Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 20 20Skull and Bones Society

Chapter 20 Skull and Bones Society

"Master, this was found from him."

Under the dusk, McCann held some items in his hands and presented them respectfully.

Luo Ning nodded slightly, took them one by one and looked at them.

His attention was first focused on the small black bag and four pieces of parchment.

The small black bag was obviously for money. It made a clatter when I got it, and I didn't know how many gold coins there were.

And among the four sheepskins...

After Luo Ning saw the content clearly, he couldn't help but look surprised.

Three of the parchments clearly recorded three wind attribute spells, namely the first-level magical breeze technique, the second-level magical lightening technique and the wind blade technique.

"God is really helping me!"

Luo Ning was extremely happy. Before, he was still thinking that there was no way to learn spells, but he didn't expect to get three kinds of spells at once.

"What's this?"

Luo Ning looked at the fourth piece of parchment with some confusion. There were red lines on it, which were somewhat similar to the lines on the parchment that recorded the Qingfeng Technique.

"Could it be that he wants to reproduce a magical introduction to Qingfeng Technique for sale?" Luo Ning guessed.

He glanced at the three small bottles and a quill in the guard's hand. He was not interested in these.

He put the money bag and parchment into his pocket, then waved his hand, "I will give the remaining things to Chahar and ask him to keep them."

Luo Ning looked at the trapped magician and said, "McKen, find a rope and tie him up tightly. I'll ask him something later."

He planned to question this person later to get more magic knowledge.

Magicians are rare.

After dealing with the magician's matter, Luo Ning got off his horse and now it was time to communicate with the Green family.

Seeing Luo Ning coming, the three members of the Green family quickly saluted.

Chahar introduced at the right time: "Sir, these are Master Malik, Miss Marina and their knight Kane of the Green family."

Luo Ning put his left hand on his chest, maintaining the etiquette of a noble, "I'm sorry we are a little late. How are your injuries?"

The boy Malik forced a smile and said, "Sir Luo Ning, on behalf of the Green family, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to you. If you had not arrived in time today, our lives would have been lost."

The girl also echoed: "You are indeed the best bloodline of the Wushan family. The battle just now was so handsome!"

Luo Ning smiled slightly. He was handsome, but the most outstanding bloodline of the Wushan family was a little less interesting.

The reputation of the predecessor must have been heard by all the nobles in the Wushan Territory. Basically, they all said that the Wushan family had an heir like Luo Ning, and the family had no future.

While speaking, he was also looking at the two members of the Green family.

The girl's voice is relatively thin, and the timbre sounds pretty good, but her appearance is extremely average.

She is about 1.56 meters tall. Although she is wearing a loose long skirt, it can be seen that she is a bit overweight and she seems to have a lot of freckles on her face.

As for the boy next to him, Malik, he should be a little younger. Perhaps because he had lost a lot of blood, his face was a little pale.

Although he tried his best to maintain the etiquette of a noble and not be rude, it was obvious that he was very tired.

Luo Ning didn't communicate much. Let them rest and recover.

"Chahar, bring my carriage over and let the brave young master and the beautiful lady go in and rest for a while."

"Okay sir!"

Chahar quickly turned around and brought the carriage over.

Malik and Marina couldn't hold on any longer. After expressing their gratitude to Ronin again, they entered the carriage to rest with the help of Knight Kane.

"Sir Kane, what is going on with you?" Luo Ning asked about the other party's experience at this time.

It turned out that during the crusade against the Black Gold Brotherhood launched by Count Wiggins, Baron Hermann, the patriarch of the Green family, was unfortunately injured.

Mrs. Flavia sent Knight Noel and his knight team to Wushan Extraordinary Academy to pick up Malik and Marina, but she didn't expect that something like this would happen on the way.

"The magician was hiding in the dark, and two wind blades came up. Captain Noel hastily managed to block one, but his throat was cut by the second one!"

Kane was still immersed in the grief of losing the captain, "The young master and young lady's carriage was also cut open by the remaining force of the wind blade, and the young master and young lady were injured as a result."

Only then did Luo Ning understand why the convoy escorting the heir of the Green family was led by a junior knight. It turned out that the captain died suddenly when he came up.

After the other party's description, Luo Ning also became wary of magic.

The scene where the magician used the wind blade before was still vivid in my mind. Thanks to McCann's timely reaction, he was able to escape safely.

"Skull and Bones?"

Luo Ning looked at the corpses of the fallen assassins. There were indeed white skull patterns on their chests, "Is it a killer organization?"

Kane sniffed and wiped away his tears, "I don't know much about it. It is said that the Skull and Bones Society was an organization that appeared at about the same time as the Black and Gold Brotherhood and the Portland Thieves."

"It's just that the latter two have a base, but the Skull and Bones Society does not. Their members are scattered, and they are involved in many assassination missions."

Luo Ning wrote down this name. He didn't know if these organizations active in Wushan Territory would come to trouble him one day.

Hopefully the remoteness of Shanlin Town would make him less noticeable.

"I'm sorry to hear about your dangerous experience. I will ask my guards to help you sort out the remains and let them be buried on the roadside."

"Thank you, Lord Ronin!" Kane bowed in thanks.

Watching Kane burying his teammates with the help of guards, Luo Ning couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

I don't know what these siblings have offended to cause such a fatal disaster. It is really an unreasonable disaster.

"The Green family..."

Luo Ning compiled information about this family.

The Green family's territory is in Hushang Town. As the name suggests, there are many large and small lakes in its territory, so the family's aquatic products are very rich. Their freshwater fish and shrimp are very popular in Wushan Territory.

Luo Ning remembered that the most delicious hornfish was produced in Hushang Town.

"Could this assassination be triggered by a financial dispute?"

Luo Ning thought for a while and stopped worrying. The affairs of the nobles were complicated. How could an outsider like him figure it out?

Anyway, now that he has saved the heir of the Green family and his daughter, Baron Gelman must express his gratitude, right?

Asking the other party for something is what Luo Ning should think about.

"By the way, I just completed the achievement by killing the junior knight."

Luo Ning led the horse back to the guard's convoy and called up the system interface.

At this moment, his attribute points and energy essence points have reached 30 and 140 points respectively, which is not only enough to complete his knight level progress, but also to increase the level progress of the light attribute magician he will have to the late elementary level.

It won't be long before he has an intermediate magician.

After seeing how powerful the wind-attributed mid-level magician was, Luo Ning also looked forward to the light-based magician.

"Sure enough, it's right to reserve energy essence instead of all-inclusively adding points to McCann."

Of course, after the light magician reaches the intermediate level and his strength is significantly improved, Luo Ning is still ready to let McCann break through to the advanced knight first.

After all, in a team, there must be a ranking of combat power, and it is not the best choice to always increase averagely.

Luo Ning consumed all 30 attribute points. As his physical strength increased, he noticed that his mental power was also growing rapidly.

[Level]: 1-Junior Knight (100/100); 1-Junior Magician (25/150)

As his mental power grew, Luo Ning felt that his mana space had also increased slightly, which allowed him to refine more mana.

Thinking of the three magics he had just obtained, Luo Ning decided to give it a try later.

He turned his attention to the achievement master interface, guessing that the [King of Slaughter] achievement should be advanced.

At first glance, it turns out that it is indeed the case. The new content is:

[King of Killing]: Kill any second-level extraordinary unit, reward: attribute points +50, energy essence +100

Luo Ning's eyes shone, and he happened to have a second-level extraordinary unit in his hand.


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