Chapter 10 Urgent Problems

Although some of the remaining five guards were blind followers, the seeds of betrayal had been planted and sprouted once. ☜♦

Although Luo Ning cut him off in time this time, who can guarantee that there won't be a second time?

So for betrayers, try not to use it if you can.

But just kill him?

Luo Ning frowned slightly. After killing these five people, who would drive the car?

You can't expect Chahar to drive five carriages by himself. The other party doesn't have the ability to clone himself, so he can't do it.

Luo Ning thought for a while before speaking: "Since you have realized your mistake, as a benevolent lord, I can let you go once."

This sentence was like a barrel of wine that made the guards intoxicated. Their pleas turned into excited gratitude and vows never to betray.

For this kind of oath, Luo Ning just listens, "Now I order you to pick up your swords and get enough fodder for the horses."

"Yes, yes, sir, let's go now!"

The guards kneeling on the ground hurriedly picked up their weapons and started mowing the grass while talking. Now they were afraid that they would make the master angry if they did it slower.

Luo Ning looked away from this group of people. With the knight McCann, they did not dare to escape even if no one was watching.

This group of people no longer had the courage to gamble on whether they could escape from the professional knights.

"Master, are you going to let them go like this?"

Chahar was indignant on the sidelines. As a guard of the Wushan family, he dared to assassinate his master. He couldn't even think about it.

What he couldn't understand even more was that the Baron let them go.

"Kill them all, can you drive five carriages by yourself?" Luo Ning asked with a smile.


Chahar was stunned. He scratched his head and tried his best to think of ways, "Maybe we can use ropes to tie the carriage front and back?"

After saying this, he shrugged his head and said, "But we don't have such a long rope."

"Then let's keep their lives for now."

Luo Ning said: "Chahar, go and pack up the weapons and belongings of the dead people. Don't waste them."

The guards used low-quality iron swords. Although they were not of good quality and could not be sold for much, they were still iron swords and it would be a pity to lose them.

"Okay sir!"

Chahar endured the discomfort caused by the fainting of blood, put away the iron sword, and searched the body.

The baron said not to waste it. These guards should have a few copper coins on them, right?

"McCann, come with me."

Ronin said hello and led Knight McCann back to the road.

Six carriages and one horse were all gnawing grass on the roadside, and they were not lost.

"McCann, tell me your story."

McCann, who followed two steps behind Luo Ning, seemed like a loyal guard. When he heard his master's question, he was a little confused: "Master, what is the story you are talking about?"

"Just like them, call me Sir or Master."

The title "Master" is only used in specific artistic conceptions and situations. Although it is understandable for McCann to call him this way, it is a bit abrupt.

"I want to hear about your experiences, etc., such as where your home is, your life experience, etc."

Luo Ning explained: "This way I will know you better."

McCann was silent, obviously thinking about how to answer this question, but soon he shook his head.

"Sir, I only remember that you are my master, and I will always be loyal to you. As for where my hometown is, I have no relevant memories of my life experiences."

Luo Ning was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly, "Oh, that's right~"

He can feel the contractual relationship between himself and McCann. This contract should be the master-servant contract signed with Warcraft. The master and the slave cannot survive.

"Don't you have any memory? I feel like you have quite a lot of combat experience."

"I seem to have an indescribable intuition when fighting," McCann explained: "Oh, by the way, it's not like I have no memory at all. At least I know daily text, communication, and combat movements. New𝗰𝗼𝗺"

Luo Ning probably understood.

The characters summoned from the seven-day login reward are real with flesh and blood, but they seem to be just-born characters. Apart from their strength and some basic knowledge, the rest is like a blank sheet of paper.

"Welcome, Macon Sallyton!"

Luo Ning's tone was very formal, "From today on, you will be my escort officer, responsible for protecting my safety. At the same time, you are also my instructor and training partner, helping me improve my combat experience."

McCann knelt on one knee and put his right hand on his left chest, "I am willing to serve you, sir!"

"Usually you don't have to be so generous."

Ronin helped the opponent up and checked Knight McCann's sword, shield and leather armor.

These three items appeared together with the summons, and their quality was at least several grades higher than the inferior iron swords used by the guards.

In this way, he didn't have to spend money to buy a set of equipment for McCann.

According to his understanding of the price of goods in this world, each knight's sword for knights costs at least 5 gold coins, plus a shield and armor, a set costs almost 20 gold coins.

