Chapter 151 Marriage

The atmosphere of Wushanpu's annual celebration and birthday congratulations to Lu Lansi has risen.

A large number of flags and buntings have been hung around the castle, displaying the coat of arms and status of Wushan Castle;

The gardeners have already taken care of the flowers and plants, tapestries and murals, and the invited music and dance teams are also in place and are rehearsing.

There were also many nobles walking around in Rulans, but they didn't stay long. Most of them said hello and then left with a few polite words.

Seeing Luo Ning coming alone, Lulans was sitting on a soft chair wearing a magic wolf coat, "I was going to ask Most to wait for you for a while, but I didn't expect you to come here on your own initiative. It just so happens that I also have something I want to talk to you about. explain."

Luo Ning was a little surprised. He came here to reveal a little bit about what he wanted Thane to do, but he didn't expect that Rulans also wanted to talk to him about something.

"Grandpa, tell me."

"Calculate the time, Princess Blanche will arrive at Wushan Castle probably tomorrow morning, and you will take the people to receive her."


Luo Ning was stunned. He never expected that this would happen.

Blanche is the youngest daughter of Alduin V and His Majesty Bruno. Luo Ning recalled that she seemed to be eighteen years old this year?

"I didn't expect that the royal family would also send people to attend your birthday."

"Why, do you look down on your grandpa?"

Rulans smiled and said: "After all, I am also a top noble of the Alduin royal family. Is it okay for Your Majesty to arrange for a princess to come over and give me a few blessings?"

Of course, Luo Ning did not doubt Lu Lansi's status. It was just that few members of the royal family seemed to come to Lu Lansi's birthday in previous years, so he had doubts.

What puzzled him even more was why Lulans appointed him to receive them.

"The reception in the castle seems to be hosted by Diane and Bretton. It doesn't seem appropriate for me, a baron from Hillwood Town, to receive the princess, right?"

"Don't worry, I've already told your father and Diane, and they will cooperate with you."

Lulans smiled mysteriously, "Blanqi is eighteen years old this year. She should have been married for two years at this age. Unfortunately, his two marriage partners, Carmelo and Oleg, both fell ill and died."

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows, "Good guy, two marriage partners in a row have died. If this were placed in ancient China, they would definitely have a reputation as a scumbag."

"Who are Camelot and Oleg?"

Luo Ning was curious about the origins of these two marriage partners, but he didn't have any information about them in his mind.

But if you think about marrying a royal princess, your status and background will definitely not be low.

"They are the eldest grandson and second eldest grandson of Grand Duke Varghese."

Sure's a big deal.

There are three principalities in the Kingdom of Alduin: the Principality of Gistana, the Principality of Fernsburg, and the Principality of Vera that only existed thirty years ago.

Varghese is the owner of the Kingdom of Gistana in the far west.

The only thing that Luo Ning didn't expect was that these two dead marriage partners were actually a family and brothers.

Rulans sighed, "If the marriage fails and the man dies unexpectedly, it stands to reason that Blanche can still marry other noble children smoothly. His Majesty is even ready to marry her to Val." Gano, the third grandson of the Archduke of Guise, it is a pity that some comments circulated by the outside world prevented this marriage from happening."

Luo Ning couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Good guy, His Majesty the King must have had a fight with Grand Duke Varghese, and actually gave each other a daughter and three grandchildren.

If this betrothal was successful, and then the man named "Gano" died, would Grand Duke Varghis hate the king to death?

"Do you want to know what the rumors are outside?" Rulans asked.

Luo Ning thought for a while and said tentatively, "Isn't it the rumor that Princess Blanche is the husband?"

"Hahaha, although that's not what I said, it's almost the same meaning."

Rulans smiled and said: "Those rumors say that whoever marries Blanche will die."

Sure enough, there is also such a saying in other worlds.

The main reason is that these two gifted marriages are too magical. Varghese has two grandsons dead, and I am afraid he is not willing to continue taking risks with his third grandson.

What if something goes wrong?

To be honest, under the monogamy system, it is very rare for the Gistana family to have three grandchildren.

However, Luo Ning didn't quite believe in this kind of thing. He preferred to believe that someone secretly didn't want this marriage to be completed smoothly.

