Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 16 16 Luo Ning’s training

Chapter 16 Luo Ning’s training

The road was still the same as yesterday, but Luo Ning's state of mind was completely different.

Yesterday he brought nine traitors with the heart of betraying the Lord, but today his guards have no intention of disloyalty towards him.

The team's march was not slow, thanks to the five additional carriages given to Luoning by Count Wiggins.

With them, Luo Ning was able to get all the people in the car without having to walk to slow down the progress.

The convoy of more than thirty people had the "Golden Mountain" emblem of the Wushan family on the car. Even if they encountered a small group of bandits on the wilderness road, they would not dare to take action.

As for the occasional caravans coming and going from Shanlin Town, there is no need to worry.

The owners of those caravans would come here in person to express their sincere greetings to Luo Ning, and one even enthusiastically presented ten kilograms of fine honey.

Luo Ning smiled and said to the other party, "Wish you a safe journey."

The carriage creaked and creaked, adding a sense of music to the boring journey.

As the sun approached the mountains to the west, Ronin signaled to McCann to stop the convoy.

"Let's camp here today. There is a creek to the south where we can get water."

"Okay, sir!"

McCann gently pinched the belly of the war horse and ran forward quickly, causing all the vehicles in front to stop.

After the motorcade stopped, Luo Ning got off the carriage and came to the middle of the road.

After everyone had arranged the carriage, Luo Ning shouted in a deep voice:

"Everyone is here, gather here!"

"Follow the rules I set at noon, stand in six rows and five columns!"

Thirty guards heard this and all hurried over. New 🅇.🄲🄾🄼

This was a training program arranged by the Baron after lunch. Although it was strange and the guards had never seen it before, who asked the Baron to make them eat to the fullest?

So after hearing this order, they remembered the noon admonition and did not lose a moment.

Not long after, the thirty guards gathered together. Although there were bumps and bumps during the process, some people even walked in the wrong row and stood in the wrong column, but luckily they corrected each other in the end.

Luo Ning nodded secretly. Compared to yesterday and the morning, the team looked a bit different now.

"Stand at attention!" Luo Ning issued a short and urgent command.

The guards acted accordingly.

"what are you doing?"

Luo Ning pointed at the little man in the third and fourth rows and asked, "Stand at attention. I want you to put your feet together, straighten your legs, draw in your lower abdomen slightly, naturally raise your chest, and hunched over to show who?"

The guard was probably young. His face turned red when he was pointed at his nose and criticized like this, and he quickly adjusted his posture.

There were two acquaintances nearby who had a good relationship with the guards and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"What are you laughing laughing!"

Luo Ning imitated the instructor's attitude and expression, and was so stern that the guards dared not express their anger.

"If anyone laughs again, don't eat dinner!"

The majesty of the nobles and the temptation of food forced the guards to take it seriously and stand in a military posture in the middle of the road. Ϭ९ʂհմ×.çօʍ

This scene looks a little funny.

"McKen, I've left the essentials of the movements to you. Go ahead and correct those who didn't do it right."

As the baron's bodyguard and the most powerful knight in the team, this seemingly simple task brought unprecedented pressure to McCann.

In order to do the moves at noon well, throughout the afternoon, whenever the team took a break, McCann was studying the essentials of these moves, and he also asked Luo Ning several times during this period.

Fortunately, hard work pays off, and he has a relatively good grasp of it.

"As you command, my lord!"

McCann stepped out in response and began to carefully inspect the thirty guards.

Luo Ning stood aside and inspected it, while also thinking about whether this training method was useful. After all, there is extraordinary power in this world.

But he soon figured it out.

So what if you have extraordinary power? Extraordinary people also start from ordinary people.

This set of training can exercise people's consciousness, cultivate team spirit, and improve team discipline. It is obviously useful.

"Standing in military postures is only part of the training. There will also be military boxing and fighting competitions later on."

While thinking about it, McCann finished the inspection and came to the front, "Reporting to your lord, the inspection and correction are completed!"

Luo Ning nodded, "Return to the team!"

McCann also gave a symbolic salute, then returned to stand beside Luo Ning.

"Take a break."

With the new instructions, the guards made new moves.

Luo Ning just took a cursory look and found that there wasn't much of a problem, so he didn't ask McCann to correct it.

"Today is the first day that I have arranged special training for you. If you make any mistakes, I will only correct them and will not punish you. But from tomorrow on, if anyone is still careless, don't blame me for being rude. Do you hear me?"

"I heard it~" the guards responded timidly.

"Louder, do you hear me?" Luo Ning shouted.

This roar surprised the guards, who quickly responded loudly: "I heard it!"

"Okay, let's disband on the spot and start preparing dinner according to the division of labor at noon."

Luo Ning smiled and said, "As long as you train well, I won't treat you badly in terms of food and drink."

The tense nerves of the guards relaxed a lot after hearing this sentence.

In fact, they have heard a lot of negative comments about Luo Ning, such as being addicted to parties, overindulging in sex, having no intention of practicing, having a bad temper, etc.

But after getting along with each other today, they found that the Lord Baron was not as bad as he said.

They originally followed them to Hillwood Town just for money, but suddenly they felt that following Baron Luo Ning might be a good choice.

"Master, the honey water is ready for you!"

Chahar came over at the right time holding the crystal cup.

"Thank you."

Sipping the sweet honey water, Luo Ning felt very comfortable.

"Stay here and rest at night. McCann, please remember to arrange for someone to keep watch."

Luo Ning warned, "Remember to arrange for two groups of people to take turns guarding to ensure that everyone has a certain amount of rest time."

Although this is not in the Wushan Mountains and there are no powerful monsters, some weak monsters and beasts still exist.

Luo Ning didn't want to fall asleep and die.

"Don't worry, sir, leave the defense to me. We will never let any enemy get close to our camp!"

"Well, I believe in your ability. After dinner and lighting the bonfire, I have new moves to teach you."


McCann felt a little guilty and curious about what kind of new move it was.

Luo Ning handed the finished cup to Chahar, "Remember to tell everyone that drinking water must be boiled before drinking."

Although the air and scenery here are relatively pristine, Luo Ning is still not sure whether there are any difficult bacteria in the water in the stream.

It’s always good to boil water to drink anyway.

"Don't worry, sir, all the water in the water bags is boiled and then cooled."

Chahar said respectfully: "I also informed several other guards responsible for cooking that there is no problem with water."

"I can rest assured when you do things."

Luo Ning laughed, took off the long sword from the carriage, and shouted to McCann.

"Come on, it's your turn to teach me swordsmanship."


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