1st Division

Today's sunset is particularly red, and even the clouds in the sky and the road on the ground are reflected and covered with red gauze.

However, compared to the color of the flowing human blood, this red color is not enough to look at.

On this road in the wilderness, a fight was going on. The accompanying carriage was cut into two sections. The bodies of the horses and guards fell to the ground, with blood flowing everywhere.

On one side of the road, three sturdy knights were fighting each other. The knight with the blue lake emblem tattooed on his right arm was one against two. He could barely hold on, but he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

"Miss, take the young master away quickly, leave quickly!" the knight shouted loudly.

But behind a carriage, a young boy was lying on the ground with a pale face, his arm bleeding, and a girl beside him was pulling the boy and struggling to escape.

But it was obvious that the girl's leg was twisted, and it was obviously impossible for her to escape with the boy with her own strength.

At this time, another figure slowly walked over, holding a long sword with blood dripping from it.

"Haha, do you want to escape?"

The man's voice was a little hoarse, "Let me send you to escape to hell!"

At the announcement of death, the man raised his sword.

The girl's face was pale and she couldn't move.

"Damn it, how dare you assassinate the blood of the Green family!" The knights who were being fought roared, but they could only rage helplessly.

He couldn't get away at all, and after the girl and the young master died, he would be the next to die.

"call out!"

Just as the man raised his sword, an inferior long sword turned into an arrow and shot through the air, pointing directly at his throat.

"Is there someone?" The man was startled and quickly gave up on killing the girl and turned sideways to avoid the attack.

"call out!"

Another long sword came through the air, forcing the man to distance himself from the girl.

Da da da……

Two war horses arrived one after another, none other than Luo Ning and his knight McCann.

Originally, Luo Ning didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but he thought that on such a road, even if there were enemies, they wouldn't be powerful ones.

So after asking McCann to investigate first and determine the basic situation, they rushed over.

Naturally, Luo Ning couldn't miss this kind of thing of rescuing people and making friends with nobles.

"Your Excellency, two knights, please lend a helping hand. The Green family will be deeply grateful!"

The fighting knight roared, but as he was distracted, his arm was slashed.

"McKen, save that knight first." Luo Ning ordered.

"Okay, sir!"

McCann dismounted, pulled out his sword, picked up his shield and rushed over.

But at this moment, the man who had just raised the sword dropped the sword in his hand, clasped his hands together and quickly pulled it away.

Luo Ning saw elements condensing between his two palms, forming a wind-powered blade in the blink of an eye.

"Be careful, he is a magician!" the girl said with difficulty, reminding her.

"call out!"

The wind blade shot out so fast that it gave Luo Ning goosebumps.

"McCann, be careful!"

No longer able to wait for his reminder, McCann stopped and thrust his sword into the ground. Fighting energy flowed into the ground along the sword.

In front of him, an earth wall rose from the ground.


The wind blade hit the earth wall, completely cutting the earth wall into two pieces, and used the remaining energy to slash towards McCann!

McCann raised his shield in advance and withstood the blow.

Fortunately, the wind blade had been weakened and the remaining power did not have much lethality. After bombarding the shield, McCann only took a small step back to block it.

"Intermediate knight?"

The magician's expression changed, "Back off!"

Seeing that things had changed, he retreated without even thinking about it, even ignoring the two knights in the fierce battle.

But now Luo Ning is not willing to let this person run away.

A magician, what a rare existence, and he is also a wind attribute magician, which is very consistent with his attributes.

"McKen, you come to deal with this magician, remember not to let him escape!"

"Remember to catch them alive!"

"Your will, my sword!"

McCann was not afraid at all and rushed over without thinking.

Luo Ning, on the other hand, galloped towards the knights who were fighting fiercely.

"In the assassination of nobles in Wushan Territory, which force do you belong to?"

The long sword swiped, carrying the galloping momentum of the war horse. Only one of the two knights could jump out to resist the blow.

But under the collision of huge force, the sword in the opponent's hand fell apart.

Luo Ning is now in the late stage of junior knight, and his progress has reached much greater than the junior knight in front of him.

Coupled with the increase in war horses, it was simply not something the opponent could resist.

He reined in his horse, turned its head and charged again. The knight who had lost his sword had no intention of resisting and wanted to escape into the forest to avoid pursuit.

But he was fast, but not as fast as Luo Ning's high-quality war horses.


Luo Ning caught up from behind, swiping his sword across the opponent's arms and slicing the arteries in his neck, and blood spurted out.

["King of Slaughter" achievement achieved: attribute points +30, energy essence +60]

As the battle here ended, the knight who had just been suppressed also completed his counterattack.

Now, only the battle between McCann and the magician is not over.

Luo Ning sat on his horse and watched from a distance.

At this moment, there was cyan energy flowing on the magician's feet, which made Luo Ning discover that the speed of a magician could be comparable to that of an intermediate knight.

Unfortunately, after he escaped for a while, the energy in his feet disappeared, and his speed also dropped sharply, perhaps due to insufficient magic power.

Even though he rushed into the forest, he was quickly caught up by McCann, who kicked him in the back and was knocked to the ground.

"I advise you not to struggle, so that you will suffer less!"

When McCann chased after him, he punched Bang Bang twice, which directly broke two of the opponent's ribs. Then he grabbed the other person's collar at the back of his head and carried him back down the mountain.

He dropped the magician in front of Luo Ning like a kitten, and then put the long sword on the opponent's neck.

Luo Ning put the long sword into the scabbard, pulled the reins and sat on the horse, "Who are you? Why do you want to assassinate people from the Green family?"


The magician snorted coldly, "If the initial battle hadn't consumed so much of my magic power, you wouldn't be able to catch me now!"

McCann moved his sword and shouted: "Watch your attitude, prisoner!"

"They should be Skull and Bones killers."

The injured knight came over and saluted Ronin and McCann.

"Thank you both for your rescue. The Green family will remember your kindness!"

Luo Ning nodded slightly, "Go and see your young master and young lady. They should be a little injured."

After hearing this, the knight did not dare to delay and walked towards the carriage.

"Bless the Seven Gods, Master, your skin and flesh were only cut off by the wind blade, and your muscles and bones were not injured. Miss, your foot is twisted and you cannot move for the time being."

Luo Ning withdrew his gaze from the Green family. This prisoner would be his biggest gain from this operation.

"Chahar, bring some guards here!"

Chahar, who was watching from a distance, heard Luo Ning's call and called five guards to run over.

"Master, your orders!"

Luo Ning pointed to the magician on the ground, "Go and see if the young master and young lady over there need any help."

"Guard, step forward and control this guy. McCann, come and search him to see if there is any important information on him."

Of course, the search for information was fake. Luo Ning mainly wanted to know if the other party had a magic book on him, or if he had any money.

Thanks to "Heaven Is Dead" and other experts for their votes, the book will be recommended in the first round at 12 o'clock tonight. It is really important for newcomers to read new books, so please read it every day (to the end of the latest chapter, Only in this way can you have a chance to advance to the next round. Thank you!


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