Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 162 162 Investigation Results

1st search result

Blanche was invited in by Tom.

This was the first time in her life that she had walked into the bedroom of someone of the opposite sex. Compared with ordinary aristocratic bedrooms, Luo Ning's place did not seem to be very luxurious. She saw neither precious sculptures, calligraphy and paintings, nor rare collections. It was ordinary. Simple and easy to use.

In fact, what she didn't know was that many things in the room had been packed up by Luo Ning and taken to Hillwood Town.

"Luo Ning, how are you feeling now?" Blanche sat on the edge of the bed and asked with concern.

During the two hours she returned to Wushanbao, she could not calm down. As soon as she closed her eyes, the experience during the assassination appeared in her mind, and she thought of being held by Luo Ning and killing the two assassins. scene.

Even if he drank a bowl of soothing soup, it would have no effect. In desperation, Blanche had no choice but to visit Luo Ning on the pretext of "delivering soothing soup to Luo Ning".

"I'm fine."

Luo Ning leaned on the bed and said with a smile: "I just hurt my spirit by using the sixth-level spell scroll. You don't need to worry too much."

Thinking of the situation Wu Shanbao was facing now, Luo Ning pondered for a moment, and then said: "Blanqi, there is one more thing I need to ask you for help with."

Blanche's eyes lit up, and she seemed to feel much better after hearing these words.

"You said, as long as I can help, I will definitely do my best."

Luo Ning thanked him, and then said: "What happened to you this time was caused by our poor protection of Wushan Castle. Count Jesus and Sir Broll are understandably angry towards us, but now they still focus on The main thing is to investigate the identity of the assassin, and the rest..."

"I see!"

Blanche interrupted Luo Ning, "This assassination incident has nothing to do with Wushan Castle. On the contrary, it was your desperate rescue that saved me from danger. The Alduin family will not let go of any enemy. But I will not wrong any meritorious official."

She paused and smiled, "You have a good rest. I'll go find Uncle Jesus and Broll right away so that they don't have to embarrass Wushanbao because of what happened to me."

Blanche is the princess of the kingdom after all, and even though Luo Ning's words were spoken euphemistically, they were enough for her to understand.

Although Luo Ning only got along with the other party for less than a day, he could feel that the princess had a relatively gentle personality, and for the time being, he had not discovered any special hobbies of the other party.

Overall, Luo Ning felt pretty good.

At the same time, he could also feel that the other party must have a very good impression of him, otherwise he would not be so active in visiting him and would be willing to step in to resolve Wushanpu's embarrassing situation.

If it were placed on earth and both parties were so satisfied, this would definitely happen.

It's just that in this world, before His Majesty Bruno makes the official announcement, there are still many uncertain factors.

"Tom." Ronin called.

"My lord, what are your orders?"

Luo Ning said: "When McCann comes back, let him come to me directly. For others, just tell me that I am not feeling well and rest. If there is nothing important, we will talk about it later."

"As you wish, my lord!"

McCann was an eyewitness to the assassination, and was also the one who assisted Missy Knight in repelling the assassin. Naturally, he had to cooperate with Sir Tolu's investigation.

Luo Ning also hopes that McCann will convey the results of the investigation to him as soon as possible.

At the same time, the Wushan Fortress had become a noisy mess.

On one side is the royal escort team headed by Jesus and Broll, and on the other side is Wushanbao headed by Wiggins, Orson, and Marvin.

There is only one topic of dispute——

Jesus felt that this assassination plan was too sophisticated, and the nobles of Wushan Territory were definitely involved. They asked Wushan Castle to investigate all vassal nobles, seize the mastermind behind it, and give Princess Blanche a satisfactory explanation.

Wiggins said that he would find the murderer and give an explanation, but this assassination had absolutely nothing to do with the nobles of Wushan Territory, and it was completely unreasonable to investigate all the nobles.



The door of Wushan Fortress was pushed open, and Lulans walked in on crutches, making the noisy hall suddenly quiet.

"Sir Brower, we at Wushan Castle have heard your request clearly."

Rulans walked slowly to stand next to Wiggins, facing the deputy leader of the Griffin Knights, "The First Knights of Wushan Castle are currently investigating everyone in the Colosseum and all the viewers today. I believe There will be results soon."

"Those assassins are provoking the dignity of the Wang family. We, the Wushan family, are Alduin's vassals and will never allow this to happen."

Brower made a knightly salute to Rulans, "My Lord Marquis, I naturally believe in your loyalty. It's just that Princess Blanche has just arrived at Wushan Castle, and such a meticulous assassination happened on the back. If it hadn't been for Wushan Castle, this matter With the cooperation of the nobles, it’s hard to believe how it plans and organizes.”

Lulans shook his head, "I only revealed the news about Blanche's arrival yesterday afternoon. Do you think I will arrange someone to assassinate Her Highness the Princess?"


Brower was at a loss for words. Rulans had originally mentioned the marriage, so the other party had no reason to do such a thing.

"That's not possible."

At this time, a very unfriendly voice sounded, "Lulansi, you have been hiding in Wushanbao for so many years. Who knows what you are thinking in your heart?"

"Jesus, don't go too far!"

"Jesus, watch your mouth!"

The vassals of the Wushan family were angry and began to curse.

They were vassals of Rulans, so they would not allow Zhu Jun to be questioned and insulted like this. Even if the other party's surname was Alduin, he was not their vassal.

Lulansi chuckled. This situation was a bit like thirty years ago. At that time, his vassals were basically absolutely loyal. Now I don't know how many of them only talk about it.

"Jesus, long time no see, your mouth is still so vicious."

Lulans asked: "Then I want to ask you, when did you learn that Blanche would come to Wushanbao?"


Jesus sneered, "I am a member of the royal family. I must have known about this for a longer time than you guys..."

At this point, Jesus' expression changed and he said angrily: "Rulans, what do you mean by this? Will I still arrange for someone to assassinate my niece?"

"That's not possible."

Rulans said calmly as he slowly ascended to his seat, "In history, uncles assassinated nieces, and younger brothers assassinated older brothers."

"you wanna die!"

Jesus narrowed his eyes and punched out, his fighting spirit forming a huge fist shadow with full power on Rulans sitting above him.

This person's strength is not strong, but he has reached the bronze level.

Although this blow was done with bare hands, it was not something that ordinary people could take.

Rulans snorted, the crutch suddenly raised and then poked on the floor.

In an instant, a cold power was released from his body. Just when the fist shadow was about to bombard him, a red barrier appeared in front of Lulans.

With a bang, the fist shadow hit the barrier and exploded into pieces.

The aftermath of the impact turned into a whirlwind that surged through the fortress hall!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Many figures sprang out at the same time and stood in front of Rulans, including Viscount Marvin, Sir Capel, Baron Hermann, Viscount Dennis, and even Earl Orson and Baron Leisen.

For a moment, the hall was tense.

"You don't have to be like this."

A clear voice came from the entrance, but it was Princess Blanche who arrived with Missy.

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