Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 204 The Great Physician of Wubei Territory

Although the personal combat power of light attribute magicians is limited, they are still very useful to a territory. ׺°”˜`””˜`”°º×

Take Elrond for example. He can not only bring wealth to Ronin, but also convey the lord's kindness and stability to the people. He can also play a different role in medical treatment and combat assistance.

And in addition to these, Luo Ning also hopes that the other party can cure Lu Lansi's disease in the future and free the other party from the erosion of the Soul-Eating Surge.

If Rydal and McCann are regarded as hard power, then Elrond is soft power.

Therefore, spending energy essence on Elrond is not a waste.

With the consumption of 3, Elrond's level was directly upgraded from senior magician to level 4 great magician (0/1200), and Luo Ning now still has 1343 points of energy essence in his hand.

Now that he decided to raise Elrond's level, he did not hesitate and continued to invest 1,200 points, making the other party directly become the fifth-level chief magician.

The surge in mental power caused the surge of light elements in the space around Elrond's body, making the other person look like a golden Buddha statue, looking very solemn.

Ronin did not disturb Elrond, who had his eyes closed to feel the changes. He glanced at the latter's level progress.

[Elron Faol]: Chief Magician Light (0/2000) +

It takes 2,000 energy points to break through from a chief magician to a sixth-level magician. This consumption is astonishing!

If it were purely based on monthly sign-in accumulation, it would take a year and a half to help Elrond advance to another level.

Thinking about it later, from a mage to a great mage, and then to an eighth-level mage, the energy essence required must be an astonishing amount.

Luo Ning couldn't help but frowned.

Miroslav said that only by becoming an eighth-level mage can one master the light attribute magic to clear the soul-eating surge.

According to Rulans' self-report, he can live for seven or eight years under normal circumstances.

If you only rely on monthly sign-ins to obtain energy essence, can Elrond be promoted to an eighth-level mage in seven or eight years?

Luo Ning didn't know, because he couldn't determine the amount of energy and essence that would be consumed in later levels.

"It seems that the energy essence behind needs to be used with caution."

The priority of improving Elrond's level must be the highest. After all, it is related to Rulans' life. Ronin does not want this old man to die due to the erosion of the Soul-Eating Surge.

However, Wubei Territory also needs a general who can take charge of his own role, and it is also necessary to improve Redal's ability.

Between McCann, Elrond and Redal, Ronin may be able to upgrade Redal's level to gold level first, and then upgrade Elrond.

As for McCann, as Luo Ning's own strength improves, the requirements for guards gradually decrease, and McCann's improvement can be slowed down.

While he was thinking, Elrond slowly opened his eyes, his blue eyes shining brightly.

"How is it?" Luo Ning came back to his senses.

Elrond bowed deeply to Ronin to express his gratitude, "This feels great, my lord!"

He went on to elaborate: "I have mastered four magic spells this time, namely Purification, Divine Judgment, Aurora Shadow, and Burnout Aura."


Luo Ning's eyes lit up. Will this magic relieve Rulans's symptoms and extend his life?

In the following introduction, Luo Ning had a general understanding of these four kinds of magic.

The purification technique can only dispel dark energy and some negative effects, and may have limited effect on the Soul-Eating Surge.

However, Luo Ning was still prepared to find an opportunity to take Elrond to Wushan Castle to give it a try.

Holy Judgment, this is an offensive light attribute magic that can release strong light energy to cause damage to the enemy.

Although it is a little less powerful than the third-level fire magic Pyroblast, it is much stronger than the second-level magic punishment that Elrond has newly mastered. This makes up for Elrond's weakness in attack to a certain extent.

As for Aurora Shadow and Burnout Aura, these two magics are auxiliary spells.

The former enhances speed and is slightly more effective than the third-level wind attribute magic speed;

The latter is a debilitating magic that can make the enemy feel frustrated and reduce their willpower, which sounds a bit useless.

I don’t know what the effect will be if you add the Energizing Technique to your own side and the Burnout Aura to your opponent’s side during a group battle?

