Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 21 21The difference between magic and fighting spirit

Chapter 21 The difference between magic and fighting spirit

Level two extraordinary units refer to intermediate knights, intermediate magicians or level two monsters.

At this moment and here, Luo Ning happens to have an intermediate magician in his hands, which is a real second-level extraordinary unit.

If he kills the opponent with his own hands, he can immediately complete the advanced achievement of [King of Slaughter].

Luo Ning thought for a while and walked towards McCann.

"How is this magician? Is he still honest?"

McCann chuckled, "I struggled at first, but after being tied up, I can't even think about being dishonest."

At this moment, the magician's hands and feet have been tied tightly. There is a guard standing next to him with a sword on his neck. If he twists his body a little violently, he may lose a piece of flesh.

Luo Ning squatted a few steps away from the other party, "What's your name?"

The magician ignored Luo Ning's words.

"Answer me honestly, and maybe I can consider letting you live."

After hearing this, the magician looked at Luo Ning seriously: "Young man from the Wushan family, will you really let me go?"

"Oh? You recognize me?"

"Haha, I still recognize the golden mountains carved on the carriage. If my guess is correct, you should be Luo Ning, the good-for-nothing eldest son of that good-for-nothing Count Wiggins, right?"

"be honest!"

McCann slapped the other person's face with his long sword, indicating that the other person should speak politely.

Luo Ning raised the corners of his mouth.

He didn't expect Wiggins' reputation outside to be so bad that any assassin would dare to call him a loser.

"Yes, I am Luo Ning."

He said: "You and I have no grudges, and I also like to communicate with magicians. Now, Mr. Magician, you just need to answer my questions well, and I can consider letting you go."

"Humph, how much can you trust the noble's words?" the magician said disdainfully.

He changed the topic again, "But I'd like to hear what you want to ask?"

"I see that you just performed magic without any special movements. Doesn't a magician need to chant and recite magic spells when using spells?"


"Magic spell?"

The magician laughed as if he heard something ridiculous, "They say that the eldest grandson of the Wushan family is as stupid as his father. I didn't believe it at first, but now I do."

"With so many resources of the Marquis, you don't even know what a magician or a magician is? Didn't your teacher teach you the difference between a knight and a magician?"

Luo Ning was a little embarrassed. He really didn't have these memories in his mind.

I don’t know if it’s because no one taught me, or because my predecessor didn’t learn it.

"Then please tell me." Luo Ning said.

"Haha, hahaha~"

The magician suddenly laughed wildly, "I like to see you nobles whispering requests, but unfortunately, I don't bother to communicate with nobles, let alone stupid people."

After saying this, he fell silent.

Luo Ning's face darkened, and he went up and gave the opponent a kick, which directly broke his nose and caused blood to flow out and cover his face.

"Say or not?"

The other party still didn't reply.

Luo Ning was too lazy to do anything and gave McCann a look. The latter understood, squatted down and held the opponent's palm fiercely. With a crunching sound, the metacarpal bones were crushed, and the magician let out a heart-rending cry. Scream.

This scene made the surrounding guards tremble. They didn't expect that the Baron would be such a cruel person. new

In fact, Luo Ning didn't want to either. He also wanted to be a good gentleman, but the other party didn't allow him.

After a lot of trouble from McCann, perhaps because he couldn't bear the heartbreaking pain, the magician finally spoke.

The magician's name is Pedro. He joined the Skull and Bones Society in order to earn a lot of gold coins. He is currently an investigator of the Skull and Bones Society.

The so-called inspectors can be understood as informal employees. They can become formal employees only after taking on a sufficient number of tasks and completing them.

Just like this time, the assassination of the heir and the young lady of the Green family was a task received from above.

However, when Luoning asked about the employer information for this mission, Pedro said that the investigators did not have access to such information.

Luo Ning doubted whether what the other party said was true or false. After all, the killer knew everything.

Of course, these are not important. He is more concerned about fighting skills and magic.

After Pedro's introduction, he had a certain understanding.

