Chapter 145 Dinner Party

The dinner party at Iron Heel Castle was very lively.

In addition to Viscount Marvin and his family, he also invited some vassals and knights from Muma City.

Among them, the one that caught Ronin's attention the most was Baron Taron Snow.

According to Rogner, Talen is a Silver Knight, and his strength is one of the best in Wuma City.

Tarun has a son and a daughter. The son is the captain of the ninth knight squad of Iron Shoe Castle. The daughter Kramironin has met and is Rogner's girlfriend.

In addition to these people, there are also music, song and dance performance teams from Muma City.

It was the first time that Luo Ning had traveled through such a long time to hear the music played by instruments such as organ, recorder and other instruments from another world. It had a different kind of charm;

It was also the first time that he saw so many beauties dangling in front of his eyes.

Although he didn't know anyone here, as a guest at Iron Shoe Castle's banquet today, he received grand "care".

Nobles, knights, and ladies all came up to clink glasses with him, so much so that Luo Ning didn't even know how many glasses he had drank.

If he hadn't been a bronze knight and a great magician now, he would have been drunk.

"Mr. Luo Ning, would I be honored to invite you to dance?" A cheerful voice sounded in my ears.

Luo Ning couldn't help but look over and saw an aristocratic lady in her late teens. She was wearing a gorgeous long dress, and the hem of the skirt swayed gently with her steps, like a blooming lily.

The color of the skirt is deep sea blue, with exquisite patterns embroidered on it. She wears a string of pearl necklaces around her neck, and each pearl is as white and flawless as the bright moon.

This girl's appearance should be considered top-notch among all the aristocratic ladies tonight.

Although Luo Ning does not know the other party's identity information, he will not refute the other party's face when facing the other party's active invitation.

"It would be my pleasure, beautiful lady!"

He naturally took the other person's small hand, put his arm around her waist, and started dancing on the dance floor.

Luo Ning can't dance. The only dance-related thing he had on earth in his twenties was radio gymnastics?

However, he was a dancing expert before, and this kind of social dance is not complicated. Luo Ning can imitate it while recalling it.

The dance partner couldn't help but chuckle, "Your dancing skills don't seem to be very good?"

Smelling the faint scent of perfume on the tip of his nose, Luo Ning was a little embarrassed, "I haven't skipped for a long time, and my movements are a bit rusty. I still don't know what to call this beautiful lady?"

"Just call me Jenny."

The girl and Luo Ning put their arms around each other's waists and walked slowly in the soothing music. Soon Luo Ning gradually improved his dancing skills, which made the other party believe it, thinking that Luo Ning was really rusty after not dancing for a long time.

"I heard that your men defeated Baron Rayson. Is this true?"

Jenny was dancing while talking to Luo Ning: "It's hard to imagine how a high-level knight can defeat a stronger opponent."

"Has this matter spread widely? How come even you know about it?"

"My father is a knight of the Iron Shoe Castle. He will definitely not miss such an exciting event. Can you tell me about the battle? We are all curious."

The two communicated politely, and as the dance ended, Luo Ning politely separated from each other. He picked up the wine glass again and wanted to find a quiet corner to sit for a while.

At this time, Viscount Marvin came over, and some noble ladies originally wanted to come over and invite Luo Ning to dance again, but they wisely gave up the idea when they saw this scene.

"Luo Ning, how do you feel?"

The two clinked glasses and took a sip of beer.

Luo Ning responded with a smile: "Very good, thank you uncle for the hospitality!"

"Let's go to the rooftop to chat."

The rooftop is very large, and you can look out over half of the Iron Shoe Fort by holding on to the guardrail. Farther away, Luo Ning saw a lot of fire in Muma City.

Muma City is still prosperous, at least many times more prosperous than Luoning's Shanlin Town.

At night in Hillwood Town, there were only a few citizens who could light candles. Whenever Luo Ning looked over from the castle at night, it was completely dark.

"How's Jenny?"

Marvin looked at Luo Ning up and down. In fact, during the entire banquet, he looked at Luo Ning from time to time.

