Lord: Taken away from inheritance at the beginning

Chapter 227 Wandering Knight Kudorei

Wilson has been the political affairs officer of Shanlin Town since he became the political affairs chief of Wubei Territory today.

Although it didn't last long, during this period he helped resolve disputes ranging from disputes between residents to the loss of a certain family's poultry.

Although some government affairs were not handled very well, they still managed to meet the Lord's requirements.

During his tenure as a political officer, he was considered a prominent figure in Wubei.

But he has never been as passive as he is today.

The new group of freedmen actually protested against his arrangement. Not only did they beat his assistant, but even Sim and Jewett, who came to maintain order, were implicated.

Now facing this protest situation, they can only invite the lord to come over.

Thanks to the blessings of the Seven Gods, the Lord happened to return to Shanlin Town today. Otherwise, he would not have known how to deal with the situation in front of him.

Luo Ning frowned and was led by the guards to the Western Plaza.

He remembered that when he first came to Shanlin Town, he held a meeting with the residents here. At that time, this place was a pasture.

But later, as McCann and Rydal began to train the guards, the place was transformed into a square.

It is here that Wilson distributes and arranges the people who have defected to Shanlin Town.

At this moment, the crowd formed a circle with Wilson, Sim and Jewitt in the middle. Outside the circle, there were residents of Hillwood Town standing on tiptoes, looking at and pointing.

After they saw Luo Ning coming, they all bowed and saluted, and they were also looking forward to how the lord would handle this matter.

At this time, the crowd in the circle also noticed Luo Ning and subconsciously moved out of the way. When their eyes met the lord, they unconsciously dodged.

"Sir, you are finally here!"

Wilson ran up with a look of remorse on his face: "I'm sorry to trouble you to come here in person because of this matter!"

"what happened?"

Ronin frowned and slowly walked into the crowd. Only then did he see Sim, who was beaten and lying on the ground, and Jewitt, who had a bruised nose and face.

In addition, there was another person lying on the ground covered in blood, and two people next to him were blocking the wounds on their arms with linen cloth.

"I have met the Viscount!"

The middle-aged knight on the opposite side gave Luo Ning a knighthood. If I guessed correctly, this man was the wandering knight named Kudorei.

Ronin glanced at each other, then turned and walked towards Jewett and Sim.

"How does it feel to be beaten on your own turf?"

Zhuweite reluctantly stood up, but Sim's leg was injured and he could not stand. The expressions on their faces were pain and more self-blame. It was so embarrassing and it also brought shame to the lord.

"Remember this feeling and don't let yourself taste it again."

As he spoke, he took out a healing spell scroll and used it for Wilson's assistant to help the other party stop the bleeding.

On the other side, Rognar was asking sternly: "Kudore, what are you doing!"

He thought it was just a minor friction, but he didn't expect the scene to be so bloody.

Along the way, he led this group of people to Shanlin Town, but he didn't realize that Cooledo was a reckless person. Why did he cause such a big incident so soon after arriving in the territory?

"Mr. Rogner, my friends and I just put forward some opinions to them. Instead of paying attention, they said we were making trouble."

Kudorei spread his hands and said helplessly: "The man in the argument attacked me, so I had to fight back. The two knights behind came over and attacked me without asking the reason, so I had no choice but to fight back." fight back."

"You fart!"

"It's clear that you were the first to curse and take action, and now you've come back to bite us!"

Wilson was shaking with anger. It was his assistant who was framed by the other party.

If he can't stand up for his subordinates in this matter, how can he be the head of government affairs in the future?

"Everyone here can testify that it was your people who made the move first!"

Kudorei was very innocent, "We admired Lord Ronin, so we traveled across mountains and rivers from Baron Kona, but we didn't expect to be treated like this when we first arrived here!"

"If word of your behavior spreads, it will damage the face of Viscount Wubei Territory! Even if people outside want to join Wubei Territory, they will hesitate because of you!"


Wilson has never seen this battle. Unfortunately, he is just an ordinary person and has no ability to compete with the opponent. Otherwise, he would have rushed up to fight with the opponent.

"Kudore, that's enough!" Rognar shouted coldly.

He did not have a close relationship with this wandering knight. To be honest, they were not even ordinary friends.

But when he was asked by Luo Ning just now, his answer seemed to be recommending this knight.

He had no intention of recommending him.