"Sir, in addition to magic, I have also awakened some useful memories."


"Oh? Tell me." Luo Ning was a little curious.

Rydal and McCann also awakened their memories when they were promoted, but they were all about military training and combat.

"After becoming the chief magician, I have a lot more knowledge about herbalism and magic potions in my mind. Take magic potions as an example. I can use various materials on Warcraft and some herbs to make magic potions, such as hemostatic potions. , recovery potions, burst potions, etc.”

Luo Ning's eyes lit up.

Herbalism and magic potion, these two names sound very scary.

As far as Luo Ning knew, the treatment methods in this world were simple and crude.

Generally speaking, you have to deal with minor illnesses on your own. For serious illnesses, doctors will use bloodletting, enemas, induce vomiting, and take herbal medicines and animal products to treat serious illnesses.

The latter two methods are barely acceptable, but the first three methods are simply torture for the patient.

My predecessor was not in good health. I went to the doctor and said it was because I was not eating well, so I induced vomiting many times...

"The Silva Magic Energy Merchant Guild also sells magic potions, but they are not cheap."

The production of Elrond's awakening magic potion this time has brought new areas of development to the Wubei Territory.

"What about Herbology?"

Luo Ning asked: "What is there in this regard?"

Elrond thought for a while and said: "There is a lot of knowledge about medicinal materials that can assist in making magic potions. In addition, there are also treatment plans for ordinary people's headaches, coughs and other diseases."

Bang bang bang, Luo Ning couldn't help but applaud.

"Okay, this is really a great happy event for Wubei Territory!"

Ronin said: "Elrond, I am going to reduce the production of healing spell scrolls. From now on, you will focus on herbalism and magic potions!"

The Northern Territory does not yet have a medical system. Since Elrond has the ability, he will make up for the shortcomings in this area.

"I will increase your daily salary to three gold coins per day corresponding to the chief magician, and at the same time give you an additional one hundred gold coins as early research expenses."

The research of magic potions is generally very expensive.

Although Elrond has a memory bonus and is not starting from scratch, there will inevitably be failures during the production process, so it is natural to give the other party a sum of funds to start.

Of course, the finished products will still be sold as Luo Ning, and the money earned will naturally fall into Wu Beiling's account.

"Thank you for your trust and support, sir!"

Elrond said gratefully, "Sir, I would like to recruit two assistants in Wubei Territory, who can help me collect and organize medicinal materials and handle some trivial matters."

"Okay, you can take care of these things yourself."

Naturally, Luo Ning would not refuse, "In addition, you can teach those herbal medicines that are useful to ordinary people to people you trust, depending on the situation."

"I understand."

Elrond does not mind using his knowledge to help Wubei Territory. This is his duty and obligation.

"Irene is now learning to make spell scrolls with me, and I will teach her the knowledge about magic potions."

He smiled and praised: "Although this child is occasionally naughty, she still learns things very quickly. When she becomes a senior magician in the future, she can also try to make magic potions."

"Okay, Irene's qualifications are good, we can't let them go to waste."

Ronin was still thinking about finding a teacher for Eileen, but now it seems that there is no need. Elrond is very suitable.

Although one has a light attribute and the other has a water attribute, and the types of magic they design are different, their theoretical knowledge and magic casting principles are all interoperable.

Not to mention that after Elrond's level up, his knowledge and insights in all aspects have been enhanced, so it's perfect for him to teach Irene.

In addition, after the magic potion is successfully made, it is very valuable whether it is sold or kept in Wubei Territory for your own use.

In this case, one more person with knowledge in this area can give Wubei Ling more output.

Luo Ning thought for a while and then said: "Jenny is said to have signs of breaking through and becoming a high-level magician. If you need help later, you can ask her to assist you."

Elrond nodded. When he was in the Black Collar Tribe, he and Jenny had exchanges in magic, and they were considered acquaintances.

"The magician is naturally interested in these things, and she should be very willing to learn them." (End of this chapter)

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