Luo Ning only had less than 180 gold coins in his body, and he spent one-ninth of it at once, which was a big expense.

He couldn't help but sigh when he thought that he still needed to save money to buy six magic crystals to get the first recharge reward.

“It’s so expensive that I don’t want to spend too much money on prescriptions~”

Now that he has become independent from Wushanbao, it is no longer feasible to rely on playing emotional cards to obtain financial and resource support from Rulans and the others.

If you want to make money, you have to think of other ways.

"grown ups!"

McCann's voice brought Luo Ning back from his thoughts, "Sir, I suddenly felt my strength increased during the previous battle. What on earth is going on?"

This question has been lingering in his mind for a long time, and he couldn't help but ask it.

"This is a secret between us, please remember to keep it secret."

Luo Ning smiled mysteriously, "I can improve your strength, just like now."

As he spoke, he used the 20 points of energy essence he had just obtained from completing the [King of Slaughter] achievement on McCann's body, making the opponent's knight level progress from

With only 20 more points of energy essence, McCann can be promoted to an intermediate knight.

Intermediate knights can express their fighting spirit, and their combat effectiveness is several levels higher than that of junior knights. At that time, Luo Ning's safety can be better guaranteed.

Of course, only a high-level knight can take advantage of a territory.

Only high-ranking knights can accumulate enough merits to be canonized as noble knights.

Luo Ning estimated that it would take eight or nine days to walk from Wushan City to Shanlin Town. By the time he reached the territory, McCann was definitely at the mid-intermediate level.

"Sir, I have become stronger again!"

McCann felt the sudden increase in power, with a look of disbelief on his face. He became more and more sure that a master with such ability was definitely extraordinary!

"Get used to the power, that horse is yours now."

Luo Ning pointed to the black horse that was not pulling the cart, "This is a high-quality war horse, and it is also the best horse I have so far. I hope you can make good use of it and don't live up to my expectations!"

Knights all love war horses, and all knights love war horses.

Think about Guan Yunchang, who was sealed and sealed with gold in the Three Kingdoms. He didn't ask for anything, but only accepted the red rabbit horse, which shows how much he loves good horses.

McCann is no exception.

He looked at the black horse with straight eyes, "Thank you for the gift, sir!"

Luo Ning couldn't help but laugh as he watched the guard excitedly communicate with the horse.

High-quality war horses cost hundreds of gold and were a great asset to Luo Ning, but he probably didn't have many opportunities to use them to charge.

It would be a good choice to reward it to Guard Officer McCann.

And to take a step back, McCann will not abandon him. If Luo Ning really wants to use the dark horse, he can do it anytime.

He looked away and began to think seriously about this betrayal.

After coming to this world, Luo Ning thought that the servants here would not betray the nobles easily.

But after experiencing this betrayal, he understood that it was the same no matter which world he was in, as long as there were enough benefits and possibilities, those ambitious people would take risks.

Whether they are nobles, commoners, or serfs, they all have ambitions, but the probability of master-eating is smaller for the latter two.

Drawing inferences from one example, Luo Ning thought of Shanlin Town.

Will the people there welcome him as their lord?

No, to be more precise, would the "local snakes" there welcome him as a lord?

You must know that no lord has been willing to go to Shanlin Town for more than ten years, and the family has only arranged a political officer to maintain the annual tax revenue.

If this political officer has stayed there for a long time, will he regard Shanlin Town as his own territory?

This is still possible.

Although Luo Ning had not experienced it personally, he had heard of similar things when he was on Earth.

For example, if a nanny works for a certain family for several years, she subconsciously regards herself as the master of the family and gives orders to her employer.

Who can guarantee that this political officer is not such a nanny?

Luo Ning made a bad plan. If the local snakes in Shanlin Town did not welcome him, and the other party had lived in that remote area for many years, there would definitely be a team of people.

Then he needs to consider how many men and horses the opponent has and what their fighting level is.

It's not that he is afraid of any powerful knights over there, but any intermediate or high-level knight will not choose to be trapped in a mountain town without a lord, as there is no future there.

Luo Ning was just worried that there were too many people on the other side.

"I still have too few people under my command."

Even with the light magician as a reward on the seventh day of the seven-day login, Luo Ning only has three trustworthy people, McCann and Chahar.

"We must find a way to solve this problem!"


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