Chapter 152 Wubei Territory

After Luo Ning left Wushanbao last time, Lulansi noticed the changes in his eldest grandson, so he came up with the idea of ​​​​marriage. ♡

If Luo Ning was still unlearned and unskilled in the past, he would not have these thoughts.

Now that the grandson has made changes, he, as a grandfather, should try his best to gain some space for the other party.

After all, Lulans was still worried about Luo Ning. He was worried that after his death, his grandson would die immediately.

Luo Ning understood that the other party was thinking about himself. Although he resented his path being changed by others, he had no reason to blame the other party.

"Okay, I've finished my business."

Rulans smiled and said, "Now it's time to talk about you."

Luo Ning came to his senses. He had been thinking about the marriage, but he had forgotten the purpose of coming to find Lulans this time.

He thought for a moment, looked directly into the other person's eyes, and said seriously enough: "Grandpa, I want Thain to take over the land."

Just as Luo Ning was stunned by the sudden mention of marriage, Lu Lansi was also stunned by Lu Lansi's words. Obviously, the other party did not expect this.

"Why do you suddenly have such an idea?"

Lulans frowned slightly, "Did Marvin ask you to say that?"

He knew that Luo Ning came to Wushanbao with Viscount Marvin's motorcade. He also felt that Luo Ning should not have any thoughts or ambitions to annex other noble territories for the time being, so he thought it was Marvin who suggested it. After all, the latter had that motive. .

To the northwest of Muma City is Thain Territory, and to the southeast is a small area bordering Orson's territory, and Rayson is close to Barrington.

In the future, when Orson or Barrington have to deal with Wrangler City, they can form a divisive situation.

"Viscount Marvin took great care of me. I bought more than 40 horses from him, but I only spent half of the money."

Luo Ning shook his head and said: "But this is not what he asked me to do, Grandpa, this is my personal idea."

An unexpected light flashed in Rulans' eyes. When did his grandson dare to propose the idea of ​​annexing other people's territory?

"Your idea is dangerous!"

He straightened up and said seriously: "Even if you have a conflict with Leisen over the savage tribe, it is not serious enough to usurp his territory. Moreover, the laws of the kingdom stipulate that unless a noble commits a serious crime, his title will be lost." , Territory cannot be taken away, so I can’t help you with this matter.”

He can help Luo Ning do many things, but he must not deprive a noble of his title and territory for no reason. This is antagonizing the noble class.

"Grandpa, what you just said is that as long as a noble of Wushan Territory commits a serious crime, you can deprive him of his title and territory."

Luo Ning smiled and asked, "Am I right?"

"You mean?"

Rulans thought of a possibility, but he couldn't believe it.

Leisen from Thane is a veteran nobleman. When faced with a seventeen-year-old junior, what fatal evidence will he leave behind?

Lu Lansi's tone was still as solemn as before, as if he was teaching Luo Ning.

"If you accuse a noble of committing a felony, if there is no evidence, then you will also commit a felony, and you will be charged compensation at the least, or jailed at the worst, and you may even be deprived of your title and territory."

Luo Ning nodded, "I know that if there is not enough evidence, I will not raise this matter."

"What evidence? Confirm it for me first."

Luo Ning smiled mysteriously and said: "Please forgive me for keeping the secret, I want to show the evidence in front of many nobles."

Lu Lansi was slightly shocked, Luo Ning was going to play big!

This is dangerous if the evidence is insufficient.

"If you don't want any accidents to happen, you'd better take a look at it."

Lulansi was a little insistent. The Wushan family finally had a good young man, and he didn't want anything unexpected to happen to him.

Luo Ning was confident enough in his evidence. After all, he had both physical evidence and human evidence. Even the assassin was imprisoned in Shanlin Fort. What could possibly happen?

And once Wiggins knew that Leisen was related to Skeleton, given his character, he would definitely peel off Leison's skin, and he would convict Leison without even looking for the Shadow Assassin.

In order to prevent Rulans from continuing to ask questions, he changed the subject and said, "I want to tell you during the second half of Grandpa's birthday party. Grandpa won't blame me for disturbing this happy event, right?"

Lulans naturally knew that Luo Ning was determined not to say anything. He sighed and leaned on the back of the sofa again, "That doesn't matter. I have had birthday parties many times, and it is fun to have something different."

At this point, he complained a little, "But you, you are hiding something from me now."

It's also strange that Wushanbao has not been operating Shanlin Town in recent years. It seems to be isolated from the world and no news can be spread.

Otherwise, he could still guess a thing or two.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, I never do anything I'm not prepared for."

Luo Ning continued: "If we really capture Raisen, can we give the Thane Territory to me?"

Rulans no longer struggled with the issue of evidence, "If your evidence is enough to bring down Raisen, it should be regarded as a great contribution to Wushanbao. Not only can I bring Thain to you, but I can also bring North I’ll give you all that piece and make you the Viscount of Wubei Territory!”

A baron went to marry a princess, but the price dropped a bit after all.

According to Rulans' own plan, he had planned to increase Luo Ning's title and territory, but he couldn't find a suitable reason.

Giving a reward for no reason, and Luo Ning is not the legal heir, will be criticized.

Hearing this, Luo Ning's eyes lit up.

He originally just wanted a piece of land, but he didn't expect an unexpected surprise.

The title of Viscount is a good thing!

The high title is only secondary. The key is that if the title is improved, his monthly sign-in reward will be doubled. This is the most important thing.

"The area in the north is huge, plus the area of ​​Thain Territory, I feel like I could be a count."

Luo Ning said shamelessly: "Why don't you, grandpa, just make me an earl? This will give me a greater reputation."

Currently, there are only two earls in Wushan Territory, and Wiggins's earldom is temporary.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Rulans glared at him and cursed with a smile: "Your father is still just an earl. If you become an earl, where will he put his face?"

"Father is very thick-skinned, so he shouldn't care." Luo Ning defended.

Rulans waved his hand in confusion, "If you have nothing to do, just leave quickly. You don't have to have military merit to be promoted to viscount, but you need at least some to become a count."

Luo Ning sighed helplessly. It seemed that he would never be able to get the position of earl.

But this is also reasonable.

If he could not only obtain the Thane Territory, be promoted to Viscount, and bring the entire north into his territory this time, Luo Ning would be very satisfied.

As for the Count, where would he go to achieve his military exploits? Are you going to destroy the Black Gold Brotherhood too?

So the purpose of this organization's existence is to allow nobles to earn military honors?

Luo Ning stood up and said, "Thank you grandpa for taking care of me. I'll go down now."

"go Go!"

After Luo Ning left, Lulans sighed, "Most, why do you think Luo Ning has changed so much in the past six months?"

"I heard that great blessings will come after great disasters. Perhaps it is the same reason. Young Master Luo Ning has experienced too many ups and downs in life and his heart has matured."


Lulans couldn't help but think of his eldest son, "Grimes was also very thoughtful when he was seventeen or eighteen years old. Now Luo Ning is very similar to his uncle, but it's a pity that there is a big difference in strength."

Grimes, he will always feel pain in his heart.

Most comforted him: "Master, sometimes a wise king does not need to be too strong to be followed by strong men. The same is true for Master Luo Ning. He already has followers who can defeat the Bronze Knight!"

"Ha, you are really good at comforting people."

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