And no matter what the truth of this matter is, it is wrong for professional knights to attack ordinary people, and the other party is an official under the lord.

He couldn't help but look at Luo Ning, who patted the injured assistant's shoulder and said, "Ask Wilson for a few days off to rest."

"Thank you, sir!" the political assistant responded weakly.

Luo Ning then stood up and started to deal with the matter.

"Wilson, tell me what's going on."

Wilson held back his anger and said, "Sir, according to your instructions, we will prepare five acres of land for each freedman who joins the Wushan Territory, but these guys actually want ten acres. In addition, they also advocate living in into larger homes and extend the years of low taxes.”

"Jack rejected his unreasonable demands, but he didn't expect him to be so arrogant that he directly beat people!"

Two political assistants on the side agreed and testified for their leader.

"My lord, this is a false accusation!"

Kudorei argued vigorously.

"How dare I, a newcomer, dare to do such a thing? If you don't believe it, you can ask other people here. I believe they will testify for me that he is lying!"

Luo Ning looked at someone in the crowd casually, "Really?"

"Yes...yes, sir!"

Luo Ning looked around at the others. Most of them lowered their heads silently and did not speak, but there were also a small number of people who affirmed Kudorei's words.

In fact, Luo Ning had already made up his mind whether it was true or false.

Wilson basically followed his orders strictly and was not very strong in character. He did not dare to tell such a big lie to Ronin.

On the other hand, Kudorei and the others seemed to be well united.

I am afraid that after Anthony summoned them and before Rogner took them back, Kudore had discussed with this group of people to gain more benefits for himself in the form of gathering a crowd.

Moreover, this group of free people were very courageous, and they actually dared to cooperate.

He didn't understand, where did the other party get the courage and courage to think that he could force a lord to make concessions in this way?

Is your brain broken?

Luo Ning looked directly at Kudorei for the first time, "In the Wubei Territory, whether it is a knight or a magician, they are not allowed to attack ordinary people without justifiable reasons."

"Sir, please believe that I was forced to do so!"

Luo Ning glanced at Juwitt and Sim who were standing aside, and changed the subject: "Are you stronger than my subordinates?"

Kudorei's face remained calm, but his heart was filled with joy.

It is said that this lord is very generous and his territory is extremely short of people.

When Anthony was promoting it, he said that as long as individuals come to Wubei Territory, the viscounts here will treat them with courtesy and let them live a good life.

So he feels that the risk of doing this kind of thing is very small. Once he succeeds, so many people will give you a little food or money every year in exchange for his help;

To say the least, if they failed, the extremely short-staffed Lord Wubei would not really do anything to them, not to mention he was still an intermediate knight.

The Wubei Territory was short of people, and it was even more short of professional knights.

"Sir, I have reached the peak of the intermediate level and may soon become a high-level knight."

He knelt down on one knee and said, "I, Kudorei, am willing to follow you, sir, and I will be at your disposal from now on!"

The freedmen who came with Kudorei also showed relaxed expressions.

If Kudorei gains a high status in the Wubei Territory, then they will have support in the Wubei Territory, a place they are unfamiliar with, and will not be bullied by the "locals" at will.

"Kudore, pull out your sword and let me see your strength."

Luo Ning walked to Rogner's side and slowly pulled out the long sword from the other man's waist.

"If you can catch my move, the position of the guard officer of Wubei Territory will be yours, with a daily reward of 1,100 copper coins."

Rogner sighed. Although Luo Ning looked pleasant, he knew that this lord might not be in a good mood.

However, Wilson and others were a little anxious. Why is the Lord like this?

Not only not punishing the other party, but also letting the other party serve as a bodyguard?

Moreover, isn’t the guard officer Lord McCann? What qualifications does this guy have to compare with Lord McCann?

Kudorei was very excited. His whole heart was trembling when he heard such a high daily salary.

It was just one move, and he had to catch it even if he was injured!

He quickly stood up and drew out the long sword on his waist: "Sir, I'm on!"

Luo Ning waved Rogner's long sword, which was much lighter than his Flowing Flame Sword, "Come on!"


Kudorei rushed forward with a lunge, stabbing Ronin with the long sword in his hand.

"There are too many flaws. Is this your strength?"

Luo Ning stepped sideways, the cold sword light flashed past, and a big head flew up.

"It's so disappointing." (End of chapter)

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