Of course, there is another possibility that Camelot and Oleg really died of accidental illness.


Luo Ning suddenly realized a very serious problem, and he looked at Lu Lans with more anxiety in his eyes.

"Um...Grandpa, Princess Blanche came to Wushan to celebrate your birthday. Doesn't she want to marry me?"

It's really possible, otherwise how could Lulans have told him so much and specially arranged for him to receive him.


Lulans laughed, "What, are you scared?"

After hearing the definite answer, Luo Ning was completely stunned.

Although marriage is a very common phenomenon among nobles, he really didn't expect that this would happen to him, and it was so sudden. He was not prepared at all.

"This joke is not funny at all."

Luo Ning had a bitter expression on her face, "That Princess Blanche has already been married twice, so it wouldn't be appropriate to point it out to me, right?"

"Don't worry about this. Whether it's Camelot or Oleg, Princess Blanche has never even met them a few times, let alone fallen in love with them."

Lulans said: "As for the phenomenon of 'Cuff' you just mentioned, you don't have to worry about it. Before the marriage, the two of them were not in good health, and their short lifespan has nothing to do with Blanche."

Obviously, Rulans is serious.

Luo Ning frowned. Was he in an arranged marriage?

Lulans noticed Ronin's expression, "You seem reluctant?"

Luo Ning did not answer directly, but said: "This incident was too sudden. I was not prepared."

Rulans nodded.

"It is indeed a bit sudden. I only sent the message to His Majesty Bruno after you came to Wushanbao last time. The time is very rushed."

He changed the subject, "But it is necessary, both for the Wushan family and for you in the future."

Luo Ning looked thoughtful.

In the past two months, Lulans will be teleported to the royal court, and Bruno probably sent Blanche here without much thought.

Is the other party worried that his daughter won’t be able to get married?

Luo Ning felt the same at first, but after thinking about it carefully, the possibility of this situation should be unlikely.

Moreover, Lu Lansi also said that marrying Princess Blanche is necessary for the Wushan family and Luo Ning himself.

The pair were preparing for the future. In that future, Rulans was probably no longer around.

"Although nobles can change their heirs, they can change it once, but they will definitely be interfered with the second time."

Rulans said: "It is impossible for me to do the same thing in just a few years, otherwise I will only be rejected by His Majesty, and the successor will not receive legal status."

Luo Ning suddenly realized that Lu Lansi's words had already shown that after Wiggins's death in the future, Brayton might inherit the position of Marquis.

"Oson is very ambitious, and his son is even more ambitious."

Lulans's eyes narrowed slightly, "I don't know if he will deal with you after my death. That's why I asked you to marry Princess Blanche for this reason."

Luo Ning understood that this was to bring the royal family in. As the son-in-law of His Majesty the King, Luo Ning's status would naturally be improved. Even if someone wanted to deal with him, they would have to find a reasonable reason and take the royal family's face into consideration.

As for His Majesty Bruno, he can take this opportunity to increase his control over the Oshan Territory.

Otherwise, why would a princess marry a baron who lost his inheritance? Is Luo Ning so handsome that he can subvert all sentient beings?

I'm afraid His Majesty King Bruno also has his own plans.

For Luo Ning, if he puts aside his personal emotions and starts from the perspective of profit, marrying Blanche will indeed have considerable benefits.

And if he wants to conquer this continent in the future, he will have one more opportunity.

After all, the Kingdom of Alduin and the Kingdom of Tricia still claim to be descendants of the Orlant Empire and have legal inheritance rights to the empire.

Then do his descendants also have the legal inheritance rights to the kingdom?

This marriage seemed to be beneficial to all three parties, and Luo Ning seemed to have no reason to refuse.

"alright, I got it."

Although Luo Ning still resisted in his heart, he could not find a reasonable excuse for refusal for the time being, so he could only take one step at a time.

"Will this matter be announced at the banquet the day after tomorrow?"

Lulans breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Luo Ning would be as willful as before, but it seemed that the child's personality had also undergone a huge change.

"That won't happen."

He smiled and said: "This time I am just here to let you get to know each other. The formal announcement will be made by His Majesty the King."

Luo Ning also felt relieved.


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