Chapter 146 Racecourse

The party didn't end until very late.

Ronin didn't remember how many dances he danced or how many glasses of wine he drank. In the end, he was so tired that he could only pretend to be drunk and let McCann and Tom help him out of the hall and return to his room to sleep.

The guest room in Iron Shoe Castle was very comfortable, much more spacious and elegant than the room in Shanlin Town. Luo Ning quickly fell asleep as soon as he lay on the soft bed.

the next day.

After enjoying the breakfast carefully prepared by Iron Shoe Castle, Luo Ning first said hello to Viscount Marvin, and at the same time showed him the effects of armor and weapons such as Iron Shoe Armor.

Originally, Viscount Marvin was not interested in these things, but after seeing the effects with his own eyes, his view immediately changed.

Let’s not talk about the power of this kind of weapon made of wood, but this set of armor, chest protector, and shield can at least meet the armed needs of infantry and even junior knights.

He believed that there must be a large market for these things produced by the Shanlin Town Ironwood Workshop.

Viscount Marvin did not lower the price and directly purchased the equipment at the price at which Wushanbao ordered it.

As for how Iron Shoe Fort makes a profit, it is nothing more than selling it at a higher price. Luo Ning did not ask the other party how much he was prepared to increase the price. This was not something he needed to consider.

Luo Ning left the equipment he carried with Viscount Marvin for the other party's research and publicity. He himself went to one of the horse farms in Iron Shoe Castle under the leadership of Rogner.

According to Rogner's introduction, this horse farm is not large in area and only houses about a hundred horses, including war horses, riding horses, and pack horses.

Luo Ning rode on the cloud riding horse and looked at it.

The terrain of the racecourse is relatively flat, but there are also undulating hillsides. In addition to tall trees planted at the boundaries, there are also artificial fences.

On the east side of the horse farm, there are stables and a place for the horse herders to live. There are also houses on the other end. It is not known whether they are used to store feed or process horse manure.

"Why didn't you see the horse?" Luo Ning asked in surprise.

Rogner smiled and said, "You are coming here today, right? We asked the manager here to lock up all the horses in advance."

As he spoke, he took Luo Ning into the racecourse.

As soon as he entered the racecourse, to be precise, when Luo Ning got close to the racecourse, he could smell a faint pungent smell. This should be the smell of horse manure and grass mixed together. It was not a pleasant smell.

"Rognar, how does Iron Shoe Fort handle horse manure?" Luo Ning thought of this question.

He was indeed curious. With such a large-scale horse breeding in Muma City, a large amount of horse manure must be produced every day. If it is not properly handled, it will not only pollute the city's air, but also bring plagues and diseases.

"I don't know how to deal with it specifically, but I have learned about it. To be precise, dealing with horse manure is indeed one of the problems in Muma City."

Rogner said: "Generally speaking, horse farm managers will collect horse manure and then spread it on the idle grassland. Although there will be no grass growing on these grasslands that year, the grass will grow next year. Not bad.”

"However, this treatment is too wasteful of manpower. Many horse farm owners prefer to take the feces into uninhabited mountains and throw it away. Some people even choose to pile it directly in the city to save trouble and money."

He shrugged, "Ironhoe Castle is very opposed to this last behavior. It will impose a high fine every time it is discovered, so it can barely control it, but some people will still let it go secretly."

Luo Ning nodded slightly.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but at this moment he felt that the air in Muma City smelled a bit unpleasant.

"If I am willing to buy it, I wonder if the owners of these horse farms are willing to sell it?" he said thoughtfully.


Rogner's eyes widened in surprise, "Did I hear you right? You said you wanted to buy these horse dung?"

Luo Ning nodded seriously, "Why, can't you?"

Hearing such certain words, Rogner was even more surprised. His eyes seemed to be saying, "Is this person crazy?"

"Why did you acquire such a useless thing?"

"And how much manpower, time and money do you have to arrange to transport it from Muma City to Shanlin Town?"

"Also, if you are really prepared to acquire it, how much will it cost?"

Because it was too difficult to understand Luo Ning's idea, Luogna asked three questions in succession.

Luo Ning has his own considerations.

Shanlin Town's feces collection team has now basically collected the feces on the streets of the town. They are mixed with dead branches and leaves and other things and are fermenting together.

Although there are a lot of fertilizer piles now, it is enough to supply organic fertilizer for Luo Ning's experimental fields and some land.

But in the long run, it's obviously not enough.

After all, there are only so many people in Shanlin Town. Even if everyone is an expert at pooping, they won't be able to produce much feces in a day.

As for livestock and poultry such as horses, cattle, and sheep, the scale is small and the amount of manure is not large.

And more importantly, the people in the town are all good at it.

They saw that the lord not only collected excrement but also built toilets, and they gradually learned about fertilizer. Both of them regarded the excrement as a treasure and would not dispose of it casually.

So if Luo Ning wants to get more fertilizer, buying it from outside may be a good choice.

There are so many horse breeders in Muma City and they produce a lot of horse manure, so it is a good choice.

"You're going to waste it anyway, so you might as well sell it to me."

Luo Ning didn't say how he wanted to use horse manure, but directly answered the other party's third question.

"If you are willing to sell, I am willing to pay 1 copper coin per..."

He hesitated for a moment, the price was not easy to decide.

He thought for a while and then said: "One copper coin and 100 pounds of horse manure, what do you think? Of course, I will be responsible for the shitting."

"Are you sure?"

Luo Gena was shocked again and immediately pulled a horse farm manager over to inquire about the situation. When he learned that an adult horse produces about 13 pounds of feces every day, he looked at Luo Ning with a smile.

"Even if there are only a hundred horses in this horse farm, it will cost you thirteen gold coins every year to collect their horse manure. There are at least a hundred horse farms like Muma City, and you have to spend hundreds of gold coins every year on purchasing horse manure? "

"Moreover, you have to send people and force to pull him away and deal with it. Oh, my God, I don't even know how to describe your actions like this."

Luo Ning touched his nose to cover up the slightly raised corners of his mouth.

How much grain and vegetables can be grown with less than 500 gold coins per year to purchase so much fertilizer?

He estimated that this should be a worthwhile thing, right?

"Rogner, if anyone sells it, please contact me. I can start to deal with this matter after I come back from Wushanbao this time."

Luo Ning smiled and said: "Of course, please help me keep the price down. If possible, 1 copper coin, 200 catties or 300 catties is best!"

Rogner shook his head helplessly. It's not that he didn't help Luo Ning, but that he couldn't understand the purpose of Luo Ning's approach. What benefits could he get?

"Okay, I can contact you."

He said, "I think there will definitely be many racecourse owners lining up to ask you to help deal with the feces. By then, there will be so much dirty stuff that it can bury your Shanlin Castle."

"Hahaha, thank you very much!"

There is a lot of excrement to deal with, so Luo Ning will naturally not set up a fertilizer base in the town.

He would carve out an area in the mountainous area specifically to deal with these things. Anyway, the woods in the north are so big and desolate, so where can't they be set up?

After it is processed into fertilizer, it will be used in Shanlin Town and the following villages, and the excess can be sold.

The horse manure you buy may not be valuable, but the fertilizer you sell will not be sold at such a price as long as people realize the role of fertilizer.

Unexpectedly, he came to buy horses today and discovered a business opportunity.

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