Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 18 18 Fighting skills or magic

Chapter 18 Fighting skills or magic

Of the three wild boars that invaded the camp, McCann killed one cleanly. Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining two turned and fled into the forest, making it difficult to pursue them further.

Such a clean and tidy battle attracted loud cheers from the onlookers.

Luo Ning looked at the big guy who was nearly 1.5 meters long and weighed several hundred kilograms. Even though he was amazed, he was not stingy and promised to give the guards a piece of meat and a bowl of broth for every meal starting from tomorrow.

This can not only strengthen the physical fitness of the guards and make them train more vigorously, but also mobilize their enthusiasm again.

After the wild boar carcass was handed over to the guards, McCann came to Luoning.

"Sir, after I broke through, I remembered something again." He said respectfully.

Luo Ning was stunned, "Oh? Tell me, what are they?"

"It's a few fighting skills."

When McCann was explaining, he squatted down and punched the ground. Luo Ning felt an energy spreading on the ground.


On the land ahead, a sharp spear made of soil pierced out from the ground at a very fast speed.

Luo Ning was sure that such a spear was a great threat to ordinary people. If he didn't avoid it in time, he would definitely be stabbed in the hole.

"Is this a fighting skill?"

Luo Ning was a little confused: "Isn't this earth magic?"


McCann shook his head, "I'm sorry, sir, I don't know much about magic. But what I just used was the earth attribute fighting skill Cone Stab Earth Spear. ♡♢"

He said with a look of regret on his face, "It is said that in the future, a cone-piercing earth spear fighting skill can make a large area of ​​the ground become covered with spears. It's a pity that I don't have enough fighting spirit now, so I can only send out an earth spear." spear."

Luo Ning nodded slowly, "So fighting skills can be used like this."

He thought that knights used fighting skills to chop with knight swords or emit light waves, but he didn't expect that they could also change the external environment.

Now it seems that the fighting spirit and magic in this world are different from what he imagined.

"It seems that as your strength increases, part of you awakens some memory information."

This is somewhat similar to how certain card characters in the game upgrade to unlock specific skills. "How many fighting skills can you use now?"

"In addition to this, I can also use the defensive 'earth wall' fighting technique."

McCann explained: "We can raise an earthen wall in front of us to resist attacks such as arrows."

No wonder it is said that the strength of a knight will be greatly improved after reaching the intermediate level, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

The two fighting skills that McCann has mastered, one for attack and one for defense, are quite effective.

"I don't have any other earth attribute fighting skills now. I will find two for you when I have the opportunity."

Ronin encouraged McCann and then got into the tent.

After this fuss, he actually thought about fighting skills and magic.

He has both wind and fire attributes, and the Wushan family has fire attributes. When leaving, he should ask Lulans or Wiggins for two fighting skills.

"And there's magic. Where can I get a magic book to study it?"

Magicians are very rare. Even the Marquis family does not have many magicians who are loyal to them. At least Luo Ning's predecessor has not come into contact with them. ♛♦

"I wonder if the family has any magic books with wind and fire attributes."

Wushanbao still has to go back, but there is no rush for this matter for now. He will consider it after he breaks through to the intermediate level. For now, it is better to go to Shanlin Town to check the situation.

Moreover, the reward on the seventh day of the seven-day login is a light-attribute magician. Through him, Luo Ning should also be able to learn some information about magic.

As for fighting skills, the first top-up gift will be a fire-attribute knight. You can also learn from him when the time comes.

A night of silence.

Starting from the second day, the enthusiasm of the guards to participate in the training skyrocketed.

First, Luo Ning gave them plenty of food. In addition to ordinary bread, there was also a piece of meat and a bowl of soup for each meal, so that they could gain strength through training;

Secondly, and most importantly, due to Luo Ning's intentional actions, everyone believed that these exercises could increase the possibility of awakening the seeds of fighting spirit. Those guards under the age of 18 trained extremely seriously.

Of course, being serious is one thing, but there are times when people get tired and want to lie down.

Therefore, Luo Ning arranged a series of punishment measures such as push-ups and squat jumps, and punished anyone who dared to be lazy.

As for Luo Ning himself, he neither stood in a military posture nor practiced his steps. Instead, he practiced his sword skills. At the same time, he would compete with McCann when he had time.

Although he was abused most of the time, his fighting skills were also improving rapidly.

Two more days passed like this, with Luo Ning's team moving forward, practicing, and resting.

Boring, but very rewarding.

At least after these three days of training, the guards have understood the instructions;

By punishing a row when one person makes a mistake, they can gain a little bit of collective consciousness.

I believe that if you train for a while, the effect will be even better.

As for Luo Ning himself, maybe he is really a genius in swordsmanship. Now he can last more than ten rounds under McCann (naturally when the opponent controls his strength).

In addition, Luo Ning also received rewards on the fifth and sixth days of seven-day login.

The reward on the fifth day is a magic weapon called "Flowing Flame Sword". In addition to the high strength and sharpness of the sword, it is also engraved with magic lines.

According to reports, when this sword is activated with wind and fire attribute fighting energy, it can produce scorching flames, which is very powerful.

It's a pity that Luo Ning's current strength is limited and he can't use this ability. The weight of the sword also prevents him from swinging it continuously, so he can only temporarily store the Flowing Flame Sword in the space ring.

The reward on the sixth day is a Warcraft Contract Scroll. It is said that as long as the Warcraft does not resist, the scroll can be used to establish a master-servant contract, so that even the most ferocious Warcraft can be used by oneself.

This is a very precious item, and it is probably difficult to buy it outside. However, Luo Ning can't use it for the time being, so he can only put it in the space ring first.

"In a few hours, you can receive the seventh day's reward."

Luo Ning was somewhat looking forward to the fact that a magician with light attributes would appear among his subordinates.

Magicians are already rare, especially those with light attributes.

It is said that in other principalities, magicians with light attributes have saved many victims and nobles through magic, and have also established the Church of Light. I don’t know if it is true or not.

"Unfortunately, after receiving this reward, the seven days of logging in are over."

This also means that Luo Ning can only get another loyal subordinate through the first deposit of lavish gifts. If he wants to expand his team, he can only recruit and train him in the real world.

If Luo Ning wants to improve his title and realize his greater ambitions, it is not enough to just rely on the three extraordinary beings brought by Golden Finger.

Thinking of this, Luo Ning placed his hope in the young guards in the team. He had seen their progress in the past few days of training.

"McKen, find a suitable place to set up camp ahead."

"Okay, sir!"

McCann rode to the front of the team, observing the situation on both sides of the road as he advanced.

There are only two conditions that must be met for a suitable place to rest at night. Either the terrain is relatively open or it is close to a water source. If there is water supply in the car, one of them can be met.

It’s just that McCann observed this along the way, and it didn’t seem like there was a very suitable location.

As the motorcade advanced, he suddenly reined in the reins and signaled the guards behind to stop the carriage.

"What's wrong, Captain McCann?" The guard behind was a little confused.

"There seems to be the sound of fighting ahead." McCann listened carefully, then turned his horse and turned back.

"You don't move for now, I'll report to the Baron."


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