Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 173 173 Conquering the Senior Knights

Chapter 174 174. Conquer the senior knights

The environment in Wushanbao Prison is very bad.

It is dark and humid all year round, the walls are covered with mold, and the air is filled with a suffocating stench.

Each cell is very small and can only accommodate a simple bed.

Prisoners were imprisoned in such an environment, without sunlight and isolation from the outside world. They often suffered from hunger and disease.

Many criminals become insane and fall into a state of madness within two or three months of entering the prison.

According to Rulans, even if Leisen did not participate in the assassination of Wiggins and Blanche, the other party's baron title and Thane territory would be stripped away.

Therefore, Tolu did not have any tolerance or preferential treatment when dealing with such criminals. He locked Leisen in the deepest place, and his limbs were bound by thick iron chains. Even the Bronze Knight could not break free.

In addition, Tolu also arranged for people to take care of him day and night. Although he had not yet been tortured, he had already used methods of starvation and torture.

If Lei Sen doesn't reveal something, he won't be able to eat or sleep.

If the interrogation of Leisen stayed at the spiritual level, the knights and servants of the Thain Territory who followed Leisen would not be treated like this. The sticks and whips had already been used on them.

Some of the weak maids couldn't bear it anymore and passed out directly. Whether they could wake up again depends on whether their lives were strong enough.

Under severe interrogation, in order to reduce the pain, these people revealed a lot of things related to Leisen, including the large amount of grain, vegetables, and fruits shipped from Shanlin Town every year;

In addition, several professional knights who had rushed to Hillwood Town with Feliton revealed that Leisen wanted to intercept and kill Luo Ning.

At this point, there is more evidence for the Than Territory's occupation of Wushanbao's resources and the interception and killing of Luo Ning. Leisen's guilt cannot be avoided.

The anniversary has passed, and a new day is the imperial calendar

This day is also a festive day for many people. After all, there is a new year and a new atmosphere. Many people want to have a good omen today.

However, Luoning, who got up early, took McCann and Tom to Wushanbao Prison.

He wants to meet someone here.

"Lord Luo Ning, the environment in the prison is terrible. We can take anyone out if you want to see him. You don't have to come in person at all."

The Galil Knight who was guarding outside the prison did not expect Ronin to come to the prison so early in the morning.

With such a filthy environment in the prison, where is the place where this famous man should come?

Luo Ning politely refused the other party's advice, "Please lead the way for me. I can just take a look here."

"Oh well."

Galil said helplessly: "Please come with me."

He lit a torch and, accompanied by several jailers, took Luo Ning and the others out of the prison.

The dark environment is filled with the painful groans and shouts of criminals, making the atmosphere here eerie. The faint-hearted may think of retreating before they even take two steps.

"Lord Luo Ning, do you want to see Leisen?"

Galil asked as he walked: "Although that guy didn't sleep all night, the Bronze Knight's endurance is very strong. He doesn't show much fatigue now, and he doesn't make any confessions."

He changed the subject: "However, his entourage has confessed a lot. Leisen intercepted and killed you. He must not be able to get rid of it."

Luo Ning shook his head.

Naturally, he didn't come down here for Leisen. Precisely what to do with this person in the future has nothing to do with him.

"One of the knights who came with Leisen this time is named Joffrey. Take me over to see him."


Galil looked puzzled. He didn't know why Ronin wanted to see this guy, but he was deeply impressed by Joffrey.

"When we arrested them last night, it was Joffrey who resisted the most fiercely. The two intermediate knights who went up at that time were directly knocked to the ground by him. Even Captain Garman only fought with him."

Luo Ning smiled slightly, "Joffrey should have a strength close to the peak of the advanced level. If you want to easily defeat him, you really need a few more people."

Galil wholeheartedly agreed, and in the end it was Canada and another Cavaliers team captain who took down Joffrey.

"This guy is also very tight-lipped. During the whole night of interrogation, he didn't give out any valuable information."

"How is he now?"

"It's okay, I can't die."

Galil said: "For such high-level knights, we should try not to hurt them too severely. It is better to sell them to a slave caravan than to kill them."

While talking, several people came outside a cell.

The jailer opened the door of the cell and several people walked in, torches lighting up the small space.

At this time, the armor that Joffrey usually wore had long been stripped off, leaving only a set of linen clothes all over his body. The linen clothes had been whipped into pieces and stained red with blood.

At this time, Joffrey's breathing was sometimes heavy and sometimes slow, and it was obvious that he was not in a good condition.

"Joffrey, wake up!"

Galil stepped forward and slapped the opponent hard on the face.

Joffrey shuddered, opened his eyes, and curled up subconsciously, "Dear knights, I really don't know about many things about Leisen."

A burly man would actually show such a side. It looked like he was beaten really hard last night.

In fact, for Joffrey, he felt like he was having a nightmare from last night to now.

He originally wanted to get rid of his identity as a savage by following Leisen and create a career. At the beginning, the other party also promised to become bigger and stronger and turn the Thane Territory into a viscount family.

But things are unpredictable. He didn't expect Leisen to be thrown into prison so quickly. It was said that he would be stripped of his noble title and territory soon.

For Joffrey now, it is impossible to make great achievements. Whether he can leave this cell alive is a question.

After all, those who interrogated him saw that he was the strongest, and decided that he was Leisen's trusted knight, and kept asking him to confess to the crimes Leisen had committed.

But he didn't even enter Leisen's inner circle, so he had no way of knowing what the other party was doing.

Joffrey felt so bitter.

If he had known that something like this would happen a few days earlier, he would have agreed to Luo Ning's solicitation, even if it was a betrayal.

"Maybe you don't know."

A new high-ranking knight who joined the Thane Territory did not fully gain Leisen's trust, but was also suppressed and excluded by the knights Leison trusted. Joffrey did not know much about Leison's secrets, which was normal.

Joffrey was shocked when he heard these words. He knew exactly who the owner of this voice was.

When he looked up and saw the speaker's face clearly, he was trembling with excitement.

"Lord Luo Ning, please save me!"

Joffrey got up with difficulty and knelt on the bed, "After I followed Leisen, I spent most of my time in the Black Collar Tribe. Recently, I surrendered to you because Leison suspected that I would betray him. I was transferred to escort him to Wushan City. I really don’t know about the crimes Leisen committed!"

"You should be grateful for your 'not knowing', it saved your life."

Luo Ning values ​​Joffrey because, on the one hand, he has enough strength and talent. After all, a thirty-one-year-old senior peak knight is pretty good anywhere;

On the other hand, the other party's background is relatively simple, and the loyalty of such a person will be relatively pure.

"Ruidal has long told me that you are quite capable. I also extended an invitation to you on the way to Wushanbao. What do you think about it now?"

Joffrey was trembling all over. He didn't expect that Ronin would come to the prison in person to recruit him. This courtesy and respect made him tremble with excitement.

At the same time, he also understood that only by following Luo Ning could he have a chance of survival.

"I do, my lord, I do!"

"From now on, Joffrey's life is yours!"

The corner of Luo Ning's mouth curled up slightly. It is always better to provide help in times of need than to add icing on the cake.

Hillwood Town already has upper-level combat capabilities, and the vacancies in the middle-level combat capabilities must be filled as much as possible. The addition of Joffrey is very suitable.

"McCann, Tom, take Joffrey out."

Luo Ning said, throwing out five healing spell scrolls, "Oh, by the way, if the injury is too serious, treat it first."

After hearing this, Joffrey thought of Ronin's many solicitations, and was moved to tears for a moment.

In his eyes, Luo Ning is as majestic and tall as Wushan, and he will always look up to and follow him.

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