Chapter 17 Deception

At night, several burning bonfires illuminated the road in the wilderness.

After a few minutes of simple rest after dinner, Luo Ning asked the guards to gather together and began to teach them the instructions of walking in unison, walking in step, and standing still.

It has been four years since he started military training in college. He doesn't know the professional vocabulary involved in these movements, but he still remembers the basics of each movement.

He taught it while recalling it, and it took him more than half an hour before all the guards, including McCann, basically mastered this movement.

"From now on, every five people in a row will train separately. The others who are not leaving will watch with their eyes wide open and refer to the mistakes of others to correct their own actions!"

Luo Ning looked at his guard officer, "McCann is handed over to you. You come and shout the command. I will check the results of the morning training tomorrow morning!"

"As you command, my lord!"

McCann walked to the side of the team with an uneasy heart, "First row, listen to my command and stand at attention~"

After handing over the training to McCann, Luo Ning returned to sit down in front of a fire and found that the manservant Chahar was adding firewood to the fire while being silly and happy.

"Why, you want to join the training too?" Luo Ning asked with a smile.

Chahar immediately looked away and smiled awkwardly: "Master, I just think their training is very interesting."


Luo Ning smiled and said, "If you want to go, go ahead. Anyway, there is nothing to do now."

Chahar hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth, stood up and said excitedly: "Thank you very much, sir!"

After saying that, he ran towards the team and, after receiving approval from McCann, joined the last row.

Luo Ning couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this scene. He would increase the intensity tomorrow and bring in punishment measures, and then teach them military style boxing to see if Chahar still wants to practice it by then. new

He rested for a while, took a sip of water, and then drew out his long sword and practiced several common attack movements of chopping and stabbing.

His predecessor's attainments in this area were almost zero. He, like the guards, had to study hard.

People who were addicted to learning and training completely lost track of time. It wasn't until Luo Ning felt his arms were sore and out of breath that he stopped practicing his sword.

He looked back at the guards who were still training. Although they were still practicing under McCann's intimidation, they could see that they were tired.

"That's it for today."

After giving instructions, Luo Ning walked aside, scooped up two buckets of water and took a shower. He then returned to the tent and lay down to rest.

His tent was the only one in the entire team, and the others could only spend the night by the fire. Fortunately, it was not winter now.

After the disbandment, the guards almost didn't take a shower. They went directly to the fire, sat down and began to rest.

McCann arranged the vigil personnel and stood guard outside the tent where Luoning was.

The entire camp soon fell silent, with only the crackling sound of burning firewood and the irregular rhythm of snoring.

Luo Ning wanted to fall asleep, but he still resisted the urge to fall asleep. He was waiting for midnight to arrive.

Time ticked by, and finally when Luo Ning was almost unable to hold on any longer, familiar words appeared:

[Sign in successfully, attribute points +1]

Luo Ning looked at the seven-day login panel and claimed the reward for the fourth day with a thought.

Suddenly in his field of vision, a high-quality package was opened gorgeously, a burst of light burst out, and then two lines of text appeared:

[Attribute points +60]

[Energy Essence +100]

Luo Ning was already prepared that the high-quality gift pack would not yield anything good, but after seeing the number of attribute points and energy essences, he couldn't help but smile.

He looked at the properties panel:

[Level]: 1-Junior Knight (32/100)+; 1-Junior Magician (0/100)+

[Attribute points]: 61

[Energy Essence]: 100

With these attribute points, Luo Ning's warrior level progress is only seven points short of completion. Unfortunately, due to physical limitations, he can only break through both professions together, and cannot upgrade the knight level to the intermediate level first.

"Although I can't break through, McCann can!"

McCann's knight level progress has reached 80/100, and he only needs to consume 20 energy points to break through and become an intermediate knight.

Although there is only one level difference between primary and intermediate, it is a process of qualitative change for the knight.

The fighting spirit of intermediate knights breaks out. Knights can use fighting spirit to attack, which greatly enriches the attack methods of professional knights.

