Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 163 163 Investigation is in trouble

Chapter 1 is in trouble

The tense atmosphere in Wushan Fortress was dispersed with the arrival of Princess Blanche.

As a person who has personally experienced this incident and is also the core figure in the defense of Brower and Jesus, her words determine the direction of the entire incident.

As long as she is willing, she can hold Wushanbao responsible and bring huge trouble to Rulans and others;

At the same time, as long as she says a word to Wushanbao, this matter can end easily.

In fact, her position was already stated in the first words she said when she entered the fortress. This matter had no direct relationship with Wushan Fort.

Not only that, she also praised Wushanbao's handling speed, and also expressed high praise for Luo Ning's fearlessness in the face of danger.

Although the princess did not pursue the matter, Lulans still apologized for the poor consideration of the itinerary, and also expressed his gratitude to Her Royal Highness the Princess for her generosity.

A dispute ended in such an atmosphere of communication.

Of course, what needs to be investigated still needs to be investigated. This matter cannot end so easily. Now it depends on the outcome of the leader of the Toru Knights.


When night falls, Wushanbao ushered in a moment of celebration.

In the luxurious hall, the golden murals shine under the light, reflecting a luxurious and solemn atmosphere.

The air is filled with a touch of incense, which interweaves with the music played by professional luthiers and musicians to form a gorgeous movement.

The nobles were dressed in various exquisite attires, shuttled among the crowd, and enjoyed the lively atmosphere brought by the banquet under the service of the well-dressed waiters.

The dinner arranged by Wushanbao for Her Royal Highness the Princess was neither canceled nor postponed.

No one, including Princess Blanche, the host of this dinner, behaved in any abnormal way, as if the assassination incident experienced during the day had not happened.

Luo Ning did not attend the banquet. According to Rulans' instructions, he was lying on the bed to recuperate while listening to McCann's report.

After the Wushanbao Knights took over the Colosseum in the afternoon, Tolu led his people to conduct detailed interrogations and investigations of all the staff of the Colosseum and the audience who came to watch today.

However, no valuable intelligence was obtained.

First of all, all the assassins in this incident, except for the golden knight who escaped successfully, were all dead.

Even the assassins of the Skull and Bones Society will have the symbol of the Skull and Bones Society on their bodies, but this time Toru did not find any valuable clues from the corpses or clothes of these assassins.

As for the identities of these people, they are registered, but anyone who can afford to pay can enter the Colosseum. It is impossible to expect it to establish a strict real-name system.

"The most important thing is Mundo who transforms into a gladiator."

Luo Ning put forward his own idea, "Have you started investigating this person?"

McCann nodded, but then shook his head.

"According to the records of the Colosseum, this Mundo Gladiator appeared at the Osan City Colosseum as early as a year ago. He has won many games so far, and many viewers have an impression of this gladiator."

Luo Ning raised his eyebrows. The other party was here more than a year ago?

At that time, the predecessor was not dead yet, and Lu Lansi had not yet thought about marriage. It was impossible for the other party to predict that Princess Blanche would come to the Colosseum in Wushan City.

Luo Ning thought of a possibility.

That is, this Mundo was an assassin who was hiding in Wushan City as a gladiator. His purpose here was to wait for the right time to assassinate a certain person, and this person was not Blanche.

However, due to Blanche's sudden visit, the other party's goal changed.

"How did he join the Colosseum?" Luo Ning asked.

If you can find some relationship clues such as the introducer, you should check it out.


"According to the Colosseum management personnel, Mundo was a poor knight at the time. He heard that he would make good profits as long as he completed a performance in the Colosseum, so he signed up."

McCann replied: "In order to enter the Colosseum, Mundo bribed the auditors and was willing to donate 10% of his income to the other party for free, so he became a gladiator."

It's like a rootless tree. No matter how you look at its surface, it's impossible to find the root without the bottom.

"Did you investigate the green-skinned troll?"

Luo Ning pondered for a while and then asked: "I heard from Blanche that this kind of green-skinned troll is not common in the Wushan Warcraft Mountains, but more in the Misty Mountains. Has Toru investigated where the green-skinned trolls were transported from? of?"

Although the distance from Wushanbao to the Misty Mountains is shorter than the distance to Shanlin Town, it costs a lot to transport a level three monster from there.

The Wushan City Colosseum is ultimately a business operation, and as long as it is business, it must pursue profits.

Is there some other purpose for insisting on transporting the green-skinned troll here despite knowing that it will cost a huge amount?

McCann was startled, shook his head and said, "It seems that this was not checked."

Luo Ning hurriedly said: "Then inform Tolu and ask him to check it from this angle and see if there is anything to gain."

"Yes, sir!"

McCann responded and immediately walked out.

Luo Ning couldn't help but rub his eyebrows. It would be too embarrassing if nothing was found after the assassination.

No matter how biased Blanche is, Wushanbao must give an explanation anyway.

"Are we going to let the auditors of the Colosseum take the blame in the end?"

When he was distressed, an unexpected figure appeared in the room.

Luo Ning looked up and saw Lu Lansi standing in front of the bed.


He looked at the door in surprise, confused by Tom's lack of notice.

Tom spread his hands with a look of helplessness on his face. It wasn't that he didn't want to report, but that Rulans signaled him not to move.

"I thought you fell asleep."

Lulans pulled up a chair and sat down beside the bed. "If you consume too much mental energy, your head will hurt badly. How do you feel now?"

Luo Ning didn't expect that the old man would come over to ask about his situation.

"Thank you grandpa for your concern. I slept for two hours in the afternoon and I feel well recovered now."

Luo Ning smiled and asked, "How was the banquet tonight?"

"It was very grand and lively, and Princess Blanche got the reception she deserved."

Lu Lansi tightened the scarf around his neck and sighed quietly, "It's a pity that this banquet is still missing a protagonist."

Luo Ning's heart suddenly thought, "Oh? Who is it?"

Lulans smiled half-heartedly, "Of course it's the heroic knight who saved Her Royal Highness the Princess and killed two high-level knight assassins with one hand."

Having said this, he looked directly into Luo Ning's eyes and said, "My grandson, Luo Ning Wushan."

Luo Ning smiled awkwardly but politely, "Grandpa, what is said outside is too exaggerated. I can't kill two people so easily."

"That's not what I said."

Lulans emphasized: "This is what Her Royal Highness the Princess who witnessed everything said."

Ronington felt helpless and only wanted the other party to hide that he was a magician, but he forgot to mention the battle.

"Tell me, boy, what is your strength now?"

"Advanced peak?"

Lulans shook his head, "It's unlikely."

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