Chapter 175 175. Attack

Joffrey was seriously injured, and even after consuming five healing spell scrolls, he was still not healed. new

Fortunately, Luo Ning took him out of the prison. With the auxiliary treatment of Wushanbao's nutritious food and medicine, and relying on his senior knight's recovery ability, he should be able to go to the ground in three to five days.

"Grandpa, you are looking for me."

Luo Ning was led by Most to the backyard of Wushan Castle.

At this time, Rulans was talking with his friend Miroslav. Seeing Luo Ning come in, the two smiled slightly and stopped communicating.

"I've met Mr. Dean!"

Luo Ning saluted respectfully and said, "Thank you for your gift last night."

In yesterday's reward, this old man gave a full 450 gold coins.

"It's a little gadget, you don't have to thank me."

Miroslav looked at Luo Ning with great pleasure, "You performed very well. Rulans finally no longer has to complain to me about the lack of outstanding offspring."

"You are ridiculous." Luo Ning said modestly.

"I heard from Ji Xiu in Muma City that you have a magician with light attributes among your men. How is this person's strength and talent?"

Keith Hull is the manager of the Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce branch in Wuma City;

Miloslav is the manager of the Silva Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce in Oshan Territory, and is one of the vice presidents of the chamber of commerce. Judging from his position, Ji Xiu is a subordinate and naturally has to report to his superiors.

"Elron was lucky enough to break through and become a high-level magician not long ago. His talent in cultivation should be pretty good."

Elrond looks to be in his twenties, has the qualifications to become a seventh-level great mage, and has pretty good talent in cultivation.

Miroslav nodded slowly, sighed, and said with a sad expression: "It's still a little bit worse."

Lulansi smiled easily, "Light-attribute magicians are already rare. He already has advanced strength and is already very good. You don't have to expect too much."

Luo Ning was a little surprised. The two people seemed to have something to say?

However, Lulans did not explain. He threw over a spell scroll and said, "This is the spell scroll I just bought from the dean. It is for your self-defense."

Luo Ning's eyes lit up, and he quickly opened it and saw that it was another fire dragon swallowing the sky spell scroll.

He consumed the last one when fighting against the gold-level assassin, but he didn't expect Lulans to prepare the second one so soon.

"Thank you grandpa, thank you dean!"

"Just thank me. Why thank him?"

Lulans laughed and scolded: "Your grandfather and I spent thousands of gold coins to buy this thing."

"You old thing, other people would have to pay at least two thousand gold coins to buy this thing. I only charge you one thousand and two gold coins to give you such a big discount. Why don't you allow your grandson to thank me?"

It can be seen that the relationship between the two is indeed quite good, and Rulans seems to be in a much better mood than usual.

The two joked with each other for a while, and Lu Lansi stopped his smile and said to Luo Ning:

"Tolu has collected all the evidence mentioned by Leisen's subordinates. I will hold a meeting in the Wushan Fortress in the afternoon to formally pronounce Leisen's sentence and also canonize you."

Luo Ning was secretly excited. Finally, what he was looking forward to was finally progressing steadily, with only the last step left.

His status as a baron will soon be a thing of the past, and soon he will be the viscount of Wubei Territory.

"Thank you, grandpa!" Luo Ning stood up and saluted.

Rulans waved his hand, "Go and inform other nobles about the meeting."


Luo Ning withdrew from Lu Lansi's study and conveyed the news to all the nobles still staying in Wushan Fort. He believed that there would be another grand event in Wushan Fort this afternoon.

At the same time, Huitu Village.

Ruidal has already counted his troops, and according to the planned plan, he will lead the team to attack the black-collar tribe today.

His eyes swept over Elrond, Horn, Jenny, Bablin and other knights, and then fell on the more than twenty cavalry, dozens of guards and archers in the rear.

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After this period of training and the experience of the end-of-year competition, the energy of this group of people now looks very good.

"Brothers, these days, we have seen Lord Luo Ning's strength, wisdom, generosity and kindness. Under his leadership, our lives are getting better and better."

Redal began to mobilize before the war, "But the weak, stupid, stingy and cruel Baron Leisen has always wanted to defeat Lord Ronin, attempt to occupy this land, and attempt to enslave us!"

In these days, both Redal and Elrond have been conveying the ambitions and intentions of the black-collar tribe to the following, and they have already completed the image of each other's enemies.

"Do you want your current life to be broken?" he asked loudly.

"In no mood!"

Everyone responded in unison, and some even shouted the words to defeat Leisen.

The improvement in the living standards of ordinary people in the territory may not be obvious, but these guards have really felt Luo Ning's kindness and generosity, and their lives are much better than before.

At least these days, you can drink broth every day and even eat meat regularly.

They really don't want this day to be broken.


Ruidal said loudly: "Now Lord Luo Ning is fighting against Baron Leisen in Wushan Castle, and we will launch an attack on the black-collar tribe!"

The will to fight is gradually aroused, and everyone's fear of war gradually decreases.

Led by the knights and head guards, everyone showed courage and unstoppable momentum.

However, Ruidal knew that momentum was one thing, and the real combat level also depended on the actual results.

In order to reduce casualties and reduce the difficulty, he has already made a plan.

"Babulin, today you will lead George, Tomash, Gisli and ten cavalry to charge towards the Black Collar tribe. When they come out, you will immediately turn around and return. Do you understand?"

"My subordinate understands!"

Babulin said loudly that they have become very skilled in playing this trick these days.

Every time Feliton sent people out to drive them away, they turned around and ran away.

At first, the other party was very angry, but later, maybe because they had played too much, the other party didn't even seem to be very enthusiastic about driving them away.

"Horn, take Wharton, Jewett, Sim and ten cavalry, and rush out when the opponent reaches the boundary. Don't go too fast, and give the opponent time to return."

"After the other party returns, the two of you merge and then start provoking another person. No matter whether you are insulting or using any means, you must do your best to provoke the other party's anger, but don't be too eager to fight. If there is any movement, retreat immediately."

"The others are with me, lying in wait on the mountain."

Redal did this in order to let Feliton send more knights and cavalry away from the Black Collar tribe's defenses.

Fighting in the wilderness, their chances of winning are relatively high.

Once the wilderness is won, the black-collar tribe that loses these knights and cavalry will be better able to win.

After the tasks were assigned, Babrin's first team left first, followed by Horn's second team, and Redal led Elrond, Magician Jenny, guards, and archers at the end. .

When Babulin and others attracted the attention of the sentry at the boundary, they used the cover of the forest to ambush to the nearby mountains.

"Ridal, I wonder if your method is effective?" Elrond said.

"After these days of contact, I found that Feliton is not a very patient and cautious person. If we provoke him a few more times today, he may fall into the trap."

Redal's eyes were firm, "But regardless of whether it is effective or not, the Black Collar Tribe must be taken down. This is the trust your Lord has placed in us!"

"Of course!"

Elrond nodded solemnly: "We will not betray your trust."

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