To put it simply, fighting skills use the knight’s own energy, which is fighting spirit;

Magic is based on one's own spiritual power and mana, mobilizing the power of elements between heaven and earth.

Compared with the two professions, becoming a knight is relatively simple, but in terms of fighting skills and the power of magic, the latter is more powerful, wider in scope, and more effective.

As for combat power, it is not easy to compare if you are at the same level. You may be killed by the opponent. It mainly depends on your experience.

After Pedro's introduction, Luo Ning had a preliminary understanding of magicians casting spells.

To cast a spell, you need to use the magician's spiritual power and mana as a guide to draw the "spell pattern" corresponding to each spell.

When the spell lines are carved, the elements of heaven and earth will accept the magician's "orders". At this time, the magician can use mental power to control these heaven and earth elements to form spells, and finally cast them.

There were no chants or magic spells that Luo Ning thought.

When the magician has enough magic power, he only needs to be familiar with it and be able to use mental power and mana to draw the spell lines according to the correct nodes and lines, and then he can basically cast the spell.

Luo Ning finally understood that the patterns on the parchment represented the spell patterns of each spell.

"What about this?"

Luo Ning took out the piece of semi-finished parchment, "What is this semi-finished product?"

"This is a spell scroll..."

Pedro's voice was hollow, "A magician with stable mental power can engrave spell patterns on the fur of a monster. When needed, he only needs to use mana or fighting spirit to draw the spell, and then he can use the scroll to cast spells quickly. "

Magic scrolls are very rare. A second-level Wind Blade Technique scroll can probably be sold for more than a dozen gold coins.

The scroll in the space ring that signed the contract with the Warcraft can also be regarded as one of the spell scrolls, and its value is extremely expensive.

Suddenly, Luo Ning had an idea——

When he is strong enough, will he be able to make more contract scrolls based on the contract scroll in his hand?

Ever since, he became more and more interested in how to make spell scrolls.

"Can you make spell scrolls?"

He thought about whether he could capture Pedro back to his territory. The other party would be responsible for making the scrolls, and he would be responsible for selling them.

Who would have thought that Pedro shook his head, "My mental power output is not very stable. I often make mistakes when drawing spell patterns and I can't do it."


Luo Ning looked at the semi-finished product in his hand and estimated that it was the scrap left behind when the other party's production failed.

He turned over the piece of leather on his hand and realized that it was not sheepskin.

"What are the materials used to make spell scrolls?"

"You have too many questions...ah!"

As soon as he finished speaking, McCann struck his broken palm, causing the magician to scream.

"McKen, be gentle." Luo Ning reminded.

"Okay sir, I will pay attention."

After waiting for a long time, Pedro said feebly:

"Use the skin of a certain level of magic beast for any scroll. To carve the spell lines, use the blood of the magic beast and mix it with magic core powder or magic crystal powder."

"But, making spell scrolls has very high requirements for magicians. The magician's mental power and mana output must be very stable and balanced, and at the same time, he must have absolute concentration!"

After saying this, Pedro gasped.

The magician's physique was not strong to begin with. After being tortured like this by McCann, Pedro had already had enough of this heartbreaking pain.

"Give...give me a good time!"

He knew that there was a high probability that the noble in front of him would not let him go.


Luo Ning stood up and drew his sword.

He never thought about letting the other party go. After all, the other party was an assassin who dared to kill for money. He had no way to guarantee that after letting the other party go, the other party would not kill him in turn.

In addition, letting the other party go would be difficult to explain to the Green family.

But having said that, for a moment, Luo Ning did think that such talents could not be used by him.

But after thinking about it, he decided to let it go. Luo Ning didn't think that he had such a domineering spirit. As long as he exuded it a little bit, he would let others show their loyalty.

A killer like Pedro...is difficult to control.

"Thank you for your guidance, Mr. Pedro. Maybe one day I will become a great mage. At that time, I will still thank you for enlightening me."


The long sword slashed across, ending the magician's life.


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