Chapter 22 Counting the Trophies

Beside the campfire, Ronin was counting the belongings of Pedro the Magician. ♦☟

In addition to the four pieces of parchment, the small black bag contained 3 gold, 57 silver, and 25 2 gold, 18 silver, and 153 copper coins that were recovered from the bodies of the two killed knights. Luo Ning's financial gains were still considerable.

Oh, by the way, the armors on the two knights were also pulled off by Luo Ning and used for his own use. The two sets of full-body armor were not of high quality, but not bad either. I estimate that they cost 30 gold coins. Two sets are 60 gold coins. .

Unfortunately, Luo Ning's body shape was not suitable, so he could only award one set to McCann and keep the remaining set as a spare.

When he put away this suit of armor, he was so envious of the Green family knight Kane that he almost drooled.

Unfortunately, since Luo Ning had saved their lives and was from the Wushan family, Kane could only look at him blankly.

In fact, Luo Ning also wanted to collect the intermediate knight's equipment from the Green family warrior, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it.

He is a kind-hearted person and cannot do such extreme things.

In addition to these obvious trophies, Pedro also had a fine quill pen (actually I don’t know if it was a goose feather), three small crystal bottles, and a purple spar the size of a thumb.

Luo Ning opened the bottle cap, and there was a fishy smell coming from inside. He looked carefully and saw that there seemed to be a little crystal substance in the liquid inside.

"These three bottles should contain the blood of Warcraft that Pedro used to make the spell scroll, right?"

Pedro said before that if you want to make a spell scroll, you need to use the blood of monsters mixed with magic core powder or magic crystal powder.

This small bottle of materials is probably worth a lot of money.

Finally, Luo Ning looked at the purple crystal, and his mood fluctuated violently for a while.

"This...this can't be a magic crystal, right?"

A magic crystal is worth hundreds of gold coins. If this thing were a magic crystal, Luo Ning would make a fortune.

Unfortunately, he didn't find any images of the magic crystal from his predecessor's memory, so he couldn't make a judgment.

As for asking the Green siblings...

Luo Ning would never do such a stupid thing. What if the other party wants to share some with him?

"Keep it for now, we'll figure it out one day."

Luo Ning put all the loot into the space ring. This time he rescued people and gained a lot.

Sure enough, extraordinary people are rich. A robbery, oh no, a rescue can bring such a huge harvest. It is really satisfying both physically and mentally.

Therefore, people still need a sense of justice sometimes, just like Luo Ning.

He laughed happily for a while, then calmed down and started to do business. He took the parchment of Qingfeng and studied it carefully.

It clearly depicts the spell pattern of this spell, and also marks the order of each node when using mental power to draw the pattern.

"I see!"

Luo Ning memorized the spell pattern of Qingfeng Technique in his mind, and then put the parchment into the space ring.

"You can think of the spell lines as the Big Dipper connected by lines. What I have to do is start from the first star of the Big Dipper, use my mental power to draw the magic power to point out the stars, and then connect them."

"If the starting position is wrong, the spoon shape cannot be formed, and the spell pattern will collapse. ♙"

"The spiritual mana lines connecting the nodes are curved, which does not match the straight lines in the spell lines of Qingfeng Technique, and it will not work."

"Only when it is drawn in one go, and the node order, lines, etc. are completely correct, can the spell be released."

After figuring this out, Luo Ning spread out his hands and tried for the first time to use his mental power to draw his magic power to carve the spell lines of Qingfeng Technique on his palms.

He thought he was quite talented, but after several attempts, he failed to successfully use mana to condense the spell nodes of the spell pattern, leading to continuous collapse.

But he is not in a hurry. Learning magic is not like learning swordsmanship from McCann. This is an area he has never been exposed to. Failure is understandable and acceptable.

"The reason for this failure is that the first node was drawn too hastily and not enough mana was used to maintain it."

"This failure was due to insufficient concentration of thinking, which resulted in a breakpoint in the spell lines from the second node to the third node."

"This failure..."

Luo Ning failed again and again, tried again and again, and finally after more than a dozen failures, complete lines of the Qingfeng spell appeared on his palm.

Immediately afterwards, the spell lines flickered for a moment, and then a breeze emerged from Luo Ning's palm and blew forward.

At this moment, Luo Ning realized that the consumption of mana was several times that of carving the spell lines.

But, finally it worked.

Luo Ning smiled happily.


A low cry interrupted Luoning's concentration. He raised his head and looked forward, only to see Miss Marina of the Green family holding down the hem of her skirt with both hands to avoid the embarrassment of being blown up by the wind.

"Good evening... Good evening, Mr. Luo Ning!"

Marina's face turned even redder due to the bonfire, "The wind is a bit strong..."

Luo Ning touched his nose. It seemed that the other party did not realize that he had used magic.

It is true that Qingfeng Technique is not as conspicuous as Wind Blade Technique.

"Good evening, Miss Marina, why are you out?"

Just after dinner, Luo Ning got together with the Green family siblings and had a brief contact.

"I can't sleep." Marina walked over with her skirt in hand and sat down next to Ronin.

The breeze blew, and Luo Ning smelled a faint scent of perfume.

He sniffed twice, but couldn't tell what material the perfume was made of.

“After the thrill of the afternoon, it’s normal to not be able to sleep.”

Luo Ning comforted: "But everything is over. I will let my team escort you to Hushang Town tomorrow."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Luo Ning!"

Not sure if it was because of excitement or something else, Marina grabbed Luo Ning's arm and pressed half of her body against it. Luo Ning touched a soft mass.

"You know, from this afternoon till now, the image of you riding a horse to kill the assassin has been in my mind. I don't think I will be able to forget it in my life!"

Luo Ning: "..."

Are all girls from other worlds so direct?

He dared to believe that even if he pulled Marina into his arms and kissed her, or even brought her to his tent to spend the night, she would not resist, and maybe the other party would be more proactive.

But, well, Ronin admits that he still has a bit of an appearance bond, and he's not crazy about Marina.

Moreover, after midnight, he still needs to meet his light magician, which is much more important than having sex with a woman.

The most important thing is that Luo Ning is the one who wants to become the great lord. Why did he do it before he even started?


Luo Ning calmly pulled out his arm, and then stood up, "Miss Marina, it's windy outside. Go back and rest quickly. I still want to practice my sword, so I won't accompany you for now."

As he spoke, he walked aside and began to swing his sword.

Marina was not angry after being rejected. Instead, she looked at the man practicing the sword with a smile.

She had heard about Luo Ning, and they were all bad rumors. Even the young lady from the Hyde family committed suicide because she slept with Luo Ning by mistake.

But when they met today, not only her, but also her brother Malik and Kane felt that Luo Ning was completely different from the rumors.

This is clearly a courageous, powerful, and handsome man.

The face under the silver hair became even more attractive under the light of the fire.

"It would be great if I could sleep with Ronin in my arms." Marina thought in her heart.

The Kane Knight was watching the training of McCann and others not far away.

He didn't feel the meaning and value behind this kind of training, but subconsciously thought that this was a new dance invented by the grandson of the Marquis who "knew how to play"?

It is really rare to see a dance performance composed entirely of men. Could this be the unique hobby of the legendary Baron Ronin?

But not to mention, when this group of guards chanted slogans together, it was quite impressive and attractive.

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