At this moment, a crashing sound came from the mountains to the north, and at the same time, there was a constant humming sound.

Luo Ning's expression tightened. He was very awake at the moment and caught the abnormality immediately.

The second person to notice the situation was McCann outside the tent. His eyes were like lightning, and he looked directly at the source of the sound, only to see several tall shadows becoming clearer and clearer in the night.

"Ah, there is a Warcraft! The Warcraft is coming!" The guard responsible for keeping watch also noticed the situation and shouted quickly.

The sound of panic spread throughout the camp, and the sleeping guards suddenly woke up, grabbed their weapons and stood on guard.

Under the light of the fire, the three huge guys also revealed their figures.

It's not a monster, but three big wild boars.

"These guys are not afraid of fire?"

Luo Ning walked out of the tent and couldn't help but marvel at the wild boar as big as a calf.

These three big wild boars didn't seem to be afraid of humans. They stared directly at the carriage. The aroma of grains and vegetables on the carriage attracted them.

"Sir, leave these beasts to me!"

Luo Ning hummed, and at the same time, he used all 20 points of energy essence.


At this moment, it was as if something was broken in McCann's body. Earthy-yellow energy emitted from his heart and spread throughout his body.

"This is?"

McCann was shocked to feel the fighting spirit in his body, and he found to his disbelief that he had broken through.

Although he knew that this was the master's method, he was still surprised that Luo Ning had such ability.

"Go and end this battle as quickly as possible and let the guards see your power!"

"As you wish, my lord!"

McCann's eyes were firm, he drew out his long sword, jumped forward and flew out, his speed amazed all the guards.

The wild boar howled, but instead of retreating, it attacked McCann.

"Let's go too, help Captain McCann!"

The guards did not flinch, and one or two of them rushed over with their swords raised.

But at this moment, a ray of light lit up, and McCann struck out with a sword. The blade formed by fighting spirit landed accurately on the wild boar's head across a distance of several meters.

The fighting spirit slash directly broke through the wild boar's skin and flesh, and the huge impact force acted on its head, knocking it to the ground.

"Let the fighting spirit out!"

The knowledgeable guard shouted out, "Captain McCann is an intermediate knight!"

The guards who have participated in training all year round are all aware of the signs of intermediate knights. As soon as they see Douqi Slash, they know McCann's level.

With his shout, all the guards stopped.

An intermediate knight can deal with three ordinary wild boars without any help from them.

At this time, someone wondered: "When Captain introduced himself during the day, didn't he say he was just a junior knight? Why is he an intermediate knight now?"

You understand the king explained: "You don't understand this. Lord Knight often hides his strength and deliberately lowers his level so that he can confuse his opponents in battle."

"Oh, so that's it!" The man seemed to understand.

Luo Ning stepped forward at this time, "No, McCann is indeed just a junior knight during the day."

His words instantly attracted the guard's attention.

Luo Ning smiled mysteriously, "It's just that he practiced the moves I taught him carefully, and he broke through after training in the evening."

The main reason why he said this was to enhance everyone's enthusiasm for training.

In this world, who can resist the temptation to become an extraordinary person?

This group of guards, especially those who are no more than eighteen years old, are just ordinary infantrymen of the knight squad, with a limited future.

If they want to reach a higher level, they can only hope that they can awaken the seeds of fighting spirit and become professional knights.

Originally, this wish was difficult to realize.

But now Luo Ning gave an explanation. They also saw with their own eyes that McCann, who was still a junior knight during the day, became an intermediate knight at night.

What does this indicate?

Luo Ning didn't explain it directly, but the guards automatically thought that as long as they practiced the movements taught to them by adults, they would be able to improve!

In a daze, Luo Ning felt that the eyes of these guards seemed to have changed, which was their desire for extraordinary power.

Thanks to the two gentlemen who have been on the road to weight loss all their lives and the light of lightning for their votes and support.


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