The Bolt Thieves appeared after the Black and Gold Brotherhood.

Although one of them is located on the southwest side of Wushan Ridge and the other is located on the southeast side of Wushan Ridge, the nature of the two organizations and what they do are very similar——

Attack the noble castles, occupy the noble territories, and separate one side.

Is it because Wushanbao is unable to kill them?

the answer is negative.

In the early days, a few knights from the Wushan Territory and other noble teams were able to defeat them, but in just one or two years, they sprung up again like mushrooms after rain.

After several attempts, maybe Wushanbao was tired, or maybe Wiggins' repeated poor command had accumulated a lot of resentment among his subordinates. Over time, the intensity of the crusade weakened.

Nowadays, the border seems to be playing a game of push and push. You call here today, and I will fight back tomorrow.

In addition to causing the death of a large number of soldiers, this situation also led to frequent changes in the lords of the two directions, so that the border of the Wushan Territory was always in a state of turmoil.

When something like this happens in the marquis territory, several nobles, including the king, naturally know about it.

Legally speaking, the kingdom has the responsibility to protect the minor nobles below, but that is only when the status of the nobles is endangered, such as when the Polish bandits threatened Ushanbao.

Like the small fight at the border now, apart from expressing concern, the Alduin royal family would not send troops to support. For them, there is nothing wrong with sometimes having a fight with the nobles below to use up their own strength.

What's more, from the beginning to the end of this matter, Wushanbao never sent a request for support to the royal family or other nobles, so there was no need for them to worry.

Luo Ning pondered for a while, wondering whether the actions of the Polite Thieves Group were routine or if there was someone behind them.

But no matter what the situation is, the Polite Bandits cannot threaten Ushanbao. After all, the Fifth Knights of Ushanbao are stationed there.

They want to break through the defense line of the Fifth Knights and penetrate deep into the Wushan Territory, but they probably don't have the strength yet.

"Rogner, do you have any news about Count Orson when you go out this time?" Ronin asked.

At the beginning of the year, Orson returned to his territory, Black Python City, after being deposed by Lulans. Luo Ning did not pay much attention to him after returning to Wubei Territory.

"I heard some news."

Rogner may hate Orson as much as Marvin, so when he mentioned the latter, he unconsciously put a smile on his face.

"It is said that after Orson returned to Black Python City, he sought medical treatment and the help of powerful magicians, hoping to obtain magic potions or other methods to relieve the injuries in his body. He even asked Milo from Wushan Town His Excellency Slav sent an invitation, but it was a pity that it was rejected."

Miroslav is the seventh-level great mage who makes magic potions for Rulans, the honorary viscount of the kingdom, the honorary earl of Oshan Territory, and the manager of the Silva Magic Chamber of Commerce in Oshan Territory.

Although such a person is not a noble with a territory, he has extraordinary energy. He is naturally qualified to refuse the invitation of Count Orson without worrying about the consequences.

Luo Ning chuckled, "Orson also thinks too much. If this injury could be cured so easily, my grandfather wouldn't have been troubled for so many years and couldn't get rid of it."

Rulans's strength, connections, and period of fame are all much better than Orson's, but he hasn't found a solution. Where can Orson go for help?

Moreover, Miroslav, who was relieving Rulans's injury, had already rejected Orson's invitation for the sake of the Marquis, which probably left the latter with no chance of relieving his injury.

"Where's Barrington? How did he react?"

Barrington, Orson's son, Diane's brother, the golden knight of the earldom.

"It is said that he was very angry and even said that he wanted to ask the Marquis for an explanation. But later, Orson came forward and said that the failure of the discussion had nothing to do with the Marquis."

Barrington probably only said that he wanted to ask Rulans for an explanation, but in fact he probably didn't dare to come to Wushanpu.

The forty-four-year-old Golden Knight, Barrington is incredibly talented, and he doesn't want to be wasted like his father.

"Now that all the affairs of Black Python City have probably been handed over to Barrington, Orson may have to rest like the Marquis."

Rogner sighed a little. After the other party became a shooting star, he originally wanted to be high-profile, but he never expected that it would end like this, right?

"Is there any news about the Black Gold Brotherhood?" Luo Ning asked.

"Although we did not defeat the Black and Gold Brotherhood last year, we did regain several territories and caused heavy losses to the other party. Even if they want to regain those territories, they need to prepare enough food and train enough soldiers and horses."

Having said this, he shook his head unconsciously. He felt that the Black and Gold Brotherhood would be dormant for a year or two.

"If you want to know, sir, I will keep an eye on their information for you the next time I go out."

Luo Ning nodded, "Then it's up to you."

He seemed to regard Rogner as an intelligence officer.

In his opinion, no matter how strong the Black Gold Brotherhood is, it cannot consume the Wushan Territory. There should be behind-the-scenes supporters behind this organization.

Now that there are supporters, there is still a possibility of a comeback in a short period of time.

However, if the Black Gold Brotherhood also takes action, Wushanbao will face a two-front battle.

Luo Ning, who was at the northernmost point of the Wushan Territory, naturally wouldn't worry about the war spreading to the Wubei Territory, but he still had to make preparations, such as asking Redal and McCann to train more soldiers.

A standard viscount usually has four knight squads, but Luo Ning is currently short of two.

"What is the quality of the more than 500 people brought back this time?" he asked.

"It's barely okay. They've traveled a long distance and now they're all tired."

Rogner changed the topic, "But there is an intermediate wandering knight named 'Cudore' in the team that came this time. It is said that he originally wanted to follow Baron Kona, but the latter's financial resources and territory management were in trouble. I can only give up."

"Anthony happened to be recruiting freedmen there at that time, so he followed him to Hillwood Town."

Although the population of Wubei Territory now exceeds 16,000, the purchased slaves and the two groups of free people from outside are not extraordinary.

Now that we can attract wandering knights to join us, it sounds pretty good.

"Perhaps I can tell Anthony that in addition to recruiting ordinary people, he can also extend invitations to extraordinary beings."

Luo Ning thought so.

While the two were discussing, there were rapid footsteps outside, followed by a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Chahar hurriedly opened the door and entered, "Sir, Juwitt sent someone to report that Sim was beaten."


Luo Ning frowned: "What's going on?"

"It was said that some newcomers were making trouble, and Zwitt and Sim went to stop them. However, the other party had a bad temper and was stronger than the two of them."

Ronin glanced at Rogerna, who was also a little embarrassed.

Without asking, they guessed the identity of the attacker.

Although Jewett and Sim are low in strength, they can be considered old members. Under normal circumstances, only Redal and McCann can teach them lessons, but most of the time it is based on training and guidance.

There is really no one who deliberately attacked two people and injured one of them.

"Come on, let's go take a look."

With nothing to do, Luo Ning was able to meet this group of newcomers. (End of chapter)

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