Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 202 New life in Shanlin Town

While Ronin was talking with Anthony, Wilson had already announced to the slaves the lord's benevolent policy toward them, which to a certain extent eliminated the fear and uneasiness in the slaves' hearts. ☟

At the same time, he also arranged for assistants to register the information of the slaves transported to Swamp Town, recording their names, ages, and whether they had special skills.

In the evening, when Luo Ning got the registration list, the achievement of [Conquering City and Territory] that had been silent finally took effect.

["Siege the City" achievement achieved, attribute points +200, energy essence +400]

Check the achievement interface, the new city-conquering achievement has also been updated - own two cities, reward: attribute points +400, energy essence +800

Luo Ning analyzed it and found that he only accomplished this achievement after taking over the registration list. The key lies in the change in population.

He had guessed before that only a territory with a certain population could be called a "city". Based on this situation, he estimated that the "certain number" should refer to ten thousand.

In other words, he needs to own another town with a population of 10,000 to complete the second level of the [Siege City and Territory] achievement.

"Swamp Town can be renamed Swamp City."

Luo Ning looked at the attribute panel at this moment with great satisfaction. He had 270 attribute points and 1

The gains brought by achievements in the short term are still very large.

After Luo Ning saw off Anthony early the next morning, he rode the Cloud-Taking Horse on his way back to Shanlin Town.

He stayed in Swamp Town for ten days this time. Whether it was to stabilize people's hearts or to use magic to help mine swamp fertilizers, these things could come to an end. It was time to return to Shanlin Town for a visit.

But although he left, he only took Joffrey with him.

McCann continued to stay to train the guards, while Redal led the other knights to continue the clearing mission.

It should take less than two days for the dangerous spots in Swamp Town to be swept away. By then, Ruidal will also lead his troops to leave here and go to other places to clean up.

Ronin has already made arrangements for Jenny to stay in Swamp Castle. As a water magician, she is very friendly to the environment in Swamp Town.

In addition to Jenny, Rogner and Kurami will stay here. They are responsible for maintaining law and order here, and are also responsible for the procurement of 300,000 kilograms of grain later.

Of course, the role of the Extraordinary is only to sit in charge, and the specific government affairs in the town will be presided over by Wilson and others.

Although Wilson, as the chief of political affairs, will travel to several places, Sailin's political clerks and several newly recruited assistants are already in place, and cadre teams such as village chiefs and team leaders are also being formed. There is absolutely no problem in promoting farmland fertilization, spring plowing and other agricultural tasks.

Wilson and Jenny are like civil servants and military attachés, each responsible for different areas.

Ronin did not go directly back to Hillwood Town through the forest from the outside. Instead, under the leadership of Joffrey, he passed through the swamp and stone forest from the path in the northwest corner of Swamp Town, and finally arrived at Black Earth Village.

The "savages" in Black Earth Village were shocked to see the return of their leader Joffrey. They did not expect that their leader would become a follower of the new lord.

The appearance of the former leader made the residents of Black Earth Village feel more at ease. This was also the purpose of Luo Ning bringing Joffrey here.

Luo Ning stopped in Black Earth Village for the next two days, mainly inspecting the land here.

Not surprisingly, the soil here is not only very fertile, but also the area of ​​black soil is quite large. As long as it is cultivated well, the food yield will not be low.

Black Earth Village will also be one of the main grain producing areas in Wubei Territory in the future.

After staying here for two days, Luo Ning passed through Huitu Village, Ziguo Village, and Qingzhu Village in order to inspect the progress of local spring plowing.

Although there are no knights stationed in these places, Redal left guards to maintain law and order. The leading few were Wushanbao guards who followed Luoning in the early days, so there was no problem with their loyalty.

Luo Ning also appropriately increased the salary of these people so that they can work with peace of mind. At the same time, in order to prevent this group of people from acting recklessly when they have power, he will have people supervise them.


For example, in Ziguo Village, Jenny and Horn's housekeeper is in charge of government affairs, and he will supervise and report on the status of the guards; the same is true for Qingzhu Village and Huitu Village.

Later, when Wilson arranges the role of village chief, he will be more rigorous.

After stopping and stopping along the way, Luo Ning returned to Shanlin Castle seven days later.


Before Luo Ning entered the castle, a loud and impure dog bark came from inside.

The sound was 70% like a dog barking and 30% like a wolf howling. He knew it was a black tiger without looking at him.

Sure enough, a black figure sprang out from the inner castle and rushed towards Luo Ning, rubbing against him enthusiastically like a dog.

"Black Tiger has grown so big?" Luo Ning was very surprised.

It has only been three months since he obtained the Black Tiger. This guy has grown to 60 centimeters in length, which is almost the same length and weight as the golden retriever in Luo Ning's impression.

"When you grow older, you can ride, right?"

Luo Ning wanted to see which one was faster between the adult Black Tiger and the Cloud-Stepping Horse. He estimated that the explosive power of the Black Tiger was stronger, but the endurance of the Cloud-Stepping Horse was stronger.

"That's right. I haven't seen you for a month and you still remember me as your master. You didn't disappoint me."

Luo Ning affectionately stroked Heihu's head and pinched his soft ears, which felt very good.

At the gate of the inner castle, Irene followed panting.

She was just playing with Black Tiger, but she didn't expect that Black Tiger, who had always been well-behaved, howled and rushed out. She guessed that Luo Ning was back.

Looking at it, it turned out to be true.

With a surprised smile on her face, she threw herself into Luo Ning's arms as enthusiastically as a black tiger.

"Brother Luo Ning, you are finally back!"

Luo Ning touched the dog's head with one hand and the little loli's head with the other. They both felt very good.

"Long time no see Erin, look what I brought you."

He withdrew his hand and took out many books from the space ring.

"I have carefully selected these, including knight novels, various knowledge books, and, by the way, a necklace."

As the only little lolita in the castle, Luo Ning still loved her very much. She also bought some gifts when she was shopping in Wushan City this time.

Erin took the gift with a smile, but it was a pity that there were too many books and they were too heavy to carry.

"Master, welcome back!"

The male and female servants Galen and Bella also ran out of the castle and happily helped to take the books.

The two of them were very worried these days.

He was not worried about Luo Ning's safety, but worried about whether his job would be lost.

After all, they already knew that Luo Ning had become Viscount of Wubei Territory and had taken over Swamp Town.

Your Excellency only allowed Chahar and Wilson to go over, but did not let them, the two valets, follow. Could it be possible that they had found someone else there?

Thinking of this, both of them couldn't eat much these days.

If the master never returns to Shanlin Fort, where should they go?

Fortunately, the master finally came back, and their worries were relieved.

Ronin greeted them and put on the necklace for Irene, "Is Elrond in the castle?"

"Teacher, he's out."

Eileen replied: "The wife of the head of Hahn in Jingye Village gave birth to a baby today. It is said that the situation is not good. The head of Hahn had no choice but to ask the teacher to come over and take a look."

Ronin was stunned for a moment, "Elron can still help mothers deliver babies?"

He didn't know that this light magician had this ability.

"In the past month, several families in the town have had babies born. The teacher has visited several times and once used magic to save a mother who was bleeding heavily!"

Luo Ning praised with great approval, "Let's go to the village chief's house in Haen."

The arrival of new life is a joyful thing. (End of chapter)

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