Chapter 188 Their own plans

In a suite in Wushanbao, the father and son of the Tietho family were talking to each other. ♦ൠ

"Have you arranged for someone to inform you about Luo Ning's matter?"

"Well, I have asked someone to send the message back to Muma City by messenger bird overnight. If everything goes well, Mas will receive the message tomorrow afternoon. I have conveyed your intention and asked him to ask Uncle Talen immediately after receiving the message. Lead the two knight squads forward to seal off the Thane Territory."

Mas Ironhoof is Rogner's brother and the first heir of the Ironhoof family;

Taron Snow is a vassal of the Ironhoof family, and his daughter Kurami has been to Hillwood Town.

Rogner added: "In order to prevent accidents with the messenger birds, I will ask them to release two more at dawn tomorrow."

Marvin nodded, his son could still reassure him when he did things.

"Luo Ning is now the Viscount of Wubei Territory. Although the territory is large in size, it is sparsely populated and has undulating hills. It is not easy to develop."

Although there are supplements from the Thain Territory, the predecessor of the Thain Territory is just a pioneering barony, which cannot be compared with a territory with a solid foundation like Wuma City.

Everyone knows the plight of Wubei Territory.

Marvin changed the subject again: "But we must also note that in the heart of Lord Lulans, Luo Ning's status is no longer the same as before.

It is difficult for Wubei Territory to develop, but the Marquis will definitely give a lot of help. It is still very possible to build a new city with a population of tens of thousands in a few or more years. "

The population of tens of thousands has reached the population level of the general viscounty. After all, there are very few viscounties like Iron Hoof with a population of more than 100,000.

This is also the reason why Orson regards Wuma City as an "unstable factor" and targets it everywhere.

Despite his short stature and unattractive appearance, Marvin was very aware of his situation.

It is definitely impossible to seek refuge with Orson, after all, the experience of being beaten for showing weakness is still vivid in his mind; as for betraying the Osan family, that is something he would never even think about.

Marvin asked: "Do you remember what I said to you that night?"

Rogner quickly responded, "Father, are you talking about the last time you asked me to follow Luo Ning?"

The night before leaving for Wushan Fort, Marvin said the Iron Hoof family's motto in the Iron Hoof Fort - choice is sometimes more important than strength.

At that time, he asked Luogna if he was willing to follow Luo Ning as his master.

In this era, it was normal for the second son of a family who had no inheritance rights to follow other great lords.

But that night Rogner refused.

Of course, he also has his reasons.

At first, Rogner felt that Luo Ning was able to defeat Leisen entirely because of the knight named Redal. Perhaps Luo Ning had a keen eye for people, but he did not see much potential;

Secondly, Rogner himself also had plans for his future and did not give up easily.

But this time, that time.

This experience in just a few days in Wushanbao caused a fundamental change in Luogna's understanding of Luo Ning.

First of all, in terms of strength, in the knight competition, Rogner almost easily lost to James Monson of Black Python City, but the opponent was easily defeated by Luo Ning;

Secondly, at the Wushan City Colosseum, Luo Ning was able to protect Princess Blanche while killing two assassins, and also successfully used a spell scroll to repel the gold-level assassin.

These two things are enough to show that Luo Ning's actual combat ability is far superior to Rogner.

In addition, Luo Ning also took advantage of the opportunity to destroy Leisen, seize the Thain Territory and become the Viscount of Wubei Territory in one fell swoop, winning the favor of Her Royal Highness the Princess...

If this series of things happened five or six days ago, Rogner would never believe it, but now it has really happened.

"Father, your vision is really accurate."

Rogner said very sincerely: "I am not as good as you."

"As long as you know."

Marvin smiled proudly, "But you are still young, look good and study hard."

He slowly put away his smile, "So what is your choice now?"

"I am willing to follow Luo Ning!" Rogner said this without hesitation.

In fact, he knew that his father would definitely ask such questions in the near future, so he had already anticipated it.

Moreover, now Luo Ning is indeed a lord who can be followed.

Marvin nodded happily.

"Although Lord Marquis did not hold a canonization ceremony for Luo Ning in front of everyone today, he has been following him for these years, so he knows a little about him."

"Luo Ning performed so well this time. Although it is impossible to restore his eldest grandson's inheritance rights in a short time, Lord Lulans will definitely help him again, and Her Royal Highness the Princess may not be here just to celebrate her birthday."

"None of us know what the future will be like, but I am still very optimistic about Luo Ning."

In fact, it was not just the Iron Hoof family that reacted like this, other nobles also noticed these changes.

However, most of them just changed their views on Luo Ning and thought about moving around more in the future to improve their relationship. There were very few people like Marvin who directly asked their second son to be loyal to Luo Ning.

After all, even if the Marquis is gone, the second generation Marquis of Wushan Territory is Wiggins.

For a long period of time, no one knew what would happen, and their situation was not as embarrassing as that of Muma City, where people were always thinking about them.

If they could sum up their mentality in two words, it would be "not in a hurry".

In the middle of the night, Diane dragged her tired body back to her house, only to find Brayton reading a book in the living room.

"It's so late, why are you still reading here?" Diane was a little surprised. Her son rarely read.

Brayton's eyelids drooped. He shouldn't be so sleepy, but when he turned the first page and saw the first line of text, he found that his eyelids were particularly heavy.

He suddenly heard his mother's voice, suddenly woke up, and immediately closed the book.

"Grandpa said that I lacked knowledge in other aspects, so I thought about reading these political books and learning about them."

Brayton stood up and asked, "How is grandpa's condition?"

Diane sat on the sofa tiredly, "I woke up, but I don't know the specific situation. It shouldn't be very good. He plans to go back tomorrow, so remember to send him off."

She had been married to Wushanbao for more than ten years, and today was the first time she experienced Lu Lansi's strength with her own eyes.

Her father, an arrogant, unwilling to admit defeat, and ambitious man, unexpectedly seemed to have broken through his psychological defenses in just half a day. After waking up, his entire mental state was not normal.

According to Laurent, Orson should be like Rulans and should not take action in the future.

When Diane heard these words, something seemed to collapse in her heart, and she is still confused until now.

She also understood how powerless ordinary people feel in front of extraordinary beings.

"Your grandpa is right. You need to supplement your knowledge in other areas, but you can't give up on cultivation."

Diane rubbed her brows and said with strength, "At any time, your own strength is the most important. Just like Luo Ning, when you are strong, you will have more opportunities and possibilities."

"Brother Luo Ning is indeed a role model that I need to learn from."

Brayton nodded without hesitation and admitted, "I will try to keep up with him."

Diane sighed, got up and walked towards the bedroom.

That's it for now, neither Lulans nor Orson is the one she can influence, and she can't change the overall situation.

Perhaps the only person she can persuade is Wiggins, but what's the use?

Others are fast asleep now.


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