Chapter 14 Deterrence

Facing the guards with surging intentions, Luo Ning smiled and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

"With the approval of the Marquis and Earl, I can only take away thirty of you."

Luo Ning thought for a while and said: "Now please come to the right if you are under the age of 18."

Boom, the crowd moved quickly, and a group of people came out.

Luo Ning counted carefully and found that there were fifteen people in total, which was exactly half of the number he wanted to select.

"Okay, you have been selected." Luo Ning smiled.

People under the age of eighteen still have a chance to awaken fighting spirit and become professional knights.

So Luo Ning used age as the first step to filter.

As for whether any of them could become magicians, Luo Ning didn't dare to hope.

Because the conditions for becoming a magician are very harsh, he remembers that it seems that the mental strength must be several times that of ordinary people, and the age is not eighteen, but ten years old.

This group of guards is already over ten years old, and there is no chance that there will be any more magicians.

As far as the predecessor knows, the number of magicians in the entire Wushan City does not exceed double digits, and they are still low-level.

Professional knights are more common and better known.

"The rest of you will start from where you are and run around the training ground. The first one to return to where you started can follow me."

Running is part of the daily training of the guards. Following Luo Ning's order, forty-five guards began to run along the edge of the training ground.

The training ground is not very big, about 800 meters in one lap.

The good conditions offered by Luo Ning made the guards rush forward with all their strength. Some who did not grasp the rhythm were quickly thrown away.

Some people who were slow and unable to continue gradually showed their fatigue.

Soon, the first person returned to the starting point. Luo Ning nodded to him, and the other person screamed happily.

Then the second, third, fourth...

When the fifteenth person arrived, Luo Ning signaled to others who had not reached the finish line to stop.

He smiled at the thirty guards gathered on his right and said, "Congratulations on being selected. From now on, you are the guards of my Baron of Hillwood Town, Ronin Firestorm!"

"I am willing to serve you, Lord Baron!" the guards shouted in unison.

"I promise you, I will definitely do it."

Luo Ning looked at Chahar and said, "Chahar, one silver coin for each person. I'll give it to you now."

"Okay, sir!"

Chahar walked down with the money bag he had prepared and began to hand out money one by one.

The guards who received the money all smiled. There is nothing in this world that makes people happier than receiving money.

Those who were not selected looked envious.

While the money was being distributed here, two cavalrymen slowly escorted the five betrayers to the training ground.

At the same time, a tall man dismounted from his horse, came to Luo Ning, and performed a knight's salute. ♤

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Luo Ning. Captain of the seventh team of the First Knights of Wushan, Garman Stout says hello to you."

Luo Ning was confused for a moment, but as his memory floated, he understood.

The First Knights of the Wushan Territory are permanently stationed in Wushan City, and today the seventh-numbered knight squad of the Knights is responsible for the defense of the castle.

Luo Ning remembered that the captain in front of him was a senior knight and a knight of Wiggins.

Being canonized as a knight is also regarded as entering the nobility.

"Hello Sir Garman."

Luo Ning greeted warmly, "Are you coming over?"

Garman waved his hand, and the five knights immediately kicked him, causing the five betrayers to kneel on the ground.

Garman cleared his throat, "Everyone listen and watch!"

There was no loudspeaker, but the Garman Knight's voice was so loud that it silenced the guards.

"The five people kneeling now were once the guards of Baron Luoning. Not only did they fail to protect the safety of the baron, they even pointed their swords at the baron!"

Gaman's voice was serious and heavy, "The Wushan family does not allow traitors!"

The sound echoed, and all the guards were shocked that such a thing happened!

Betrayal, how dare they betray the Baron?

"Such a traitor has no value whatsoever in surviving!"

Garman snorted coldly and pulled out the long sword from his waist. A cold breath swept across all directions. This was the fighting spirit of a senior knight.

Luo Ning felt that maybe the Cavaliers captain in front of him was a little stronger than his father Wiggins.


The Garman knight slashed the ground with his long sword.

Puff puff……

The five knights raised their swords high and then chopped them down. The five heads rolled on the ground and blood spurted out.

The smell of blood filled the air, making everyone nervous.

"It is your honor to become Lord Baron's guard. As your former captain, I hope you will cherish this honor and be loyal to Lord Luo Ning wholeheartedly!"

"If one day you have a heart of betrayal, even if the Baron is kind and spares your life, I will not spare you, and the Wushan family will not let you go!"

After saying this, Knight Gaman sheathed his sword, and his clear voice startled everyone.

"Garman excuses himself. I wish Lord Luo Ning all the best." Knight Garman bowed to Luo Ning and left calmly.

His retinue began to direct the unselected guards to collect the bodies.

Luo Ning glanced at the five people who were killed. To be honest, his mood was still a bit ups and downs. After all, he had just traveled through time and had not fully adapted to many things.

But he understands that this is the world.

By asking Garman to execute these five betrayers in public, he was warning the thirty guards he selected today to let them know the consequences of betrayal.

This is shocking.

Luo Ning looked at Most's figure not far away and guessed that it was Marquis Rulans who told him to do this.

After getting along several times, Luo Ning found that the old Marquis was indeed quite nice to him.

As long as the predecessor is trying to live up to his expectations, I am afraid that even if there is Selina, the old Marquis will forcefully suppress it.

As for Earl Wiggins, I can’t say he was good or bad about his predecessor, he just had a bad temper and was a bit stupid.

Putting away his thoughts, Luo Ning took a deep breath and shifted his gaze.

"Okay, guards, you have one night to tell your families about this. We will gather in front of Wushan Fort tomorrow morning and set off!"

He waved his hand, signaling the guards to get ready.

"McKen, I will leave the following group of guards to you for training." Luo Ning said to the knight beside him.

"Okay sir!"

McCann bowed and agreed, but felt a little embarrassed, "But sir, McCann has no experience in training a team."

This is indeed a problem, but Luo Ning thought of a way.

Of course, he has no experience in training a team, but on Earth, he has participated in military training, which is a rare and valuable experience.

Although the content of military training is mainly to cultivate discipline, Luo Ning looked at the leaving guards. Isn't it what they lacked that discipline?

What's more, Luo Ning also learned the 16-style military boxing during military training. Regardless of whether it can improve actual combat effectiveness, at least it can strengthen the body.

"It's okay. I'll teach you a plan when the time comes." Luo Ning said to McCann with a smile.

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