Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 11 11 Hey, I’m back again

Chapter 11 Hey hey I’m back again

To solve the problem of short manpower, Luo Ning thought about it and found two main ways.

The first is to spend money to buy slaves.

Slavery has not been abolished in this world. On the contrary, there are slaves in basically every city.

Luo Ning took out the map from the carriage and looked at it. On the way from Wushan City to Shanlin Town, he would pass through many noble territories. If he really wanted to buy slaves, he should be able to buy some in many territories.

But when it comes to which city is the most suitable, there are only two. The first is the largest city near Shanlin Town, Muma City;

The second one is the Wushan City he just left.

"Should I go to Muma City to buy it? Or go back to Wushan City to buy it?"

Luo Ning knocked on the carriage and fell into thinking for a long time.

Of course, in addition to purchasing slaves, there is another way to expand manpower, and that is to spend money to recruit.

Luo Ning can spend money to hire some people to go to Hillwood Town.

It's just that recruitment cannot be carried out by randomly choosing a city. First, he needs the consent of other lords.

Because in essence, the people of the lord also belong to the lord's wealth. If Luo Ning recruits privately without the lord's permission, it will violate the lord's laws. If the situation is serious, the other party can use this as an excuse to launch a war.

After thinking about it, Luo Ning returned his gaze to Wushan City.

Whether buying slaves or hiring civilians, returning to Wushan City is the best choice.

He believed that even if he secretly recruited a group of people in Wushan City to go to Shanlin Town, Lulans would probably not interfere, and Wiggins would probably turn a blind eye and just hope that he would lead the people away quickly. Far away.

But if we had to turn back, today’s journey would be in vain.

"If you really want to go back, you might consider asking the Earl for some more."

To put it bluntly, he wanted manpower, but he didn't want to spend money.

What can be done? I can only shamelessly "borrow" it from Wushanbao.

"Simple betrayal and playing the emotional card obviously won't work. Is there any other way?"

Luo Ning thought for a long time.

First of all, the nine guards arranged by Wiggins betrayed him. It makes sense for him to go back and replace them with a new batch, right?

After this idea came into his mind, he couldn't stop it, and finally decided to return to Wushanbao.

What good horse doesn't want to turn back to eat grass? As long as the grass behind it is delicious, what does it matter whether it turns back or not?

After the guards finished feeding the horses and everyone finished their meal, Luo Ning waved his hand: "Chahar, tell the convoy to turn around and let's go back to Wushan City!"


Chahar was stunned, "Master, aren't we going to Shanlin Town?"

"Of course I will go, but I suddenly remembered that there is something important that I have to do!"

Although Chahar was still confused, he did not continue to ask questions and quickly passed on the baron's order.

The five betrayers immediately became uneasy as soon as they heard that they were going back to Wushan Castle. If Luo Ning went back and handed them over to Wushan Castle, wouldn't their game be over?

But seeing Knight McCann riding a war horse, they had no intention of escaping.

The carriage swayed, and after more than four hours, the convoy passed through Wushan City and arrived outside Wushan Fort.

Luo Ning did not choose to buy slaves in the city, but chose to go back to the castle to try his luck. If he could get resources, wouldn't he save money?

Seeing his figure, the guard guarding the castle gate was stunned.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

The guard guarding the door had questions on his face. Didn't this young master go out in the morning? Why did he come back at night?

Luo Ning scowled and snorted, "Go tell Count Wiggins that the 'elite soldiers' he arranged for me are all traitors, and they actually assassinated me on the way!"


The guard guarding the gate thought he heard wrongly. There was a traitor among the guards of Wushan Fort, and he also wanted to assassinate the eldest grandson of the Wushan family?

The five traitors who had been spared by Luo Ning for the time being and were not killed felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave when they heard these words, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Sure enough, the worries on the way back turned into reality, and the Baron still did not let them go.

"Sir, have mercy on me, my lord, have mercy on me!" They knelt on the ground and kept begging for mercy.

Luo Ning did not look at them again. He would not kill them, he would only hand them over to Wushan Castle.

As for how Wushanbao would treat them, that was not his concern.

"McKen, Chahar, follow me to see my Marquis."

Luo Ning walked into Wushan Fort as he said, "These traitors will be handed over to your guards. Don't let them escape."

"Don't worry, sir!"

The gatekeepers immediately controlled the five traitors, and one of them quickly ran into the castle, presumably to report the matter to Wiggins.

Luo Ning didn't waste a moment and arrived at Lulansi's small building at lightning speed.

"Grandpa, grandpa!"

He shouted as he walked and started to look panicked.

"Master Luo Ning?"

The old butler Most came up to him in surprise, "Didn't you leave in the morning? Why are you back again?"

Luo Ning's acting skills were completely on point. He asked anxiously: "Where is my grandfather? I want to find him!"

"Ah... the master is in the room." Most stepped aside, preparing to let Luo Ning in.

But at this time, Marquis Rulans had already walked from the house to the courtyard on crutches.

"I can hear your shouting in the house. What's going on? Why are you back again?"

The Marquis was wearing a robe and looked like he had just gotten out of bed.

Luo Ning hurriedly stepped forward, "Grandpa, the guards sent by my father actually assassinated me on the way!"

As he spoke, he held Rulans' hand and couldn't help but tremble, "I suspect, I suspect they were ordered by my father, who wants to kill me!"

Rulans's face changed. Wiggins was so confused that he wanted to kill his son?

"You fart!"

Before anyone arrived, the sound arrived first. Count Wiggins, who had rushed over, heard from a distance that Luo Ning was wronging him, and his roar made him want to lift the roof off.

"I wish you could die outside, but I don't have enough time to arrange for someone to kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, Wiggins had already arrived in the courtyard.

Although he was only a senior knight and his strength could not catch the eyes of the great nobles, the fighting spirit surging all over his body at this moment still put a lot of pressure on Luo Ning.

"Stop!" McCann took a step forward and stood in front of Luo Ning.

Wiggins snorted angrily, "Get out of here!"

He raised his leg and kicked McCann. McCann did not avoid it and raised his leg to fight back.

With a bang, their legs collided together firmly. The huge force made them unstable and they stumbled back at the same time.

"Are you okay?"

Ronin quickly supported McCann, and it was obvious that Wiggins had the upper hand in this blow.

This is not surprising. After all, the opponent is a senior knight, while McCann is a junior.

If Wiggins had just used his full strength, or even used his fighting spirit, and McCann had taken it so hard, he would have been in bed for several months.

"Who are you?" Wiggins frowned and asked coldly.

A strange light flashed in the eyes of Lu Lans on the side, and he thought to himself: Why is there a knight beside Luo Ning? And looking at the performance of this knight, although the level is not high, the foundation is relatively solid.

His grandson made his eyes light up again.

"Come in and talk."

The old Marquis turned around and walked into the house, "If you move something in the courtyard and spread the word, the nobles outside will think that our Wushan family is going to turn against us!"


Wiggins shook his robe angrily and followed him into the house.

Luo Ning asked McCann to check it, and after finding that there was nothing serious, he followed him in.

The three parties sat down, and Lu Lansi said: "Luo Ning, please tell me clearly what happened today. Why do you suspect that your father wants to kill you?"


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