The news that Luo Ning became Viscount of Wubei Territory was quickly spread among the nobles, and the entire Wushan Territory will surely know the news soon.

This was a happy event for Luo Ning, so he accidentally became the protagonist at the dinner, and there was inevitably a lot of changing of glasses.

Some people are happy, while others are naturally sad.

The banquet hall was bustling, but the people in Black Python City were not happy. They didn't even come to today's dinner.

As the temporary host, Luo Ning had to ask Hallwater to take the servants to deliver the food. At the same time, he himself went to the small courtyard to visit Orson.

The Earl of the Border, who had been in high spirits these past two days, was lying on the bed with his eyes closed. His face was extremely pale, and his appearance seemed to have aged a lot.

Now Orson feels like a recently castrated cat, without his usual mischievous energy.

Ronin learned from Brayton that Orson closed himself in the room in the evening and refused to let anyone in, but screams kept coming from the room, making those waiting outside even feel a little chilly. .

Just before the dinner, when they heard there was no sound in the room and there was no answer when they knocked on the door, they couldn't let go and forced their way in. Then they helped Orson to the bed to rest.

No one knew what Orson was doing in the room, but Rulans' guess was correct.

Orson must have used his fighting spirit to crazily suppress the soul-eating surge, and then he ushered in the violent counterattack of black energy, which caused him to faint and die in the room on the spot.

After the dinner, Ronin accompanied Blanche for a walk in the castle park.

Although the two have not known each other for a long time, they seem to have a good understanding of each other.

Especially for Blanche, Luo Ning is almost always there when she closes her eyes these two days. It's not that she is a nymphomaniac, it's just that the scene in the Colosseum when she was held in Luo Ning's arms and killed the enemy left a deep impression on her.

"Luoning, Broll has made arrangements. We will set off to return to the capital tomorrow morning. Thank you for your company and care during the past two days."

"This is as it should be."

Luo Ning said, "How long will it take for you to go back?"

He was curious about how fast the gryphon was.

Blanche thought for a moment and said, "About two days. We will settle in Zianjiao City tomorrow afternoon and rest for a night before setting off. We will arrive at the Royal Capital at noon the day after tomorrow."

It can be heard that the princess's traveling team is not in a hurry. It is estimated that they will be flying in the sky for at most six hours every day.

The distance from Wushan Fort to the Royal Capital is not close. Being able to reach it in half a day shows that the gryphon is very fast. It is estimated that the speed should exceed 100 kilometers per hour.

"That's very fast. I wish you a safe journey."

Blanche tilted her head and looked at the handsome man next to her. When His Majesty Bruno first asked her to come to Wushanbao, she was a little resistant. But now this resistance is gone. Instead, she feels worried about gains and losses. .

If they really want to marry, she will not refuse, but until now she has not seen a clear statement on Luo Ning's face.

She plucked up the courage and asked, "If I have the chance to invite you to the royal capital, will you come?"

Luo Ning pondered solemnly while replying seriously: "I just became Viscount of Wubei Territory and took over the Thain Territory. There must be many affairs waiting for me to deal with in the territory. I must be very busy."

"Oh, that's it." The light in Blanche's eyes dimmed, she lowered her head silently and her voice became softer.

She had countless thoughts in her mind at the moment, and she even wondered if Luo Ning was afraid of contact with her because of those rumors, and was afraid of being killed by her.

Although Luo Ning has never been in love, he has seen many romantic partners.

Of course she knows that when a girl sends out an invitation and asks you if you will come, she definitely wants to get a positive reply.

He gave a bad smile and said, "But I will definitely go when Her Royal Highness the Princess invites me. No matter how busy I am with affairs in the territory, I will still make time."

Blanche suddenly raised her head, her lavender eyes flashing with surprise, "Really?"


Luo Ning looked directly into the other person's eyes, "But you have to inform me in advance. I need to make arrangements in advance."

"I will!"

Blanche smiled so hard that her eyelashes curled up, "I'm really happy that you can agree to come!"

"It is an honor for me to receive the invitation from Her Royal Highness the Princess." Luo Ning said with a smile.

The lights in the park were not bright, but Luo Ning in Blanche's eyes seemed to be emitting endless light, attracting her deeply.

Blanche didn't know where she got the courage, she suddenly stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Luo Ning on the lips like a dragonfly.

It must be because the weather is colder, Blanche's lips are colder.

However, this also stunned Luo Ning. He did not expect that the other party would make such a bold move. The moment after the reaction, his heartbeat could not help but accelerate a little.

At this moment, Blanche's cheeks were hot, and she held up the hem of her skirt and ran away quickly, "Good night Luoning, I am very happy tonight."

Luo Ning touched her lips and looked at Blanche who quickly joined Missy in the distance and left. She couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Is this a stolen kiss?

Back at his residence, Ronin visited Joffrey.

After a change of environment, and with the dual treatment of healing techniques and drugs, Joffrey spent the day quite well, and his overall complexion also improved a lot.

Joffrey felt that Ronin valued him, and he was extremely grateful. He still couldn't believe that he could be favored by such a lord.

"McKen, Tom, we will leave back to the territory in a few days."

In Joffrey's bedroom, Ronin began to plan his return.

"I need you to go to Wushan City to buy something for me in the next two days."

"Please give me your instructions, sir."

First, Luo Ning needs to purchase a batch of third-level and fourth-level Warcraft leather and corresponding levels of spell ink to make spell scrolls.

So far, it seems that the detecting wind, speed, and pyrotechnics in the third-level magic are all very useful;

The wind tentacles and flame beams in the fourth-level magic are also very good, especially the latter, which will have a great impact if it is a group battle.

This kind of thing can be kept for your own use even if you don't sell it.

In this world, spell scrolls can be regarded as weapons and ammunition. If a war really breaks out, there will never be too much of this kind of thing.

In addition, Luo Ning also needs to buy some books.

When he first set off from Hillwood Town, he promised to bring a lot of books to Irene. Now that he has returned with a fruitful harvest, he cannot forget the other's small gifts.

As for other seeds, such as corn, oats, alfalfa, etc., Luo Ning is not in a hurry to buy them.

He can definitely see what is missing after taking over the Thane Territory, and then go to Muma City to buy it.

Now it is much more convenient to go from Seinling to Muma City than from Shanlin Town to Muma City.

Luo Ning was even considering whether to move his permanent residence from Hillwood Town to Swamp Town. After all, Baron Leisen's castle was definitely more luxurious and stronger than his Hillwood Castle.

Anyway, with Tao Yunju here, it won't take much time to travel between several places.

The new territory still needs the lord to be in charge in order to quickly stabilize it.

After explaining some trivial matters to McCann and Tom, Luo Ning finally ushered in his moment of rest.

As twelve o'clock in the morning came, familiar text jumped out, but this time the content was different from before:

[Sign in successfully, attribute points +2]

Luo Ning couldn't help but laugh, "The new year has had a good start." (End of Chapter)


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