.

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