The birth process of the wife of the village chief of Hann lasted for so long that she had no strength at the end. This was a very dangerous sign. ░▒▓██▓▒░

However, Elrond used the uplifting technique immediately after arriving, giving her instant strength. In the two minutes that the uplifting technique lasted, she successfully gave birth to the child.

Although there was a small tear, the bleeding stopped quickly and he recovered under the influence of the healing technique.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Elrond. Please be sure to stay for a casual dinner tonight!"

The old mother of the village chief of Haen was already preparing dinner. She took out all the good grain and dried meat that she usually saved, and even slaughtered a live chicken.

It was hard to refuse such hospitality, so Elrond had no choice but to agree.

When Luo Ning arrived at Hahn's house, although there were babies crying in the simple courtyard, the adults were all smiling and enjoying themselves.

"Sir, you are back!"

The sharp-eyed Elrond saw Ronin outside the yard and immediately stood up to greet him.

Hahn was stunned for a moment, and then his heart beat wildly. He didn't expect that the lord had returned to his territory and deigned to come to his home.

"Lord, your arrival is truly an honor for our family!"

He quickly followed out and welcomed Luo Ning in a little awkwardly. His family members were also nervously moving stools and cleaning the table.

"It looks like everything went well. Congratulations, Village Chief Hahn!"

While congratulating, Luo Ning took the child from the old mother's hand and held her in her arms.

The child does not look very good-looking, even a little ugly.

However, children are always like this when they are born, and they will get much better when they grow up and develop.

"Have you chosen a name?"

"Not yet...not yet." Hahn shook his head.

Luo Ning smiled and said, "How about I give him a name?"


Hahn was so surprised that he was beyond recognition, "Of course!"

It is already a great honor for a child from home to be held in the arms of the lord, but he did not expect that the lord would have to name him!

If this matter were told, I'm afraid several other village chiefs would be jealous to death.

"Boy or girl?" Luo Ning asked.

"It's a boy."

Luo Ning handed the baby in his arms to Irene who was eager to hold it for a while, while he rubbed his chin and thought about the child's name seriously.

After a while, he slowly said: "It's probably in Galen."

He explained: "I have read this name in a book, Galen, an upright, brave and powerful knight. I hope your children can become such a knight and a black knight like the one described in the book. Hero of the Northern Territory!”

"Galen, Galen..."

Hahn's eyes lit up when he heard what the lord said. He seemed to see his child's handsome appearance holding a sword and riding a horse in the future.

"Thank you for the name, sir. I will teach him well and serve you in the future!"

That night, because the lord was a guest, the Hahn family cooked an unprecedented sumptuous dinner.

For this reason, they not only killed chickens and ducks, but also went to the castle to buy two live fish.

Although the craftsmanship is a bit inferior to that of the original Mrs. Bandele in the castle, they have tried their best.

In view of the host's enthusiasm, Luo Ning was not polite and ate and drank as he should.

However, he still left three gold coins behind when he left, saying he was thanking Hahn for his hospitality and meeting Galen as a gift.

This meal was simple for Shanlinbao, but it was too expensive for the Hahn family, and Luo Ning didn't want to cost them money by his arrival.

On the way back, Luo Ning said to himself: "The living environment of the residents is still not very hygienic."

Even the village chief Hahn, the structure of their house made Luo Ning frown.

Their bedrooms, kitchens, chickens and ducks are basically kept in several connected rooms, and the smell is really bad.

The dinner tables were moved to the courtyard, otherwise Luo Ning might not be able to eat.

"Gallon, when Wilson comes back, tell him to ask the residents to separate the living rooms and chicken coops when building houses."

"So that they don't have to worry about theft, the security of the territory will be further strengthened, the rule of law will keep up, and thieves will be severely punished."

New 𝟼𝟿 Book Bar→𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖

Gallen quickly wrote this down.

Elrond said from the side: "Sir, this matter shouldn't be completed smoothly in the short term, right? After all, this involves the family environment of each territorial citizen, and they don't have that much time to transform it."

"Of course, it's a long process."

Luo Ning nodded and said: "This is all the matter of the people themselves. The Lord's Mansion only advocates and suggests and allows them to expand and repair their houses free of charge."

Living hygiene may seem like a small problem, but its impact is significant.

With a good living environment, people will be healthier and children will grow better.

"Elrond, I didn't expect you to deliver babies."

Luo Ning changed the subject, "When did you have this ability?"

Elrond was a little embarrassed, "My lord, you misunderstood. I only used the uplifting technique to help them give birth, and then used the healing technique to avoid the unexpected situation of bleeding."

"This is also amazing."

Luo Ning said with a smile, being able to reduce the risk of childbirth is not something that everyone can do in this era.

It's a pity that there is only one light magician like Elrond. If there are too many pregnant women, the other party will be too busy, and it is destined to be unable to assist in large-scale births.

The four of them walked and communicated.

When Luo Ning learned that there were six more newborns in Shanlin Town in the past month, he decided to implement a fertility policy in Wubei Territory. After all, fertility is also one of the ways of population growth.

After some discussions with Elrond, Ronin initially determined two policies.

The first is for pregnant women: During pregnancy and within three months after giving birth, pregnant women are exempted from labor, and pregnant women are prohibited from participating in heavy physical labor.

For those who force pregnant women to participate in heavy physical labor, resulting in miscarriage or even death of pregnant women, varying degrees of caning will be given depending on the situation.

Secondly, if you successfully give birth to a baby, you can cut down ten trees for free and build a house of about ten square meters. At the same time, in the next three years, you can apply for a 100 kilograms of grain reward from the lord's mansion as a child every year.

Both of these policies are substantive and can bring real benefits to producing families.

Luo Ning believes that with their promulgation, they will definitely bring about a good change in the fertility of Wubei Territory.

"Your Excellency has always been friendly to the people in your territory."

Elrond stroked the gray-white beard that he had grown out of nowhere, "May the light always shine on you and the residents of the Northern Territory."

Luo Ning hadn't heard the other party's words like this for a long time, and couldn't help but smile for a moment.

He looked at Elrond's current state of practice. Through his own practice, Elrond had already advanced to the level of a senior magician 33/400.

Although the speed is not slow, it may still take three years to break through and become a great magician through one's own efforts.

Back in the castle, Elrond sent the spell scroll he made to Ronin's study.

"Sir, the Warcraft leather I purchased last time has been finished. This time, the success rate has been greatly improved. I failed five times in total and ended up with fifty finished products."

Luo Ning looked at the piles of spell scrolls in front of him and nodded happily.

If he sells all fifty spell scrolls, he will earn another 850 gold coins.

Although there is only 355 gold coins after excluding the 4 profits spent on purchasing materials, this is just more than a month's profit.

If it were changed to one year, Wubei Territory would have a net income of more than two thousand gold coins by selling healing spell scrolls.

Elrond is really a money-maker.

"Leave twenty spell scrolls and sell all the remaining thirty."

Luo Ning said, putting these spell scrolls into the space ring.

This is strategic material, and Wubei Territory needs to reserve it.

When necessary, Luo Ning can also distribute these things as rewards to his knights.

"Elrond, I can see your contribution to the territory, and your abilities are also very important to the Wubei Territory!"

Luo Ning looked at the light magician and said, "So this time, I decided to improve your strength." (End of Chapter)

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