Chapter 9 Counterattack

Within a few breaths, Luo Ning took the lead into the forest on the roadside.

Taking advantage of the trees and hills blocking his view, he immediately called up the seven-day login interface and claimed the first day's reward.

Immediately, countless light pillars rose on the ground in front of him. This scene was as intoxicating as the Tyndall effect caused by the light.

These light pillars outline a complex, obscure and mysterious summoning circle on the ground, exuding a faint power.

A strong wind swept across, and a figure slowly emerged from the light pillar.

This man was as majestic as a mountain, with a broad chest and powerful arms beneath his simple leather armor. His expression was resolute and calm, and his expression would not change even in a storm.

"McSallyton greets you, my lord!"

With a loud voice and a respectful attitude, the man summoned through the magic circle slapped his left chest heavily with his right hand and performed a standard knight's salute to Luo Ning.

"It's nice to meet you Mikan, but we're not in a good situation right now."

As soon as Luo Ning finished speaking, the group of backstabbing guards had already caught up with him.

They looked at the strange blond man in front of them in shock, wondering why a person appeared in the forest in less than ten seconds.

"Who are you?"

The leader of the backstabbers looked at McCann warily, and the uneasiness in his heart grew stronger.

McCann had sensed the intentions of this group of people. He flipped his left hand, took up his shield, and at the same time pulled out the long sword from his waist. "Anyone who wants to do harm to the master must step over my body first!"

Standing one step behind McCann, Luo Ning stared at him. He found a small attribute panel appearing next to him. The content was extremely simple:

[Macon Sallyton]: Junior Knight·Earth (0/100)+

Obviously, Luo Ning can add points to McCann, and all he consumes is energy essence.

In order to ensure that there would be no accidents in this battle, he consumed all the energy essence without much thought.

[Macon Sallyton]: Junior Knight (0/100) → (60/100)

McCann was stunned for a moment. He felt that his strength had been greatly enhanced in an instant, and the fighting spirit seeds in his heart seemed to come alive, beating very powerfully!

He couldn't help but look back at Luo Ning. He was sure that such an improvement was definitely the work of his master.

The moment he turned back, the traitors seized the opportunity.


Ronin drew his sword and shouted: "McKen, deal with these traitors!"

"As you command, Master!"

McCann took a step forward, and with the huge explosive force, the soil on the ground was splashed away. His figure was incredibly fast.

These traitorous guards are all ordinary people. They can only catch thieves and beat ordinary people. How have they ever fought against professional knights?

And McCann is not only a knight, but also a knight who is born with fighting instincts. In front of him, these betrayers are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.


The long sword penetrated the chest of the fastest backstabber, killing one person instantly!

While drawing his sword, McCann relied on his nimble footwork to dodge the incoming sword edge. The moment he dodged, he kicked out, sending the two people rushing away.

One round of charge defeated the betrayers' momentum.

Before they could react, McCann had already drawn his sword, sprinted, swept, and slit the throats of the two betrayers.

The smell of blood spreads through the forest with the wind.

Luo Ning originally thought that he would go up to help, but he didn't expect that the McCann knights were so ferocious, killing three and kicking two down in an instant.

The death of the three betrayers caused the remaining people to break through the defense directly, and the fear of betraying the nobles and knights once again occupied their minds.

All thoughts of escape and resistance were forgotten by them at this time. All they could think of was throwing away their swords and then kneeling on the ground like a dog wagging its tail to Luo Ning and begging for mercy.

"Sir, please spare my life!"

"Sir, please spare my life!"

The courage to betray him just now was gone in an instant.


Luo Ning sneered and ignored the betrayers, but gave McCann a thumbs up.

"Knight McCann, your abilities really opened my eyes!"

The betrayers' faces turned pale when they heard this. Sure enough, this cruel man was indeed a knight!

They suddenly felt that they were ridiculous for naively thinking that the baron had no knights to protect him.

"All this is a gift from you, Master!" McCann stood aside and did not continue killing.

"Master, how are you, Master?"

The manservant Chahar stumbled into the woods, but he did not expect such a scene.

"Chahar, I have seen your loyalty, you have performed well!"

Although Chahar did not help much, in the desperate situation just now, the servant did not betray him and even wanted to rush forward to help.

Just for this loyalty, Luo Ning must give the other party a thumbs up.

He held the long sword and walked slowly to the leading betrayer. Seeing the other person kneeling on the ground begging for his life, his eyes were full of coldness.

"You instigated and planned this betrayal, right?"

Luo Ning frowned and said in a cold voice, "What gave you the courage to betray?"

The man didn't dare to raise his head, and his body trembled with fear, "Sir, I didn't expect...I didn't expect that there was a...knight beside you."


Luo Ning said in a joking voice, "If you knew there was a knight, you wouldn't betray me, would you?"

"Sir, spare my life, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore!"

"Actually, there is one thing you may not know yet." Luo Ning's voice could not tell whether he was happy or angry.


The kneeling betrayer couldn't help but raise his head. From his point of view, Luo Ning was taller than ever before, so tall that it suffocated him.

"Actually, I am also a knight!"

"Even without McCann, you are still no match for me!"

The sharp sword penetrated the opponent's chest from top to bottom, making the betrayer's eyes widen. He may not have thought that he would die.

Luo Ning is still a little hesitant about killing people. On the one hand, he has never killed anyone before, and this is even more true for him who came from time-travel.

But in another world, as a lord, sometimes you have to make a choice.

If he had nothing, he would be the one who died today, and the enemy would not be merciful.

Seeing the other party lying lifeless in a pool of blood, Luo Ning's mood fluctuated violently. After all, this was the first time.

But soon, there was more joy in the anxiety and uneasiness, just because there was a line of text beating in the line of sight——

["King of Slaughter" achievement achieved, attribute points +10, energy essence +20]

The content of the achievement "King of Slaughter" is to let him kill any unit. The traitor is an ordinary person, so naturally he is included in this.

He glanced at the achievement panel. At this time, the achievement of King of Slaughter had been updated:

[King of Killing]: Kill any first-level extraordinary unit, reward: attribute points +30, energy essence +60

"The achievements are indeed advanced, just like when I designed the game system."

First-level extraordinary units refer to junior knights, junior magicians, and first-level monsters. It is still a bit difficult for Luo Ning to complete this achievement.

Although he also has the level of a first-level transcendent, he has no actual combat experience.

The words he just said to the betrayer, "He can fight back without McCann," were actually bragging.

If he really did it, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die. He couldn't scare the enemy instantly like McCann did.

When he has time, he needs to hone his fighting skills.

Now that he has McCann, he actually has a teacher.

"Master, you don't need to take action on the remaining people, let me take care of them!" McCann volunteered.

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows and looked at the remaining five "elite soldiers" who were kneeling on the ground and shivering.


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