Chapter 24 Hushang Town

Luo Ning had accumulated 220 points of energy essence. The reason why he did not use it to improve McCann's strength was to wait for the light attribute magician to come out and upgrade him directly. ☜

To upgrade a magician from elementary to intermediate level, he needs to consume 150 points of energy essence, which is 50 points more than the knight's upgrade at the corresponding stage.

As these energy essences were invested, Elrond's attribute panel changed——

[Elron Faol]: Intermediate Mage·Light (0/300) +

In just one breath, Elrond walked a path that other magicians might not have walked for years.

"Sir, I am..." He was too shocked to speak.

Luo Ning waved his hand, "This is my special ability. Remember to keep it a secret. Do not reveal any information to anyone else except McCann."

Elrond slowly recovered from the shock, "May the light be with you, sir, I will remember your gifts and teachings!"

This guy only said a few words before and after he said "May the light be with you" twice, which is quite a bit like a stickman.

"Okay Elrond, do you have any other magic?"

"Yes!" Elron was very sure, "After I became an intermediate magician, I had healing skills in my mind."

After hearing this, Luo Ning beamed.

He has healing skills, which is in line with the characteristics of a light attribute magician in his mind.

"How effective is the treatment?" he asked.

"General sword injuries can be treated well, but more serious injuries may require several more releases."

Elrond said: "However, if the injury is too severe and touches the bones and internal organs, the effect of the healing spell will be greatly weakened."

Luo Ning nodded slowly. Although it couldn't cure all diseases, it was pretty good at treating ordinary knife wounds.

In order to see the effect of the healing technique with his own eyes, Luo Ning picked up the sword and lightly made a cut on his little finger. Bright red blood immediately flowed out, not to mention, it was quite painful.

"My lord, what are you doing?" Elrond asked in surprise.

"Here, let's use healing techniques to treat him!"

Only then did Elrond realize that Ronin was trying to test the effectiveness of the healing technique.

"Sir, you could have cut my finger just now!"

While regretting that he had not understood the master's intention in advance, he quickly placed his palm on top of the bleeding finger.

Soon, a ray of light fell on the wound.

Luo Ning only felt the wound was warm and itchy, and then saw it healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From bleeding to scabbing, to being intact again, it only takes five seconds!


After seeing it with his own eyes, Luo Ning was even more satisfied with the effect of the treatment.

He believed that with Elrond here, if the territorial guards were injured in battle, they would not be disabled or even die due to poor medical conditions.

In Ronin's eyes, Elrond was like a marching doctor.

The only regret is that Elrond did not master any attack-type magic.

The uplifting, flashing, and healing techniques were all auxiliary. On the battlefield, Luo Ning was a little worried about their safety.

After some more exchanges, Luo Ning finally had a more comprehensive understanding of Elrond.

He came outside the tent, asked Chahar to get him some hot water and dismissed the manservant, and then brought Elrond to McCann.

"McCann, this is your new friend, Elrond Fao. You need to familiarize him with the current situation, and then arrange camping for tonight."

"Remember, don't reveal to the outside world that Elrond is a magician for the time being. Just say that he is my friend."

"Okay sir!"

While responding to the order, McCann also looked up and down, and then performed a knight's salute, "McConn Sallyton, nice to see you!"

"May the light be with you, warrior!"

Luo Ning laughed, then turned back to the tent to rest.

There were no wild beasts to disturb me tonight, and it passed peacefully.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Luo Ning did not let the guards train, but set off at full speed to escort the Green siblings to Hushang Town.

Hushang Town is on the way to Shanlin Town, close to Muma City, so Luo Ning is not considered a detour.

Just like that, another day and a half later, Luo Ning and the others finally entered the Green Territory.

They set off on the 4th, and it was now noon on the 9th. It took them five days to get here, and the speed couldn't be said to be fast.

"Brother Luo Ning, follow this road for another ten miles or so and you will reach Lake Fort."

For more than a day, although Marina did not bring up the idea of ​​entering the tent again, she still sat with Luo Ning whenever she had free time.

