Chapter 12 Begging

Of course, Luo Ning knew that the guards were not betrayed by Wiggins. He had already determined this when the traitors first took action.

The reason why he is putting the blame on Wiggins now is mainly to let the other party settle the loss and "make compensation" to the other party.

"Grandpa, those nine guards were carefully selected by my father to prepare for me. What kind of people they are, doesn't my father know?"

Rulans glanced sideways at Wiggins, but saw the latter turning sideways and averting his eyes.

Luo Ning was right. Those nine guards were indeed carefully selected by him, but they were just chosen from the wrong side.

Be it lazing around, fighting, gambling, etc., those nine people have all done at least one or two things, and the leader, Pierre, is a famous thorn in the side.

He just wanted to find someone to embarrass Luo Ning, but he didn't expect that these people would betray Luo Ning and even want to kill Luo Ning.

"My convoy had just left Wushan City and was resting in the forest when these nine people took action."

Luo Ning continued, his tone sounding a bit panicky for the rest of his life.

"Grandpa, think about it. They are just guards of the castle, and they are all ordinary people. How could they have the courage to attack me? Although I have been deprived of the right to inherit, I am their master after all, the baron of Shanlin Town. , is the bloodline of the Wushan family!"

Having said this, he looked at Wiggins angrily, "I think about it, they must have been instructed by their father, otherwise they would never dare!"

"I don't!"

"Although I hate you and don't even want to admit that you are my son, I won't send someone to kill you!"

Wiggins was furious. He hated being framed the most in his life, but every time he was framed and accused, it was difficult for him to find a reason to refute, because what the other party said was justified.

"If I really want to kill you, why should I give you so many resources?"

"That's for my dead mother's sake!"

Luo Ning retorted, leaving the other party speechless.

There was a brief silence in the living room. Lulans sighed and said, "This may be an accident. I believe your father is not stupid enough to kill you."

A son is better than a father. Rulans knew Wiggins very well. Although the latter was stupid, reckless and brainless, he would not do something as stupid as killing his son. ♢♦

"Didn't those guys say anything before they took action?" the Marquis asked.

Luo Ning thought for a while, since he was asked about this, there were some things he couldn't hide.

After all, the remaining traitors are not dead yet. The motives for their betrayal will be known as long as Rulans sends someone to inquire.

"Before they took action, they told me that they didn't want to go to Shanlin Town. They said it was remote and dangerous, and that if I went there, I would be waiting to die. They also said that my family had given up on me, and that I would probably be killed before I got to Shanlin Town."

Chahar behind him was a little confused. Did those traitors really say these words? Why didn't he hear them?

In a daze, he understood. It was probably what the traitors said when they chased the Baron into the woods. At that time, he fell to the ground and had not yet stood up.

"My child, the family has never given up on you. I am only depriving you of your inheritance rights for the long-term consideration of the family!"

Rulans gave a little bit of the reason to comfort Ronin, and then he turned to criticize Wiggins severely:

"The eldest grandson of the Wushan family dares to go to Shanlin Town, but as a guard of the family, he dares to retreat. Wiggins, how do you usually train them?"

Wiggins was wrong about this, and he didn't say anything.

Luo Ning still wanted to share the blame with Wiggins. He continued: "The leader said he wanted to rob me of my supplies and money, and then leave Wushan to live somewhere else."

"Although their motives seemed reasonable, I felt there was someone behind them."

He expressed his speculation, "Otherwise, they would not have the courage."

"Haha, my grandson, you are wrong about this."

Lulans understood that Ronin mistakenly thought that Wiggins was behind the scenes, and then vented his anger on Wiggins.

"Everyone has the ambition to strive for profit, and the guards are no exception. They must have thought that you are an ordinary person and there are no people around you, so they thought of joining forces to rob you."

The old Marquis analyzed: "And I'm sure that they definitely know that you have a lot of gold coins in your hand, so they took the initiative."

After the words fell, Hallwart, who was following him, felt a little in his heart. He immediately stepped forward and saluted, "Sir, you are right. I did it in front of them when I handed the gold coins you presented to Master Luo Ning that day!"

With that, he expressed his apology to Luo Ning: "I didn't expect that my negligence would bring you such a big trouble. Hallwater is guilty!"

Wiggins spread his hands and said, "Look, I just said it has nothing to do with me!"

Luo Ning had a stern expression and didn't reply, so he acquiesced to this result. ♕♦

His performance made Chahar, the manservant standing behind him, confused again.

To be precise, he had been confused from the moment he stood in front of the gate of Wushan Fort.

He didn't understand why the Baron suspected that the Count had instigated these traitors, and he even didn't understand why the Baron dared to return to Wushan Castle since he thought it was the Count who wanted to kill him.

"Is the master sure that the Marquis will make the decision for him?" Chahar thought to himself.

At this time, Lulans above put away his serious attitude and his expression softened a lot. If the father killed his son really happened, he would be very uncomfortable.

"The matter is clear. Luo Ning, don't be so angry with your father. Although he is a bit stupid, he will not kill you. We Wushan are not the Hyde family."

