Chapter 23 Elron Faol

"Sister, why do you look a little angry?"

As soon as Marina returned to the carriage, she was questioned by her younger brother. She couldn't help but puff out her lips and said angrily: "Luo Ning is not a gentleman at all. He didn't even let me enter his tent to rest!"

Young Malik looked around. Although the space in the carriage was not as spacious as the tent, it could still accommodate his siblings to lie down and rest.

But soon, as the heir of the Green family, Malik understood what his sister meant, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Sister, Luo Ning was deprived of his inheritance due to Selena's death two days ago. How dare you enter his tent? Could it be that you have read too many knight novels about heroes saving beauties, and you want to sleep with him?"


Marina snorted unhappily, "Isn't it possible?"

Malik couldn't help but remind him, "Sister, don't forget that you are married to Jamie from Viscount Dennis's family. It's okay to have relationships with classmates from the college, but don't get into Luo Ning's bed, otherwise it may happen later. There will be trouble!”

"I know, you are the only one who talks a lot!"

Marina rolled her eyes, "Jamie, that damn fat guy, I want to puke when I see those damn fish eyes of his!"

Malik also rolled his eyes, who was the fat man talking about?

He raised the window and looked at the night outside, "I am very grateful to Baron Ronin for saving me this time."

"It's just that I heard from my classmates that he was deprived of his inheritance rights, had his surname changed, and was deported to a remote mountain town. I'm afraid his life will be difficult in the future."

At the same time, Luo Ning was lying on the carpet in the tent, grinning while enjoying Chahar's massage.

He had been practicing sword practice for the past few hours, and now his muscles were very sore.

It's not that he suddenly became so active, he just wanted to use his sword practice to avoid Marina's approach, but who would have thought that this girl would just stare at him for more than three hours without leaving!

In the end, Luo Ning couldn't practice any more and wanted to get into the tent while the other party wasn't paying attention. Unexpectedly, the other party followed him and said he wanted to come in and sit together.

Look at Marina's attitude of not leaving as long as she comes in and sits down, how dare Luo Ning let her in?

He has no sexual interest in her, not to mention he has something to do at night...

In the end, Luo Ning could only refuse directly, and then the other party said that he was not a gentleman enough.

"Okay Chahar, you should go down and rest."

Luo Ning felt that the soreness and swelling all over his body had reduced a lot, so he asked Chahar to stop, "Your technique is good, I feel much better."

Chahar stood up respectfully and said, "Good night, sir. I will rest outside. If you need anything, just call me."

After the manservant left, Luo Ning sat up and moved his arms twice.

"Girls from another world are too direct!"

He couldn't help but shook his head and called up the system interface.

He didn't have to wait until 12 o'clock in the morning today because it was already past.

"Today is the seventh day. Signing in will not automatically add attribute points, but will receive a 'heart-warming gift box'."

Luo Ning really wanted to know what this heart-warming gift box was, so she clicked on it directly.

[Attribute points +20, energy essence +20]

Sure enough... there is warmth, but not much.

It was similar in nature to the rewards he gave when he first wrote the plan.

He glanced at the property panel at the moment:

[Level]: 1-Junior Knight (100/100); 1-Junior Magician (25/150)+

[Attribute points]: 50

[Energy Essence]: 220

This series of harvests was so great that the number of energy essences had accumulated to 220.

Luo Ning added 50 attribute points to the progress of the junior magician, and suddenly he felt that the mana space was expanding again!

After the consumption of learning Qingfeng Technique before, coupled with the new round of expansion, Luo Ning will probably spend a lot of time refining his mana.

"The progress has increased to 75/150. I only need 75 more attribute points to break through to the intermediate level with both professions."

For ordinary people, it takes two to three years to go from beginner to intermediate, even if it is a little faster.

With Luo Ning's breakthrough speed, even the top geniuses can only feel inferior.

After processing the attribute points, Luo Ning finally turned his attention to the seven-day login interface.

Today is the seventh day, and he can finally receive a light attribute magician with the qualification of a seventh-level great magician.

As he claimed the reward for the seventh day with a thought, the seven-day login interface turned into a point of light and disappeared from his field of vision.

From now on, there are only four interfaces left in front of him: monthly sign-in, attribute panel, achievement master, and first deposit bonus.

