Although purchasing slaves is the fastest and most convenient way to expand the territory's population, it does cost money after all.

According to the price of 1,500 gold coins for 1,000 slaves, Luo Ning could only buy 4,000 to 5,000 slaves if he took out all his savings.

It is far from the 30,000 population required for the [Prosperous Population] achievement.

Besides buying slaves, there were no other ways to expand the population.

For example, Luo Ning can attract outsiders to join Wubei Territory by publicizing some policies.

These policies include, but are not limited to, leasing fertile land to settlers at preferential prices;

Provide tax relief to immigrants for a period of time to reduce their financial burden;

Protect the personal and property safety of migrants, etc.

Luo Ning will discuss and finalize these policies with Wilson and others in the coming time, but before they are formally determined, some things can also be arranged in advance.

"I want to use preferential policies to attract immigrants to join Wubei Territory, but I need someone to help me publicize this matter."

Luo Ning came up with his own idea, "As the manager of the Viper Slave Exchange in Muma City, you must be familiar with Wushan Territory and other places."

"I want you to help me promote Wubei Territory in these places and attract free people to settle here."

Anthony was stunned. He didn't expect that this was what Ronin was talking to him about.

"Sir, although free people have the right to move freely, nobles in various places will restrict their movement to ensure the source of labor and tax revenue in their territories."

He thought for a moment and showed a difficult expression, "I can help you publicize it, but once it makes other nobles disgusted, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

Luo Ning nodded slightly, the situation mentioned by the other party did exist.

Take Swamp Town as an example. If any noble propagandizes policies here to attract free people to live elsewhere, Luo Ning will probably expel the propagandist immediately.

But there are always exceptions.

For some pioneering knighthoods and baronies that are about to go bankrupt, their lords may sell their territory's population in order to realize cash;

Also, for example, in some big cities with a large population and the lord is under food pressure, the relocation of the people will be allowed by default.

The key is advocacy and negotiation.

"Anthony, how are you treated at the Viper Slave Exchange?" Luo Ning asked.

The slave manager hesitated for a moment, and then looked to the left and right. The exchange's accompanying guards did not come with him, but they were all from the Wubei Territory.

He then said in a low voice: "It makes you laugh, my daily salary is twenty copper coins, but if a deal is concluded, you can get a reward of three silver coins for every ten slaves sold to the outside world."

Luo Ning was a little surprised. He didn't expect there was a sales commission here.

"I won't let you help me for free either."

He said: "I am the same as the top management of your Viper Exchange. For every ten people you bring to my Wubei tie, I will also give you a reward of three silver coins."

Luo Ning smiled and said: "Compared to the slave trade, this kind of attracting free people is much simpler. I don't need your training, and you don't need to guarantee their loyalty to me."

"Of course, I also have requirements."

Luo Ning added: "I allow those elderly people who have no labor force to join, but these people must be accompanied by healthy labor forces."

Anthony was a little moved.

Before Luo Ning even raised a price, he was already prepared to help based on the kindness of three transactions. Now that the other party also raised a price, he was even more willing to give it a try.

And maybe it would be easier to make money from Luo Ning than selling slaves.

After all, large orders like purchasing thousands of slaves at one time are very rare. Before meeting Luo Ning, Anthony had never experienced it.

"Sir, do I need to go through the slave exchange for this matter?"

"I said, I'm just talking to you about this matter."

Luo Ning did not say anything, "As for whether you want to inform your superiors or not, I don't care. You are the one I am working with."

"But don't worry, if this matter makes your superiors unhappy and kicks you out of the exchange, I will also welcome you to join. If the daily salary remains unchanged, I will allocate ten acres of land to you."

Anthony's eyes lit up. The conditions offered by Luo Ning gave him no worries at all. Even if he changes jobs, his life may not be worse than it is now.

He quickly stood up and said, "Sir, I am happy to serve you on this matter!"

"Haha, happy working together!"

Luo Ning laughed, shook hands with the other party in a friendly manner, and signed the cooperation agreement.

Anthony has no plans to leave the Viper Slave Exchange just yet. After all, Luo Ning's new order has not been completed yet. He should leave after receiving this commission.

What's more, the nature of his work allows him to complete Luo Ning's side business without abandoning his main business.

It would be great to earn two jobs easily.

Ronin left Anthony to spend the night in Swamp Town. At night, he brought Wilson, Selin and others together to discuss and finalize the policy to attract the foreign population.

Wubei collar’s ​​current land tax policy is:

For those who own their own land, they need to pay 30% as tax to the lord;

For those who rented land, serfs were required to pay 50% and free tenants were required to pay 40%.

In order to attract the population, Luo Ning discussed a new tax policy.

First of all, Luo Ning will provide five acres of land to each free citizen who joins the Wubei Territory. When families migrate in groups, each person, regardless of age, is entitled to a share of five acres of land;

Secondly, these lands distributed on a per capita basis will only collect 10% tax in the first year, and only 20% of the harvest will be collected as tax in the next four years. After five years, it will return to 35% of the free tenants.

Yes, the taxes on free tenants in Ronin's lands have also been reduced a bit.

In fact, if we really want to recuperate, the current agricultural tax is very high.

However, Luo Ning doesn't dare to adjust the current policy randomly. If he finds something wrong after he lowers his rank, problems will arise if he tries to move up again.

Just maintain this level for the time being and then make appropriate adjustments according to the situation.

However, even this kind of policy that Luo Ning thought was high, in the eyes of Anthony, Wilson and others, it was still a sign of kindness from the lord.

Because in other territories, the agricultural taxes collected by the lords will only be higher than those in Luoning's Wubei Territory, and will definitely not be lower.

Some lords even squeezed the land to the limit. After the people paid taxes and left the seeds for the second year, their rations were extremely limited. They could only eat tree roots and grass to satisfy their hunger.

According to Anthony, as long as Luo Ning promotes such a policy to the outside world, someone will definitely come to join him.

He is also very convinced that this extra income is stable.

For Luo Ning, this is a mutually beneficial matter.

After all, Wubei Territory is so big, he does not lack land, what he lacks is people.

As long as people come, everything will be easy to talk about. (End of chapter)

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