Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 127 127 The situation is tense

Chapter 128 128. The situation is tense

Before the duel began, no one on the Thane side expected such a result - their lord, the bronze-level Baron Leisen, would be defeated at the hands of an unknown person.

When Rayson's shoulder armor was dyed red, and when Rydal's sword was pressed against the other's neck, Feliton and Joffrey woke up as if from a dream.

They raised their swords high, shouted, and rushed forward with a dozen professional knights and thirty-six cavalry.

They are all people who are dependent on the Thain Territory. If Baron Leisen is killed, their status will be greatly affected, and everything they currently own may be lost.

So they're definitely not going to sit back and let this happen.

Naturally, Luo Ning would not let Ruidal be surrounded.


The Cloud-Taking Horse sprang out quickly, and he led McCann and the others to charge forward.

The two sides immediately surrounded Redal and Leisen who were lying on the ground, but the charge did not start because Leisen was controlled by Redal.

"Baron Luoning, rashly killing a nobleman is against the laws of the kingdom!"

Feliton roared: "Even Wushan Castle can hardly keep you safe!"

Luo Ning had never thought about killing Leisen here. Doing so would have no other benefit than giving him one less enemy to defeat.

Reisen has an heir. Even if he dies in the duel, Thain Territory will not become a land without one. His son Moravi will become the new Baron of Thain Territory.

Luo Ning won't be able to gain territory, but will cause a lot of trouble.

"Feridon, you don't have to be so nervous."

Ronin smiled kindly, but in Feliton's eyes, this young baron was much more dangerous than the last time he saw him.

Ferriton remembered meeting Ronin for the first time on the day of Prince's death.

At that time, he would not have thought that this young baron would one day threaten the Thain Territory, and he would even think that the other party would not be able to survive the winter.

But he never imagined that just over three months later, the baron he was loyal to would be lying under the sword of the other party's entourage.

Luo Ning signaled Ruidal to put away his sword and express his position:

"The contract between Redal and Baron Leisen was just an ordinary duel, not a life and death fight. I never thought about taking your master's life."

As he spoke, he got off his horse and came to Baron Leisen, "Baron, how are you? Can you still stand up?"

Leisen groaned, his eyes were painful and full of hostility, and he did not answer.

Seeing that the situation would not worsen, Feliton immediately called for others to come forward. One person helped Leisen sit up, while the other two hurriedly removed Leisen's armor.

Soon, the wounds inside were exposed.

Redal's sword was very sharp. It penetrated along the gap in the shoulder pad and directly cut a large piece of flesh on the shoulder.

If it weren't for the Bronze Knight's strong defense and the armor blocking the sword's power, Leisen's arm would have been removed directly.

By then, in addition to Baron Hermann from Lake Town, the Wushan Territory will probably have another one-armed lone wolf.

"The injury is quite serious."

Luo Ning watched them hurriedly bandaging to stop the bleeding and couldn't help but remind him:

"Baron Leisen, I have a light magician here. If you need it, I can ask him to use healing techniques to relieve your injuries."

Leisen looked at Luo Ning and his eyes lit up.

But Luo Ning continued: "However, Elrond's qualifications are not high, and the speed of refining magic power is relatively slow. It is difficult for him to cast healing spells. If you want to heal, you have to pay for it."

He stretched out a finger and said, "A treatment of one hundred gold coins at a time, if..."


Leisen gritted his teeth and said one word. He didn't know whether it was due to excessive blood loss or anger, but his face turned a little pale.

Ronin gave Elrond a look, and the latter walked out of the queue with a smile and saluted Reson respectfully.


"Hello Baron, Elrond is pleased to serve you."

After that, he began to outline the spell lines of the healing spell, a little slower than usual, but only five or six seconds later, a ray of light burst out from the spell lines and illuminated Leisen's wound.

The effect of the treatment is immediate, and the bleeding rate is reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Sir, your injury is quite serious, and one treatment is not enough."

As the healing spell lines collapsed in the air, Elrond reminded: "It's best to do two more treatments."

Rayson stared at Elrond and said nothing.

Luo Ning said: "Treat! Will Lord Leisen be short of this little money?"


Elrond said and started casting spells again.

After two treatments, the wound had completely stopped bleeding and was scabbed.

Elronn kindly reminded: "My lord's injury is quite serious, and the healing technique can only go so far. Please continue to bandage it. You cannot move easily for a period of time after you return, otherwise the wound may still break."

This reminder is true. The magician has not compromised on the effectiveness of the healing technique.

Leisen was bandaged by his subordinates and helped to stand up.

He was not defeated in this battle. He was defeated head-on by someone with a lower level, and in front of his knight squad. Leisen felt humiliated.

He looked at the harmless junior in front of him, and the anger in his heart surged, and his hatred reached the extreme, but he was unable to fight anymore.

Luo Ning knew that the other party hated him, so he was not afraid of offending him from the beginning.

"Leisen, according to the agreement, since you failed, from today on, your people cannot cross the center line between Gray Earth Village and the Black Collar Tribe. At the same time, you need to pay 100 gold coins to ransom Fenris and the others."

"Oh, by the way, the three healing spells just now cost a total of 300 gold coins. Please pay for them."

"Hmph, the integrity of the Thain Territory is still there!"

Leisen said coldly, but compared to his previous shouting, he was a little weak after losing a lot of blood.

"Within five days, I will ask Feliton to send the gold coins to the Ash Earth Tribe."

After saying this, he looked around and said, "Let's go!"

Seeing Leisen being helped onto his horse and the team led by Thain slowly leaving, the people on Luo Ning's side finally burst into cheers.

"We won!"

"Commander is so awesome!"

"As expected of your commander!"

Ronin also gave a thumbs up to Redal, "Well done, Commander!"

At the same time, he also asked with concern: "You were knocked out several times by his fighting skills. How do you feel? Do you need Elron to treat you?"

Rydal's condition at the moment is not very good either.

Although the Flame Whirlwind was a range-based fighting skill, being knocked away so many times would still shock his heart, and he also vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

"The internal wound healing technique is not very effective."

Redal shook his head, "When I go back this time, I'm afraid I'll have to rest for a few days and won't be able to fight."

"Then take a good rest. Thain will not do it again in a short time."

The team from Shanlin Town also slowly returned.

Shanlin Town won this battle. In addition to cheers and joy, everyone also respected Redal more.

The commander of Hillwood Town is no longer just a simple high-level knight, but someone who can surpass the level and defeat the Bronze Knight.

This is prestige.

But Luo Ning knew that this victory was only temporary, and this duel was just the beginning of the conflict between him and Thain.

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