Fortunately, this guy's twisted leg was not fully recovered, otherwise, Luo Ning might not even have any personal space.

"The scenery in Hushang Town is not bad." He complimented casually.

Since entering Greenland, there have been more creeks and ponds on both sides of the road, and Luo Ning even saw people fishing in the water.

Green water and green mountains make you feel like you are back home on earth.

However, as the convoy passed through Hushang Town, hygiene issues were still prominent.

But this time Luo Ning was not surprised and would not ask silly questions like why the other party did not take care of the hygiene.

The Lake Fort is not located on the lake, but like Wushan Fort, it is on a hill several miles away from the city.

Although the castle's walls, wooden spurs, ravines and other defenses are not as grand and strong as Wushan Fort, they are all available.

Before the team entered the castle, a group of cavalry galloped over and blocked the front.

"Stop!" the tall knight shouted, with a strong warning tone.

However, when he saw the Wushan family crest on the carriage, his tone became more tactful.

"I wonder which of the Wushan family adults came to Hushang Town?"

When a noble comes to visit, a servant will usually hand out greeting cards first.

It was rare for someone to appear outside the castle of other nobles with no greetings and a convoy of troops and horses.

"Uncle, it's us!" Marina revealed her head from the carriage.

"Miss Marina? Master Malik is here too!"

The knight was stunned for a moment, then immediately drove his horse over, "Why are you here?"

Kane, who had lost his horse, stumbled from behind to the front. He cried bitterly:

"Lord Andrea, our knight team was assassinated, and Captain Noel unfortunately died in the battle! If it hadn't been for Lord Luo Ning's rescue, the young master and young lady would probably not have survived!"

Andrea Knight's expression changed wildly, how could something like this happen suddenly?

Considering the safety of the trip, he had arranged for a team of knights to pick up Malik and the two men, but he did not expect that the entire army was almost wiped out.

"How are the young master and young lady? Are they injured?" Andrea asked hurriedly.

Malik walked out of the car. His arm was still tied with gauze, but the injury was much better than before.

"We suffered some minor injuries, but they are relatively minor. We will probably be fine after just two days of recovery."

Malik raised his hand towards Ronin and introduced: "This is the baron of Shanlin Town, a bloodline of the Wushan family, Ronin Firestorm. It is thanks to him that we survived this time."

Andrea was freed from his worry, and he looked at Luo Ning seriously.

In fact, what happened to the Wushan family and the Hyde family had already spread to the territories of various vassals in the past few days. Some people are secretly mocking Wiggins and Ronin.

Andrea also scoffed when she heard the news.

But that was a private matter. In public, he would still show respect to Luo Ning when he saw him, and would not easily get into trouble with others in terms of face.

What's more, now Luo Ning has saved the blood of the Green family, his nephew and niece.

Knight Andrea gave a formal knightly salute to Luo Ning, "Andrea says hello to you. I'm sorry for my rudeness just now. I really didn't expect that the young master and the young lady would be assassinated."

As he said that, he bowed deeply again, "Thank you for your rescue!"

"Greetings to you, Sir Andrea."

Luo Ning responded with a smile, "The Green family is the vassal of the Wushan family, and the blood of the Wushan family flows in my body. It is necessary to save Malik and the others."

He paused and then asked, "I heard from Kane that Baron Hermann was injured in this battle. I wonder how his injury is now?"

Andrea replied: "Thank you for your concern. Lord Herman's injury is almost healed."

Malik and Marina were both a little anxious. They only heard that they were injured in the chest and were resting in bed, but they didn't know how serious it was. When their uncle said that the injury was almost healed, they were relieved.

Marina said: "Lord Luo Ning and uncle, let's go back to the castle first."

"Okay, miss!"

Andrea signaled his men to return to the castle to report first, and then turned sideways to make way for Ronin's team to advance.

Ronin searched for information about Baron Gehrman Green in his mind.

This man seems to have bronze-level strength, which is not low among barons.

"I saved his son and daughter, what is he going to say?"

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