"Her father, Thori Hartle, is the captain of the Fourth Knight Squadron of Iron Shoe Castle. His strength is relatively high among the Bronze Knights."

"I heard that Jenny doesn't have a boyfriend yet. If you like him, I can introduce him to you. It will definitely work."

Luo Ning laughed, "Uncle Marvin, stop telling jokes. They say marriage is a man's prison. I'm only seventeen now, and I don't want to enter the prison so early."

"Hahaha, where did you hear this strange story? Well, don't tell me, it actually makes sense."

Viscount Marvin shook his wine glass, "I heard that you like to make friends with beautiful ladies. Why did you change your interests after becoming the Baron of Hillwood Town?"

"That must be your illusion. A beautiful lady will attract attention wherever she goes, which naturally includes me."

The two chatted for several times, and Marvin did feel that Luo Ning was different from the rumors.

After tonight, he will put aside his inherent knowledge of Luo Ning in his mind.

"As far as I know, Baron Leisen of Thain Territory is a small-minded man. You have greatly damaged his reputation this time. I think he will target you in the future."

Marvin's topic finally came to the territory and nobles.

"The overall strength of the Thain Territory is much stronger than that of your Shanlin Town. If he and you are consumed for a long time, you may be dragged down by the other party. I wonder how you are going to deal with him?"

Long-term consumption?

Luo Ning shook his head secretly. Baron Leisen was afraid that he wouldn't have that chance.

However, before revealing Thane's crime, Ronin did not intend to reveal the situation in his hands.

Luo Ning pondered slightly and said: "I have signed an agreement with the other party, using the middle line as the boundary, and both parties are not allowed to cross."

Hearing this, Marvin couldn't help but laugh.

In his opinion, although Luo Ning has changed, he is still just a child after all, and some things are too simple.

"For things like agreements, you just have to look at them sometimes. It may work for a period of time, but as long as the other party's ambition exists and its strength is sufficient, it doesn't count."

Marvin took a sip of wine and patted Luo Ning on the shoulder, "As the vassals of Lord Lulans, the Iron Hoof family will always be loyal to the Wushan family. If you encounter any difficulties, you can come to me."

"Then I won't be polite."

Luo Ning smiled and said, "I do have one thing I want to ask uncle for help."

Viscount Marvin was originally going to leave after saying those words, but he didn't expect that Luo Ning would actually come. "If you have anything to do, just say it."

"There is a kind of black iron tree in Shanlin Town. Its hardness is very high. I used it to make armors and weapons. Last time I went to Wushanbao, I got the approval and purchased a batch."

Luo Ning told this matter.

"After the scale expands and the production capacity increases in the future, I should sell it to outsiders. But as you know, there is no caravan in Shanlin Town, so I want to borrow the caravan from Iron Shoe Fort."

He immediately added: "Of course, I will pay a certain fee to Fort Ironshoe."

Marvin pondered slightly. He had heard about this matter, but he was not very interested in the armor made of wood. He thought it was Wushanbao's support for Luo Ning.

But now that Luo Ning mentioned this matter to him, he could learn more about it.

"Okay, that's totally fine!"

Marvin immediately agreed, "When you are ready, you can contact Rogner. He will arrange for the commercial officer of Ironshoe Castle to discuss with you and finalize the details."

After saying that, he paused and raised his doubts: "But Luo Ning, does your ironwood armor really work? If it doesn't work well, I can't guarantee sales."

"rest assured!"

Luo Ning smiled and said: "I brought a set with me this time. I can give you a demonstration when I have time tomorrow."


Marvin had another drink with Luo Ning, and then took Luo Ning back to the banquet hall.

"Have a good time, Ronin!" Marvin said with a smile, and then left the banquet early.

The dance continued, and without the host present, the nobles seemed to have a more relaxed time.

Luo Ning also saw that in the dim corner, there seemed to be men and women hugging each other and kissing me. There were also people on the dance floor who were sticking together to express their love to each other.

Fortunately, there was no other action.

As soon as he found a sofa and sat down, a pleasant voice sounded in his ears, "Hey Luo Ning, would you like to dance with me again?"

But it was Jenny who extended the invitation again.


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