Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 172 172 Unexpected Surprise

Chapter 173 173. Unexpected surprise

The banquet hall of Wushanbao once again regained its lively atmosphere. new

However, compared to before, many nobles had something on their minds. When communicating in groups, they would more or less mention Luo Ning and Leisen.

There is no doubt that the Thain family in Swamp Town is finished this time. Even if Count Orson wants to intercede on behalf of the other party, there is no reason or excuse.

If he insists on saying too much, I am afraid that Lulans will also hold Black Python City responsible for the negative consequences of annihilating the Skull and Bones Society.

Although the Earl of Ossen is powerful, it is still a vassal of Wushan Castle. He is not able to ignore the punishment imposed by the lord.

And through tonight's incident, many people have changed their views on the former Luoning. The current lord of Shanlin Town is qualified enough for them to take him seriously.

The key is that they saw Lu Lansi's attitude towards Luo Ning.

As for Leisen, if it were said that the grandfather and grandson did not ventilate in advance, no one would believe it.

Therefore, when Luo Ning walked into the banquet hall again, he naturally became the protagonist of the night.

On the terrace, Orson was holding a crystal glass in his hand, shaking half a glass of red wine aimlessly. His brows were furrowed, and his expression was solemn under the night.

Baron Leisen and Orson were not very familiar with each other, but the other party was closely related to his son Barrington, and he must know many things about the Skull and Bones Society.

If Leisen cannot withstand the pressure when facing interrogation and confesses certain things, it will undoubtedly bring a lot of trouble to Black Python City.

"This Leisen...is a problem."

Footsteps sounded beside him, but it was Jesus who came over holding a cup, "This banquet is really boring, what do you think?"

The two of them clinked their glasses together and took a sip of wine.

"I don't think so. It was a wonderful experience tonight."

Orson said with a smile: "If you can immerse yourself in the excitement of the banquet, it will be a different experience."

"Haha, I guess you are not in a good mood right now."

Jesus whispered: "I look forward to your next action."


Orson drank the rest of the drink in one gulp, "What can I do?"

Jesus was noncommittal. He looked around and saw that there was no one else around. He whispered: "He is so bad that there is a lack of checks and balances over there."

Orson snorted lightly, knowing what the other person was talking about.

Black Python City really wants to support the Thain Territory and make that land bigger and stronger, so as to prepare for taking over Muma City in the future.

It's a pity that now Leisen is gone, and the previous plan has been ruined.

Orson's eyes fell on Viscount Marvin who was bustling in the banquet hall, and his cheerfulness made him very unhappy.

But he had to admit that no matter who took over the Thain Territory, that land would not fall into the hands of Black Python City. There was no threat to Muma City in the north.

"Chaos is a ladder." Orson murmured softly.

Wushan Castle is deteriorating, but Wushan Territory still maintains a situation that is too big to fail, all thanks to the existence of Marquis Rulans.

As long as Lulans still exists, even if he lives in Wushanbao all year round and does not go out, there will be no major turmoil in the Wushan Territory.

This situation is very uncomfortable for Orson, because only when Rulans is gone will he have the opportunity to do more things.

The banquet lasted until midnight before gradually ending.

Luo Ning drank so many glasses of wine tonight that he began to feel a little confused.

"Sir, this is the reward for the knight competition champion, as well as the rewards from Her Royal Highness the Princess and other nobles. Hallwater asked me to pass it on to you."

In the room, McCann was carrying an exquisite basket filled with golden gold and silver coins.

Luo Ning circulated his fighting energy to dissipate the alcohol in his body, making his whole body sober.

"how many?"

Luo Ning picked up the basket and weighed it gently. It was quite heavy.

It was at this time that a line of text appeared in his sight:

["Prosperous Wealth" achievement achieved, attribute points +250, energy essence +500]



Luo Ning was stunned for a moment.

If he remembered correctly, this financial success required him to obtain five thousand gold coins at once.

This amount was very huge. According to Luo Ning's previous thoughts, he needed to get a large order to complete it, but he did not expect that this knight game would bring him such a big surprise.

"How come there are so many?"

The reward for the champion of the knight competition is only one thousand gold coins. Even if Princess Blanche rewards her with five hundred gold coins, it is still far from five thousand gold coins.

At this time, McCann handed over a note with a list of rewarders clearly recorded on it.

"Princess Blanche 500 gold, Miroslav 480 gold, Jesus 400 gold, Orson 300 gold, Marvin 300 gold, Kabir 300 gold, Dennis 200 gold, Herman 200 gold..."

Luo Ning couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect so many nobles to reward him, and even those who provoked trouble were not stingy in taking action.

For example, Jesus and Orson gave very high amounts of money and showed enough respect.

They are all good people.


Luo Ning thought of the seventh-level earth magician sitting next to Lu Lans, but he didn't expect that the other party would also join in the fun.

For this kind of person, four to five hundred gold coins is nothing at all.

If it weren't for his unwillingness to surpass Blanche, this great magician would probably be able to throw away thousands of gold coins.

After some calculations, the championship bonus plus the rewards from dozens of nobles and knights, Luo Ning earned 5,250 gold coins this time!

He didn’t expect making money was so easy!

Luo Ning then threw 30 gold coins to McCann, and gave Tom another 10 gold coins, allowing the two of them to go to Wushan City to buy what they wanted. Then he put all the remaining gold coins into the space ring. .

Lying on the bed, he opened the properties panel.

[Attribute points]: 251

[Energy Essence]: 951

This achievement gave him a lot of accumulation.

He looked at the achievement interface and saw that Prosperous Wealth had been updated:

[Prosperous Wealth]: Get 10,000 gold coins at one time, reward: attribute points +500, energy essence +1000

The difficulty has increased a lot.

If you want to get 10,000 gold coins at once, unless there is such an event and you get rewards from more nobles, it can only be achieved through larger commercial orders.

He looked at several other tasks. If everything went well, he could become a viscount and take over the Thane Territory at the same time.

At that time, if he can complete the two tasks of [Famous Worldwide] and [Prosperous Population], he will be able to gain hundreds of attribute points and the accumulation of energy essence.

At that time, his strength made another huge leap, and he was even able to upgrade McCann to the gold level in one fell swoop!

With a gold-level guard, Luo Ning no longer has to worry even if the assassin from the Colosseum comes to Hillwood Town.

Putting away these thoughts, Luo Ning added all attribute points to the knight level.

After the intense strengthening fluctuations brought a sense of relief, Luo Ning's knight level progress increased from the original to 344/800.

"After strengthening my internal organs, I have more energy. Even if I only sleep four or five hours a day, I don't feel tired at all the next day."

Luo Ning punched several times in the room, feeling the increase in strength.

Now his breathing is longer than before.

If he could only hold his breath underwater for three minutes before, now he can hold his breath for at least five times longer than before.

At this stage, the knight's lifespan also began to increase slightly.

Normally, it would be absolutely fine for a bronze-level knight to live to be eighty years old.

You know, in this world where fifty is considered an old person, what is the concept of eighty?

"Supernatural power, really fascinating!"

For him, as long as there is enough time, he will definitely be able to witness the elegance of the peak extraordinary person.

As long as Wushanbao can maintain his current state, he will have no shortage of development time.

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