Test 1

What happened at the Wushan City Colosseum was like a strong wind sweeping through the entire Wushan City. The new nobles were all shocked when they heard about this!

Her Royal Highness Princess Blanche arrived at Wushan Castle this morning and was assassinated in the Colosseum in the afternoon.

And judging from the entire assassination process, the other party obviously made arrangements in advance.

If nothing else, let's just say that the assassin who became Gladiator Mundo in advance is not an assassin who can be found in a short time.

In addition to this matter, there was another thing that exceeded all the nobles' expectations - that was Luo Ning's strength.

The eldest grandson of Wushanbao, who was deprived of his inheritance by Lulans, turned into a hero in the assassination of the princess. Not only did he repel the assassin, but he also showed his strength to the outside world.

"This is impossible!"

In a suite in Wushan Castle, Baron Leisen's expression changed immediately after hearing the news.

If the outside world says that Luo Ning is an intermediate knight, he can barely accept it, but now tell him that the other party is a high-level knight?

It is foreseeable that Luo Ning, who has this kind of strength, will definitely be valued by Wushanbao, and the possibility of becoming big in the future is very high!

And such people are now neighbors of the Thain Territory. More importantly, the two sides are still in a state of dispute and enmity.

"How can a junior knight who has just activated the seeds of fighting spirit become a senior knight in such a short period of time?"

Leisen thought it was impossible no matter how much he thought about it, "Is this supposed to be Wushanbao's campaign to build momentum for his marriage to Princess Blanche?"

He frowned, not sure why.

However, one thing Leisen knew very well was that Luo Ning could not stay for a long time. If he stayed for a long time, it would bring endless troubles.

He knows this, and Count Orson should also know this.

"So, could this assassination be the work of Count Orson?"

Although Leisen was on good terms with Barrington and stood on the side of the Hyde family, he did not know every move of Count Orson.

Knight Joffrey, who was guarding the door, looked at the Baron pacing back and forth in the room, and he couldn't calm down in his heart.

He now feels more and more that following Leisen is not a good choice, but when he had the choice, Luo Ning had not yet become the Lord of Hillwood Town.

Some people are sad, while others are naturally happy, especially those nobles of the Wushan Territory who can't stand the Hyde family. They are more happy to see Luo Ning rise.

Because Luo Ning does not have a complicated power background like Brayton behind him, the future relationship will be very easy to handle.

At this time, people began to speculate why Lulans deprived Luo Ning of his inheritance rights?

Is it just a bad relationship between grandfather and grandson?

This may not seem like it.

After all, if the relationship between the two was really bad, Lulans would not give such a valuable spell scroll, let alone let Luo Ning receive the princess.

After much thought, everyone could only conclude that the Marquis must have some other deep meaning in doing this.

"I have a fart meaning!"

Listening to Most's report on the discussions among the nobles, Rulans rubbed his brows vigorously. He felt both angry and happy at the same time.

Angry that the gang of murderers dared to assassinate the princess in Wushan City, and even almost succeeded;

Happy is the performance of his grandson Luo Ning.

Although he relied on the spell scroll he gave to Luo Ning to defeat the gold-level assassin, he still didn't faint after using this scroll. This was something only a high-level knight could do, at least.

So he has determined that Luo Ning has become a high-level knight.

A seventeen-year-old senior knight, there is finally another genius among the descendants of Wushan Castle.

Rulans was happy about this.

But when he thought that his grandfather only found out now like everyone else, he felt a little unhappy.

"How is Luoning now?" Lulans asked.

"After Galil sent them back to the castle, the young master left to rest on the excuse of being dizzy."

Most replied: "You should be asleep by now."


"He is mentally exhausted and needs a good rest. Don't let him attend the banquet in the evening. It will also save him some energy and not have to socialize."

Lulans turned to ask: "Where is Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

"Your Highness the Princess is in good condition, but I have also prepared a soothing soup and sent it over. I guess she should be resting now."

Although this incident was dangerous, the two key people were unscathed, which was a blessing among misfortunes.

"What are the performances of Count Jesus and Deputy Captain Broll of the Griffin Knights?" Rulans asked.

"They are very angry and are currently discussing this matter fiercely with Lord Wiggins, Earl Orson, Viscount Marvin and other nobles at Osan Fortress."

Most answered with some seriousness and distress.

"Especially Her Royal Highness the Princess' uncle, Count Jesus. He believes that this assassination is a provocation to the Alduin royal family, and Wushan Castle must give a satisfactory explanation as soon as possible."

"An explanation must be given."

Rulans stroked the top of the crutch, then stood up with support, "In the final analysis, this matter was caused by our poor consideration and frightened Her Royal Highness. We should apologize and take responsibility."

With that said, he walked towards Wushan Fortress.

Neither Wiggins, Orson, nor other nobles can represent Wushanbao in this matter, he can only come forward.

But the question that was on Rulans' mind the most was not where the assassin came from or who ordered him.

What he always kept in mind was Luo Ning.

"Most, how did Luo Ning practice? Why didn't we find that he had awakened the fighting spirit seeds before?"

If Luo Ning only activated his fighting spirit seeds in August and now has advanced strength in December, he would never believe it.

Rulansi has been traveling across the continent for decades, but he has never heard of anyone who can become a high-level knight from an ordinary person in just five months.

Therefore, the only possible explanation is that Luo Ning awakened very early, but they never discovered it.

According to the general cultivation time, this awakening time was probably three or four years ago, when Luo Ning was thirteen or fourteen years old.

At such an age of awakening, Ronin's talent is no less than Brayton's.

If he had known that Luo Ning had such a talent, why would Lulans worry so much?

How did Most know the answer to this question? He could only find an excuse: "Perhaps, at that time, Master Luo Ning was more playful and didn't want others to know his strength?"

Lulans shook his head, this statement was too ridiculous.

But he couldn't think of any other more reasonable explanation.

At the same time, Luo Ning was resting in bed.

What kept popping up in his mind was the golden knight Mundo who jumped in front of him. Who was instructing such a character?

If the assassin's primary target is him, Ronin can guess that the person behind the scenes is Leisen or Count Orson.

But the other party's primary target is not him, but Princess Blanche.

To assassinate a princess, the person behind the scenes has many identities. After all, the identity of a royal princess is very complicated.

There are too many people who want to kill Blanche to trigger a conflict between the royal family and the Wushan Territory, or even cause more bloodshed.

Among them may be the forces of the Kingdom of Tricia, or some of the big families, nobles, or even members of the royal family in the Kingdom of Alduin.

Isn't it possible that Count Jesus came uninvited and was venting his anger on Wushan Castle?

Apparently there is.

Where in Moonlight Valley can satisfy the appetite of a royal earl?

He should have a larger land and population, and become a grand duke like Ferens.

"Dong dong dong!"

Tom knocked on the door, "Sir, Princess Blanche wants to see you."

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