Chapter 13 Choosing People

Unfortunately, after some fierce bargaining, Luo Ning didn't get too many guards in the end.

However, Lulans also relaxed and asked Wiggins to arrange thirty guards for Luo Ning, and also provide Luo Ning with additional resources:

1,000 kilograms of barley, 1,000 kilograms of wheat, 500 kilograms of flour, 300 kilograms of dried meat, 300 kilograms of vegetables, 50 kilograms of coarse salt, 20 kilograms of fine salt, 5 carriages, 1 high-quality war horse, and 100 gold coins.

Although the number of guards was not satisfactory, the resources supplied later blocked Luo Ning's mouth.

To be honest, he didn't expect Wushanbao to give him so many extra resources.

In addition to food, there are 4 carriages and a horse!

After expressing his most sincere thanks to Rulans and Wiggins, Luo Ning happily left the room and followed Hallwart to select guards.

"Father, why do you give Luo Ning so many resources?"

After Luo Ning left, Wiggins finally couldn't help it anymore, "We lost a lot of resources and even territory because of him yesterday. Why are you still protecting him like this?"

Lulans smiled, "As a father, haven't you noticed that Luo Ning has grown up?"

Wiggins was stunned for a moment, and then thought about it carefully. Although he didn't want to admit it, he nodded, "It has indeed changed a bit. At least I haven't gone to any manor to attend a banquet in the past two days."

"Actually, he already knew that the guard's betrayal had nothing to do with you. I guess the reason why he wanted to blame you was to get some benefits."

Wiggins was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to understand a little, and couldn't help but stare, "This bastard!"

Lu Lansi chuckled, "What happened to Selena this time has a great impact on this child and made him grow a lot, so I am willing to give him some resources and see if he can make some achievements. ♤"

He sighed, "Our Wushan family is only three generations old and has too little blood. Now that you are not good enough, you can only count on these two remaining men!"

"Although Luo Ning has changed his surname, his bloodline is still there. If he develops, it will not be a bad thing for our Wushan family."

Wiggins was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, his face turned red and he was speechless.

But this sentence is true. At the age of 52, he should still have the ability to have children, but he was too indulgent when he was young and emptied his potential.

After giving birth to Brayton, no matter how hard he and Diane worked, it was in vain.

Privately, Wiggins also tried others, but without exception, it didn't work.

"Okay, then just do as father said, I hope Luo Ning won't disappoint you!"

Wiggins stood up, bowed, and quickly left the room.

Lulans glanced at the old butler, "When Hallwart summons all the guards, have the five traitors brought back by Luo Ning be pulled over and killed. Let those guards understand that betraying the Wushan family will only lead to death! "

"As you wish!" Most stepped back respectfully.

There is a huge square on the west side of Wushan Fort where knights and guards usually train.

At this moment, in the afterglow of the setting sun, under Hallwart's call, all the guards in the castle gathered here.

In addition, there are several cavalrymen watching from the outside.

Luo Ning looked over. Each of these cavalrymen was tall and energetic. They looked extraordinary.

"They should be the ones in the knight squad defending the castle today."

Luo Ning's eyes lit up. It would be great if he could get such a team of knights to go to Hillwood Town with him. new

But it's a pity. According to Rulans, in a place like Hillwood Town, it's enough to have a knight named McCann and a team of guards who train regularly.

Wiggins even said that you only need to avoid the monsters in the winter in Shanlin Town, and don't go near the Wushan Mountains on weekdays. The savage tribes in the forest are out of place...

What else could Luo Ning say?

"Master, all the guards have been assembled, a total of 60 people."

Hallwater came over and said respectfully: "According to the master's instructions, you can choose 30 of them to accompany you to Shanlin Town."

Luo Ning glanced at the guards standing below. They were just standing relatively concentrated together, without any posture at all.

"Only 60 people?"

Luo Ning didn't know the defense situation of Wushanbao, so he was very surprised when he heard this number.

This is Wushan Fort, the Marquis's base camp, but there are only 60 guards.

"Sixty guards are enough."

Hallwart explained: "The real core combat force is the 12 professional knights. Most of the work of the retinue and guards is to guard and serve the professional knights."

Luo Ning nodded slowly.

Indeed, McCann, a junior knight, was able to kill nine traitors. In front of the extraordinary, the fighting power of ordinary people was indeed not enough.

Looking at it this way, the defense of the Marquis Mansion is still acceptable.

Ordinary people have no way of causing any trouble here.

"How are these guards paid?"

Ronin turned to ask about the guards' pay.

Although Hallwart is not responsible for the salaries of the guards, as a butler, he still has a certain amount of information in this regard.

"One copper coin per day, including food and accommodation."

Luo Ning couldn't help but sigh. The salary of only 1 copper coin per day was really low.

Fortunately, food and accommodation are included, otherwise the survival of these guards would be a problem.

"Announce to them the earl's arrangements."


Hallwart faced the guards, "All guards, standing in front of you is the noble blood of Oshan, the grandson of the Marquis of Oshan Territory, the son of the Earl of Oshan City, Baron Ronin Firestorm of Hillwood Town!"

Although the guards knew Luo Ning's identity, they still cheered loudly and expressed their sincere greetings to Luo Ning when they heard the butler's introduction.

Hallwart chuckled and continued: "The Baron is about to set out to build a new city for the Wushan family. He needs to select thirty of you to go to Shanlin Town to serve as his guards. In the future, Shanlin Town will develop into a new city. You will They are the first batch of heroes!”

"This is a great cause! Now, if you are willing to follow Lord Luo Ning, please come forward!"

When the words fell, unlike the reversal of the previous sentence, the guards did not cheer, but began to discuss among themselves in whispers.

The news about Luo Ning's de-inheritance has spread. As the guards of the castle, they naturally know about it, so of course they know where Shanlin Town is.

In addition to being remote and dangerous, the main reason is that it is relatively far from Wushan City, and the guards' homes are here. If they are asked to take the initiative to go to Shanlin Town, they must be somewhat resistant.

For a moment, no one came forward.

Hallwart frowned slightly, "Are you cowards? You don't even dare to grab such an honor? Hum, if no one takes the initiative, then I will be the one to choose!"

All the guards stopped talking and looked nervous, like students who were afraid of being called on to answer a question.

Ronin took a step forward and signaled Hallwart to let him come.

He looked at the guard below and raised a finger:

"Anyone who is willing to follow me to Shanlin Town can immediately receive a reward of 1 silver coin!"

There was another discussion below.

Luo Ning raised his second finger, "Anyone who is willing to follow me to Shanlin Town, in addition to providing food and accommodation, I will pay your daily salary of two copper coins!"

The discussion suddenly became louder, and even three or five people came forward excitedly.

Luo Ning smiled and raised his third finger, "Any guard who follows me to Shanlin Town and dies in battle, I will pay a pension of 1 gold coin to your family!"

"I'm going, I'm going!"

Finally, more than half of the sixty guards came forward.

At this time, Luo Ning raised his fourth finger.

"I can promise that by the end of next year, if you want to return to Wushan City to live, I will not stop you in any way!"

"Of course, if you want to bring your family members from Wushan City to live in Shanlin Town, I will also apply to my father and ensure that your family reaches Shanlin Town safely!"

After saying this, the remaining dozen who had not come forward couldn't help it anymore.

Higher salary, more reliable benefits, and they are still part of the initial team. They will be able to take their families to Shanlin Town in the future.

With such good conditions, the guards had no reason not to be tempted.

"I am coming too!"

"I am coming too!"

They all rushed forward.


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