"In addition, Hallwater was not careful enough in his actions, so he was fined half a year's salary!"

Hallwart did not defend himself, but bowed down and accepted the punishment. "Hallwater accepted the punishment and remembered the lesson learned this time. I hope this can calm the young master's anger."

Although Hallwater was indeed a little careless, the other party also helped him more or less, and Ronin felt a little embarrassed for him to be punished.

"Grandpa, this matter has nothing to do with Hallwater, so let's forget it."

Hallwart insisted on admitting his mistake, "No, Master, this matter was indeed my mistake. Please don't defend me or plead for mercy."

Lu Lansi chuckled and said, "Since Luo Ning is interceding for you, let's waive it."

He then said to Luo Ning: "You and Wiggins are father and son. As long as the misunderstanding is resolved."

Luo Ning also gave Lulans face and bowed slightly to Wiggins, "I was too angry just now, but now that I think about it carefully, I am indeed wrong."

"Humph!" Wiggins turned away and groaned angrily, but he felt a little better.

Ronin turned to Rulans, "Four of the nine betrayers were killed by Knight McCann, and I have brought the rest back to hand over to my father. I dare not keep such betrayers around me anymore."


Lulans glanced at the strange-looking knight standing behind Luo Ning, "This is my first time seeing him."

Luo Ning chuckled and made up a story.

"McCann is a wandering knight, and we have known each other for a few months. He learned that I became the Baron of Hillwood Town, and wanted to follow me. Thanks to him, I survived safely today."

McCann gave a knightly salute to Lulans, and then continued to stand behind Luo Ning.

On the other hand, Wiggins looked him up and down, "Although I didn't use any force on that kick just now, but you can catch my kick without falling. If you have some strength, it's not a loss if you follow the Wushan family."

It's true that he didn't use all his strength, but he didn't use any force. It was obviously Wiggins who was talking nonsense.

Luo Ning didn't reveal anything, and instead began to introduce the purpose of his return.

"Although McCann's strength is not bad, it is still very inconvenient for me to have no guards around me. I can't leave everything to a professional knight."

Luo Ning's tone became respectful, which was completely opposite to his previous attitude towards Wiggins, "So I ask my father to help me arrange a few more trustworthy guards."

Maybe it was because Luo Ning was so polite, or maybe it was because he had just been wronged, but Wiggins was in a good mood now.

Hearing this, he agreed loudly without thinking, "Yes!"

Wiggins looked at Hallwart, "Go and find nine more guards for Ronin."

"Father, nine is too few!"

Luo Ning stopped Hallwater, who was about to turn around to do something, "Shanlin Town is too dangerous. If I only give me nine soldiers, they will feel that the family is asking them to die, and maybe they will have other ideas. So I hope there will be more Give me some people, if there are a hundred of them, that would be the best!”

Lulans, who was sitting aside, couldn't help but twitching his lips after hearing this.

He suddenly understood why he felt the awkward feeling from the moment Luo Ning walked in.

Wiggins, on the other hand, returned to his usual bad temper, "What, a hundred? Wushan Fort doesn't even have a hundred guards on duty right now, and you actually want a hundred from me!"

"No, absolutely not!"

On weekdays, there is only one knight group stationed in the Wushan City area. Every day, the knight group sends a knight squad to be responsible for the defense of Wushan Castle.

A knight order has ten knight squads, each of which contains 12 professional knights, 3 archers, and 60 infantry.

The guards guarding the door that Luoning saw were infantrymen from a squad of knights, so Wiggins was not lying. There were indeed not a hundred guards on duty.

But Luo Ning didn't have to worry about that. He just had to ask for it. Anyway, it wouldn't be a big loss if he didn't get it.

"Father, you can't even provide a hundred guards, can you? You are the earl of Wushan City! In my heart, grandpa is first and you are second, but you can't provide a hundred guards. This …”


Wiggins said angrily: "It's just a hundred people, do you think I can't take it out?"

Lulans rolled his eyes and shook his head helplessly. When did his grandson become so exciting?

"Luo Ning, you want a hundred guards. This is too many."

The old Marquis directly put an end to Luo Ning's thoughts, "As far as I know, the population of Shanlin Town is less than a thousand. Even if you want to form a defense team, recruiting a dozen or twenty militiamen is enough. Ask your father to give you a One hundred guards are useless, and two, you can't afford them."

Hearing this, Luo Ning's hot heart dropped directly into the basin of cold water.

The population of Shanlin Town is less than a thousand people? ?

Is this worthy of being called a town?

This territory of his is too difficult!

"Let's see, Wiggins, you arrange twenty guards for Luo Ning, and give him some more resources. This will save him the trouble of recruiting militiamen again when he gets to Hillwood Town."

Wiggins nodded, "Twenty is about the same."

"Grandpa, twenty is too few!"

Luo Ning turned into a bargaining businessman. The population in his territory was so small that he had to find a way to increase the population.

Otherwise, when will he reach the 3,000 population required for the [Prosperous Population] achievement?

Relying on natural reproduction from generation to generation, how long will it take?

"Eighty, grandpa and father, just give me eighty guards!"

"can not be less anymore!"


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