Luo Ning estimated that after he completes his first recharge, he will only have the first three interfaces left.

The moment he paid attention to the dissipation interface, the same magic circle as when he summoned McCann appeared on the ground in front of him.

The white light is gorgeous and dazzling. If it weren't for the black tent blocking the light, it would definitely attract people from outside to watch.

"This summoning magic circle is so complicated, more complicated than the lines of the contract scroll!"

Luo Ning exclaimed, judging from his new knowledge of the Qingfeng spell pattern, he couldn't understand it at all.

The spell pattern of Qingfeng Technique has only five nodes, and the nodes are connected by straight lines.

But the magic circle in front of him is not like this. There are many nodes on it. If Luo Ning were to describe it, he would not know which node to start from and which node to end at.

In addition, the route between the nodes of the summoning magic circle is not a straight line. It has curves with different arcs and polylines with different angles, which is very complicated.

Luo Ning, who observed carefully, felt dizzy and an extreme pain rushed straight to his forehead.

How can I describe this feeling? It’s like an ordinary junior high school student trying to deeply understand and derive the Fourier transform formula.

Fortunately, a figure that appeared at the right time attracted Luo Ning's attention. A thin man wearing a sky blue robe appeared on the magic circle.

He had short gray-white shoulder-length hair. If he hadn't looked at his face, Luo Ning would have thought he was an old man.

In fact, he is very young. Unlike McCann, who is burly and strong, the magician in front of him looks a bit delicate.

He put his left hand on his chest and saluted Ronin, "Elron Faol, I have met the master. May the light be with you!"

The tone is gentle and the tone makes people feel relaxed.

"Nice to meet you, Mage Elrond!"

Luo Ning also happily greeted the magician's subordinate and briefly asked about his condition.

To put it simply, Elrond and McCann are the same in terms of past experience and language.

The difference is that Elrond has a certain understanding of the principles of magic and making spell scrolls.

Of course, this understanding is not very deep, it is about the same level as Pedro.

Through Elrond, Ronin also confirmed one thing, that is, the purple crystal obtained from Pedro was indeed a magic crystal.

In this way, he only needs to gather five more magic crystals for his first deposit gift.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Ning asked how many magic spells the other party currently mastered.

"Sir, I currently master two spells, namely Flash and Invigoration."

Luo Ning was full of expectations, "Quick, show me how to use it!"

Elrond did not refuse, he first stretched out a finger, and Ronin felt energy gathering at his fingertips.

He guessed that Elrond was carving spell lines.

"Sir, this is the flash technique."

As Elrond's voice fell, his fingertips lit up with a little light.

The light is not very bright, just like the desk lamp used when I was a student, but it can illuminate the environment in the tent much brighter than a candle.

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows, "Other than lighting up the environment, this spell doesn't seem to have much effect?"

Elrond nodded, "That's true, but if I have enough mana later on, I can enhance its brightness and use it to interfere with the enemy."

Luo Ning nodded slightly. The interference the other party mentioned should be similar to flash bombs.

Elrond stopped demonstrating the flash spell and cast the second spell.

This time, he faced Luo Ning with his palm, and under the spell, a faint light fell on Luo Ning.

At this moment, Luo Ning felt relieved all over, and the previous soreness was completely gone.

His eyes lit up and he praised: "This spell is very effective!"

Elrond continued: "When I have enough mana, I can use this spell on multiple people. It is said that a powerful magician can use this spell to inspire an army!"


Luo Ning was very satisfied with this auxiliary spell, but he was a little strange, "Don't light magicians have healing skills?"

In his impression, the attribute of light is always linked to things like the Church of Light, and to saving lives and healing the wounded.

Hearing this, Elrond shook his head, "I'm sorry, sir, I haven't mastered this spell yet. Maybe I will be exposed to it later when my strength improves."

Luo Ning immediately thought that when McCann was promoted to an intermediate knight, he automatically mastered two fighting skills, and perhaps a magician could do the same when he was promoted to an intermediate level.

"Wait a moment."

He focused his attention on the magician in front of him, and soon, the attribute panel belonging to Elrond appeared.

[Elron Faol]: Junior Mage·Light (0/150) +

Ronin accumulated 220 points of energy essence, enough to upgrade Elrond to an intermediate magician.


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